Queen of the beasts - Part 1 - Bronn x Reader

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I know I already have a Bronn imagine on the go, but inspiration took me, and I couldn't resist. I hope you enjoy 🏹😁

Tyrion looked over at Jaime, his older brother still staring nervously at the crossbow bolt that Bronn had just shot into his chair, right next to his head. Despite Jaime's protests, Tyrion had reluctantly agreed to give Bronn, Highgarden. Yet still he was demanding more, both brothers wondering what else the sellsword would require for not killing them as Cersei had behest.

"Well? What else could you possibly want, Bronn? Surely Highgarden is enough for any man?" Jaime asked, watching as Bronn leaned back in his chair. The crossbow still aimed at the two brothers.

"Highgarden is good fa a start. But as I would be its new lord, I would need a wife to go with it. One that would befit me new status. One a noble birth. One that was from one a the greatest houses in the Seven Kingdoms." Bronn began, smiling smugly as both Jaime and Tyrion realised where this was going.

"I want (Y/n). I want ya sister. Who betta ta be tha new lady of Highgarden than tha daughter of Tywin Lannister?" Bronn chuckled, as he reached forward and grabbed Jaime's glass. Downing the contents in one large gulp.

"No! Definitely not." Jaime replied indignantly. Refusing Bronn's request, despite the fact that a new crossbow bolt was now aimed at a spot right between his legs.

"Being the Lord of Riverrun is a high enough price. That is what Cersei promised you to assassinate us, and we have promised you the same in return. And there is also the fact that (Y/n) would never agree to the match." Jaime continued, feeling slightly more comfortable that the sellswords weapon was pointed back at his head.

"Oh, I think ya find she will. I know how much (Y/n) cares fa tha pair of ya. Surely being with me is betta than losing er two beloved brothers. Although if ya don't think that ya can persuade er, I am sure that Cersei would happily meet my extra demands. We all know that Cersei hates (Y/n), more even than she hates you." Bronn said, turning his attention to Tyrion, the little man beginning to chuckle.

"My dear Bronn. It is quite true that I, Jaime, and (Y/n) have always been close. But if you think that either of us is brave enough to try and tell our sweet sister what to do, then you are very wrong. Most men concern themselves with the wrath of Cersei, but those men don't know the truth. There was a reason that (Y/n) was our father's favourite, and it had nothing to do with her little known sweet, and kind nature. (Y/n) is more a lion than any of us. You have known her long enough to know, that even our father never tried to tell her what to do." Tyrion informed Bronn, as he leant over and refilled his glass.

Bronn couldn't help but laugh. Tyrion was right, Bronn did know (Y/n) well enough to know that she wouldn't take gladly to her brothers informing her, that they had agreed to give her to him in order to save their own skins. He knew that it would drive her wild. But it was that very fire and passion that made him want (Y/n) Lannister in the first place. (Y/n) was the best parts of each of her siblings all rolled into one perfect package. She was a greater beauty than even Cersei. A gifted intellect just like Tyrion, and as brave as Jaime. But it was the traits of her father that to Bronn made her greater than the sum of her parts. Just like Tywin, (Y/n) was as tough as nails, cunning, and efficient. And unlike Cersei, Tywin had not just seen his younger daughter as a pawn, a simple woman to be sold to further his position and power. She had been the power behind the old lion.

Bronn had seen her leading men. Seen her take on an army by her father's side. Seen her fight until she could fight no more. Until she was covered in the blood soaked mud of the battlefield. The younger lioness commanding a respect from those around her that Cersei could only dream of. And all those things, made the sellswords cock harden every time he thought of her.

"Very well. We will give you (Y/n)." Tyrion suddenly said. Jaime turning to stare at his younger brother in disbelief.

"No, Tyrion I will not allow it." Jaime retorted, as he stood up from his chair. Amazed that Tyrion would accept such a proposition. Even given their current dire position.

"Jaime, between us, we can possibly persuade (Y/n) that this is for the best. Bronn is right. If Cersei gets her hands on (Y/n) she would be more than happy to give her to him. She would have no qualms about it. This way we can at least ensure that (Y/n) is safe and well." Tyrion tried to reason, as Jaime glared at Bronn.

"Ya should listen ta ya brother. He is after all the one of ya with the brains." Bronn chuckled, giving Jaime a smug look as the golden lion retook his seat.

"You will of course give us time to explain things to (Y/n). Let her come to terms with the idea of being given to you." Tyrion began, the little lion having no notion as to how he was going to explain this current development to his sister.

"You do know that even if she accepts this arrangement, she will not make things simple for you. She will not be ruled, not easily go to your bed. She will fight you every step of the way. As the new Lord of Riverrun surely it would be simpler to just make one of your many dalliances your lady. The gods only know that there are more than enough whores that are acquainted with you, whores who would happily become your lady. That will happily go to your bed and will do as you bid. Why make your life difficult by matching yourself to (Y/n)?" Tyrion continued, hoping that trying to persuade Bronn that his demand was a bad idea would be easier than getting their sister to understand what they had agreed to.

"But that is exactly why I want er. You Lannisters owe me, and what greater prize than the Queen of the beasts, herself. And ya right, (Y/n) won't make it easy, but that will make the conquest all tha sweeter when she does finally fall ta me. Ya see, a whore won't make my rule look legitimate. But a Lannister. A Lannister will show everyone that I'm accepted as one a you lot. And heirs with Lannister blood will just make things even better." Bronn replied, as he got to his feet, and threw his crossbow over his shoulder.

"Now, don't you boys take too long about explaining all this ta ya sister. I don't want ta have ta wait any longer than I already ave." Bronn chuckled, as he slowly tuned around and made for the door. Leaving the two Lannister men to wonder what fury they would have to face when (Y/n) found out.   

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