Sandor and the Assassin

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Warnings: Language. Mere suggestion of smut. Death and blood.

Sandor eyed Cersei's new protector with suspicion; he, like everyone else knew of the woman's reputation. Taken at birth by an ancient order, trained to kill from the day she could swing a sword, she could take a life as easy as breathing. Sandor had no idea how Cersei had been able to acquire her services; the assassins were known to have only one master and that was the order, but he knew how persuasive the Queen regent could be and how much gold talked, even to a group such as the order.

The woman reputation proceeded her throughout the Seven Kingdoms, it wasn't known how many she had killed, and the stories that were circling King's Landing varied depending on who you were talking to. It also wasn't known what the woman under the screaming skull helmet looked like, as anyone that might possibly have seen her features was probably slaughtered afterwards. Rumours had it that the face underneath the mask was horribly disfigured, scarred and terrifying to see; but Sandor knew that rumours were one thing, and the truth was usually completely different.

As Sandor looked on, it was more than obvious that Cersei was happy with the warrior that stood rigidly behind her. If Cersei's own reputation wasn't fearsome enough, now with the assassin by her side, everyone now knew not to mess with the Queen.

Sandor had first seen the assassin not by the Queen's side but in the practice ring; he'd watched on silently as she fought some of the strongest and most skilled men that the Kings guard had to offer. Her every movement was perfect, so well ingrained that it was as natural as breathing; she looked as though she was dancing on air as she moved, her weapon an extension of her arm, as much a part of her as her own limb. He couldn't help but find himself smiling as each man fell to their knees, blood flowing from their broken noses, others on their back's unconscious. He had walked down to the ring as the practice had finished noting that the woman was breathing evenly and steady, after such a fight any normal person would be breathing heavily, trying to calm their burning muscles; even he himself would have been gasping for breath, but here was this smaller woman looking as though she had done nothing more strenuous than go for a walk in the gardens.

Leaning against the wall he tried to get her attention.

"Ya fight well for a woman." Sandor said, his lips forming into a smirk.

She said nothing, just continuing to wipe blood and sweat from her hands and the handle of the sword. Sandor beginning to grow irritated by the woman ignoring him.

"Oi, don't ya ignore me woman." Sandor said angrily.

The woman simply sighed, throwing the bloody cloth onto the table as she walked past Sandor and exited the ring, pushing into him as she passed.

Sandor turned around and grabbed the woman by the wrist, feeling her muscles tense under his grip. "Who the fuck do ya think ya are woman? Ya think ya betta than me? Ya as much of a dog as I am." He grunted, gripping onto her tighter.

The woman spun around, and all Sandor could see was a pair of perfect vivid eyes staring out from behind the blackness of her mask, he felt himself lost momentarily, his grip around her wrist loosening.

"DON'T. YOU. EVER. TOUCH. ME. AGAIN." She almost roared, as she tore her arm away from his hand.

Recovering himself, Sandor reached down to his sword only to find a blade pointed right at his throat. "If you even think about drawing your blade on me again, I will take great delight in making the left side of your face as pretty as your right." The woman said, digging the blade further into his fresh.

"STOP!" The sound of the voice causing both the warriors to look up. The Queen's eyes angrily looked down at the pair.

"Your duties are to protect my son and myself, not stand out here like two drunken commoners threatening to kill one another." Cersei yelled.

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