Fifty shades of Lannister - Tywin x Reader

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We all love a little bit of Tywin, and I got this naughty imagine in my mind, so I thought that I would share it. I hope you enjoy 🦁😈

"(Y/n) we don't have a choice. Do you know who asked for this?" Petyr tried to reason as (Y/n) looked in the mirror in front of her.

Since she had moved to Kings Landing, (Y/n) had reluctantly taken a role in one of Baelish's brothels, and had been working at the whore house for some time as a dancer. She had always told Petyr, that the only thing that she would ever do was dance. The other girls may do things for the patrons, offering their little extras in the dark rooms, but it was a step that (Y/n) had never had a desire to take, and Petyr had begrudgingly accepted her decision, despite always trying to tell her how much more gold she could make if she provided a few extra services.

But to (Y/n), dancing in such an establishment was bad enough. It was something that she swore that she would never do. Normally she would perform at celebrations for some of the best families in Westeros and the Free Cities, but she needed money to support herself, and in a city like Kings Landing, you sometimes had to take what you could get. Yet despite everything, how she had stood by what was right for her, now it appeared that she had no option but to do what she had always refused to do. And even worse, the client was the old lion himself. Tywin Lannister.

"I don't care if it's the Lord of the Seven Hells himself. I'm not doing it. Get one of your other girls. I am sure that they will be more than happy to give that old man what he wants." (Y/n) continued to protest, as Petyr grabbed a chair and came to sit at her side.

"He doesn't want anyone else. He wants you. And anyway, all the others are busy with their normal clients. Tywin Lannister has never done anything like this before. He has never stepped foot into one of my establishments. Do you know what this could mean? What power, and information this could give me?" Petyr asked, as he continued to look at (Y/n). The beautiful dancer turning to look back at him.

(Y/n) was no fool, she knew what and who Petyr Baelish was. She knew that his wine and the whores loosened the tongues of the men and women that would frequent his business. She knew that he was a master manipulator. That under that thin smile there beat a cold, dead heart, that cared for nothing, and no one, except for himself. She knew that he would use anyone to get to his goal. And she had never desired to be one of his puppets, but the gods seem to be conspiring against her. Pushing her into the arms of the old lion.

"He wants some private time in the special room, if you don't do it, he could have you killed. He could have all of us killed. And I don't know about you, but this isn't the way I want my life to end." Petyr cooed softly, as he took (Y/n)'s hand.

(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh to herself. She knew what Petyr was trying to do. She knew that he wanted to use her just like he did everyone else. Allow the old lion to do what he wanted with her, so that she could hopefully get an insight into Tywin that no one else could. But she also knew that Petyr was right, that Tywin could probably have her killed if he wanted. He was a Lannister, and for her, Lannister's were not a family to be trusted. And she had no desire to die, despite it meaning she would have to sacrifice her principles.

"This will be the only time, Petyr. Don't go thinking that you can start selling me like you do all the others. And I'm doing this for myself, not for you or your desire for power." (Y/n) told the now smiling man by her side, as she turned her attention back to the mirror, slowly applying a thin sheen of powder to her skin.

"But that's perfect, (Y/n). That's one of the reasons he wants you. He wants to be the only one. The others are good enough for everyone else, but you are the only one good enough for him." Petyr informed her, as he almost jumped from his seat, and made his way to the door.

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