You love her. Don't you? - Part 3 - Theon x Reader

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The third, and final part of this imagine. I hope that you enjoy 😊🦑 

(Y/n) woke. The bright rays of the new day sun illuminating her room. With a heavy groan she buried her head under the thick blankets and furs that covered her bed. She had tried to stay awake as long as she possibly could. Tried to stop the coming morning. But eventually she had dropped, exhausted, onto her bed. Her eyes unable to remain open a moment longer.

Maybe if she stayed in her bed, hidden under her bedding, (Y/n) could avoid what was to come. Maybe the gods would look down on her and not allow the mark to appear. But (Y/n) knew that no matter what she did, what she wished, soon her mother and Sansa would come to her room and pull her from her bed. That they would take her to breakfast with the rest of the family, where she would have to pretend that she is looking forward to the evening's festivities. That her mother will spend all day trying to talk her into wearing a dress that she didn't want to wear. And then in the middle of the celebrations, when (Y/n) should be at her happiest, the mark that will ruin her life, will materialise. (Y/n) also knew that it didn't matter if a soul mark didn't appear on her wrist or not. It would still just mean that Theon was someone else's soulmate.

"Good morning." A cheery voice suddenly called out. (Y/n) groaning as she felt the side of her bed dip. Sansa bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Go away." (Y/n)'s mumbled voice replied from under the pile of furs. Sansa doing her best to pull them from her older sister's head.

"Sansa. I'm not coming out. Go away. Leave me alone." (Y/n) continued, as she pulled back her bedding. Crawling into a small ball and hoping the world would just disappear.

"But (Y/n). Its your name day. Your soulmate day. You should be happy." Sansa told her. Her younger sisters' jovial tone, already beginning to get on (Y/n)'s last frayed nerve.

"I don't care. And I'm not." (Y/n) called out, despite knowing that she was beginning to sound like a petulant child.

"(Y/n)." Her mother's voice came. (Y/n) realizing that she might have been able to argue with Sansa, but there was definitely nothing that she could say to her mother. (Y/n) reluctantly poking her head out from under the furs as Catelyn took a seat on the bed next to Sansa.

"I know how you feel, my sweet. I know that it is a big thing to face. But you can't hide from your destiny. I am sure that no matter what mark appears on your skin this evening, it will be for the best. And whoever your soulmate is, they will make you happy." Catelyn said softly, as she brushed (Y/n)'s hair way from her face.

Catelyn knew that her daughter and Theon loved one another. Even when the two young people didn't know it themselves, Catelyn had known that when this day came, that both (Y/n), and Theon's lives could be turned into turmoil. Yet she also knew that there was nothing that she could do about it. Even though she would give everything she had to ensure her daughters happiness. The decision of soulmate, was made by the gods.

"Why don't you get dressed? Your father and the rest of us will be waiting at the breakfast table. You have my word that we will make this the best day we possibly can." Catelyn tried to reassure, as she pulled (Y/n) into an embrace. (Y/n) doing her best not to cry.

"Don't be long." Catelyn added, before she and Sansa left the room. (Y/n) reluctantly dragging herself from her bed.


Theon dropped into his chair at the table, doing his best to ignore how happy the members of the family were. He had been up all night praying that the sun would not rise. Praying that the new day would never come. But as the sun began to appear over the horizon, the Ironborn had found himself cursing at the Drowned God. Cursing him for the sun, for ever allowing him to come to Winterfell. And for the soul mark that would appear on (Y/n)'s wrist.

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