The Hood - Part 2 - Jaime x Reader

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Robert, Tywin and Jaime all looked on as Gregor Perk complained about his altercation with The Hood and their men, and all three of them were trying their best not to laugh. Everyone had heard of the merchants unfortunate, and highly embarrassing return to the city, about how Gregor had come stumbling back into Kings Landing with his tail stuck firmly between his legs, and his other, not so impressive appendage out for everyone to see; but as Gregor continued to snivel and whine about how something should be done, about how a scourge such as The Hood should not be allowed to live, and how the fact that this outlaw was hiding in the King's own wood meant that Robert should make it his business to hunt the bandit down, Robert decided that he could take the upstart merchants complaints no longer.

"ENOUGH!" Robert bellowed, looking down at Gregor who was shocked by the monarch's sudden outburst.

"I will not be told by you what I should or should not be doing in my own kingdom, last time I knew, I was the King of the Iron Throne, not you." Robert said, rising from his throne and walking down the stairs to where Gregor had now dropped to his knees.

"Forgive me Sire, I did not mean to say anything out of turn, I have merely come to beseech you for your help in this matter." Gregor grovelled, as Robert circled the kneeling man.

"You have come for revenge, nothing more; this Hood made a fool of you and you want to see their head on a spike so that you can claim back some of your pitiful excuse of a manhood." Robert mussed, as he came to a stop, standing in front of Gregor.

"But Kingswood is mine, and I cannot be seen to do nothing, and even though the last men I sent to flush out this bandit came back empty handed this time I will send someone that may actually get the job done." Robert told the merchant as he made his way back up the steps to sit on the Iron Throne.

"Ser Jaime, you will take a contingent of bannermen into Kingswood and clear out this bandit and their men, and I want The Hood brought before me to answer for their crimes." Robert said, turning to look at Jaime, who nodded graciously and left the Great Hall, his men following behind him.

"If anyone can hunt down this outlaw, then it is a Lion." Robert chuckled, looking over at Tywin, who watched his son leave the room, hoping that for once, Jaime would give him something to be proud of.


"HOOD!" Marak shouted out as he rushed into the clearing where the outlaw sat talking to some of their men.

"Bannermen are on their way from the city." The big man said, as The Hood got to their feet pulling the guise back over their head to conceal their features.

"Is the Kingslayer at their head?" The Hood asked, as the outlaw and the assembled men sprung to their feet, grabbing their weapons and making their way to an area that they had used in the past for ambushes.

"Aye and dressed in his finest armour; looks like he means business." Marak told the outlaw, as the other men scurried around the pair.

"Good, that is just what I wanted. Follow the plan as outlined, Marak; I will lead the Golden Lion away from the main group, and you and the others take care of the bannermen. I don't want any harmed if you can help it, but let them know that we mean business, let them know that Kingswood is ours and we will not surrender it to anyone." The Hood instructed, as their men climbed into the trees, readying the traps that they had set up.

"Today is a good day to humiliate a lion." The Hood chuckled to themselves as they too concealed themselves in the vast canopy of the great wood.


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