The New Attraction - Sandor x Tyrion x Reader

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So, this is sort of a different AU. I'm basing this on a freak show in the 1920s, I watched American Horror Story, Freak Show, again and was inspired. I don't think anyone I write about in this is a freak, or anyone else for that matter. I thought that Tyrion and Sandor would be the best options for what I was going for so that is why I am using them. I hope you enjoy.

Banners around the town advertised the arrival of the Freak Show, it was the first time that the show had come to this part of the country and the owner of show, Hector Salazar, had high hopes for a long and profitable run. His company was one of the biggest freak shows in the Midwest and he did his best to acquire only the best freaks he could from throughout the country.

As the crew set up the tents there was a buzz of expectation, a larger town meant that they would be able to stay in one place for a little longer; travelling could take it out of some of the company, and a chance to settle for a few months would be something gratefully received by all.

"Hey Sandor! Have you seen Hector?"

Sandor stopped hammering the tent pegs into the ground and turned around to find Tyrion walking towards him with his arms full of paperwork. Sandor couldn't help but let out an amused huff as his small friend tried to make sense of Hectors unusual system of bookkeeping.

Sandor was the company's resident strong man, he could be exceptionally gruff and grumpy but once anyone got to know the strong man with the scared face they found that underneath the bravado was a kind man that would do anything for his friends, and one of those friends was Tyrion.

Tyrion was one of the company's dwarfs, most of the others called him the imp due to his mischievous nature, he was well known for consuming his own body weight in alcohol, coarse talk, and if there was ever a cat house in town everyone knew where they could find him; but he was intelligent, more intelligent than anyone else in the company, so Hector used him to keep control of the books, admin, or anything else that came up.

"Ya should get ya head outta Hector's paperwork sometimes and take notice of what's goin on around ya Tyrion. Hector left the other day to go and look at a freak from another show, he said he has high hopes for this un if he can get em. He should be back with us later today." Sandor said, as he swung the large mallet over his shoulder.

"What freak? Why didn't I know about this?" Tyrion asked indignantly as he fumbled with his paperwork.

Sandor let out a low chuckle. "Hector told ya all about it the other week Tyrion, I think all that cat house pussy is rotting ya brain pal. Hector said they call her the Dragon Lady, she's some kinda firebreather or something, supposed to be a big draw for the other show."

Sandor couldn't help but see the twinkle in his friend's eyes, Tyrion was infamous for making a play for any new female that joined the troupe, using his wit and charm to endear himself to the fairer sex.

"Well, we could always use another lovely lady around here, and we've never had a firebreather before; she must be something special if Hector is trying to buy her from another show." Tyrion said, as he sat on a barrel next to Sandor, dropping Hectors paperwork onto the floor.

Sandor wiped the sweat from his brow, the warm afternoon sun beating down on him as he gave one last strike of the mallet to the final peg that held the large tent in place.

As the two friends talked, the familiar sight of Hector's car came flying along the dusty road towards the camp, pulling behind it a van.

"Well it looks like Hector was successful." Tyrion said, as he pointed at the highly decorated trailer.

"I think we should go and introduce ourselves to the Dragon Lady, don't you?" Tyrion said with a chuckle, as he dropped to the floor from on top of the barrel, picking up the paperwork as he and Sandor went over to greet the owner of the company, and his new acquisition.

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