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You walk down the pitch-black streets in the blasting rain, flinching and crying with every flash in the sky.

It's almost eleven o'clock. You know for a fact Kakashi would be absolutely pissed you're out alone so late but you can't stay alone tonight.

You stayed in his bed for fifteen minutes before you were on the verge of a full-blown panic attack.

But now— now it's worse. You are having a panic attack.

Your breaths are coming out in broken gasps and you feel like you're going to blackout. Your steps are shaky and slow.

You're doing anything you can to even somewhat calm yourself down. But even humming you're comfort tune is doing nothing.

All you want to do is sit down and curl into a ball on the floor, but at this point you want- no, need to get home.

You need to get a certain thing. Something that's certain to give you even a bit of comfort... even if Kakashi had asked for you not to use it.

You feel so sick, like you're going to start throwing up and you won't stop. Every time you blink you're taken back to the ravine. Being in the storm is so much worse than you imagined.

You feel like you're on the verge of death all over again.

After quite a while of walking, crying, and trembling, you reach your apartment and fumble for your key, shoving it into the lock and trying as hard as you can to just unlock it.

When it doesn't work, your nerve gets heavy and you land a harsh kick onto the door, denting it with the amount of force. "Fucking open!" You scream, twisting the key even harder.

Luckily, the lock switches and you rush inside, slamming the door shut behind you and locking it as fast as possible as if you're trying to keep out the thunder.

You basically sprint to your room and slam your closet open, rushing in and throwing things to the side to get to the bottom box.

And when you open that up, you grab out a very specific sweater.

His Traitor ➪ 𝘬. 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 [lemons]Where stories live. Discover now