The Story

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It was Harry and Draco's 8th year at Hogwarts. Everyone was so accepting to Draco, after he explained everything that happened to him and he even told them that he was gay. In 8th year a-lot of people came out.
The one person that didn't come out, even though the whole school knew he was bisexual was Harry James Potter. Hermione was mad at Harry for not coming out to them, but he came out to her back in 6th year.
"Just tell them!" Hermione yells at Harry. Harry and Hermione got into a fight again over his sexuality. Harry backed away from Hermione, but she didn't notice. "For Merlin sake! No one is going to care! After all they accepted me!" Hermione kept yelling at Harry, she was done with Harry hiding his sexuality.
Hermione came out as bisexual a few months prior.
Harry was now backing up to try to find a door. He wanted to cry, run, and hide all at the same time. "I don't see why you are hiding it! Everyone already knows! Just come out!" Hermione continues to yell.
She put her hand though her hair while takes a second to convinced herself Harry is not ready yet, but that was not doing anything.
"H-Hermione... Can you... Please not yell..." Harry asks in a whisper voice, but loud enough for Hermione to hear him. Hermione glares at him, "Do you not want me to yell, because you don't want people to know, Potter?!" Hermione yells at Harry, making him almost lost his balance. Hermione continues to glare at Harry, "Huh? Answ-" Hermione stops yelling when she hears Harry sniffle.
Hermione cover her mouth, she just realized what she had done. Harry looked at her and then looked at the door, he ran to the door as fast as he could.
"Harry wait, plea-" Hermione starts to yell after Harry, but Harry was used to running from someone.
Draco was in the 8th year common room when he saw Harry Potter, the boy who lived twice, the boy who stole his heart was running out of the common room crying. Everyone in the common room looked to see Harry running out of the commons to who know where.
"Please tell Harry is in here somewhere." Hermione says out of breath. Everyone shock their heads, and looks at Hermione with confused looks. "Ron... I yelled him..." Hermione says with tears in her eyes. Ron immediately stood up at looks at her. "What?" Ron asks while binking. Hermione covered her mouth, and looks at the common room door. "Was because of his sexuality!? Hermione, we have went over this!" Ron says while walking to her.
All Hermione could do was nod her head. Draco didn't like that Harry was still out there crying, and he was in here covered with a blanket. "I don't know why Harry would be crying because you yelled at him. But he could be running through these halls not knowing where he's going. We need to get find him." Draco says while standing up, everyone noded their head some when smirked.
Everyone that was anything knew that Draco Malfoy was in Love with Harry Potter.
Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Draco with some others where in halls asking, and looking for Harry. Draco looked everywhere he could remember Harry saying he would go if he was crying, all excepted one spot.
The RoR, to Draco it felt like Harry was always their doing something. Draco found the wall where the door is supposed to be and walks three times back and forth, then the door shows it's self. Draco knocks four times before opening to door, to give hopefully Harry a warning he is coming in.

Harry was crying in the RoR, when he heard knocking. It was four, and he knew exactly who it was.
You see Harry wanted to know which friend of his where about to come in. So, he made Ron do 3 knocks. Hermione knocks 6 times, while Draco knocks 4. They agree that this would be used for each other no matter what.
Harry was glad Draco kept his promise, about using the knocks.
"D-Draco please... Go away..." Harry says still sobbing. Draco didn't listen to Harry, and walked in. "Harry... I don't know you would be crying... But you were the first to accept me with open arms... So, I am going to be right here with opening arms..." Draco says calmly.
Harry needed to here that. Harry smiles at Draco, and moves over so Draco could sit.
Harry had always liked Draco, but of course everytime he tried to say something Ron, Hermione or someone else would interrupt them or his Gryffindor courage disappears.
Draco sat next to Harry, and looks at Harry. "I don't know what happened, but it's going to be okay. Eventually you will be open with your sexuality." Draco say while trying to watch his words. Harry shakes his head, with tears still rolling down his face.
"I'm open about sexuality. Like Hermione yelled, the whole school knows by now that bisexual. But, what's the professor McGonagall go do when you came out?" Harry says and asks Draco while looking down at the ground. Draco thought Harry would know that by now. "Well she wrote a letter to my parents and if you came out she would write a letter to your legal guardians." Draco says confused. Harry looks up at Draco with tears still pouring from his eyes.
"You see... That's a problem Draco... My illegal guardians... Well one of them..." Harry couldn't help but sob while saying that. Draco pulls Harry closer to him, and just try to calm him down. "My uncle... He abuses me... And my aunt... And if came out..." Harry turns his face to cry on Draco's shoulder. Draco thought Harry had a a good life, but now he was realize why Harry did everything he did.
"He would... Kill you..." Draco says for Harry. Harry just noded his head. Draco hates seeing Harry so scared, but then it hits him. That's why Hermione was running after him, and he was crying. The yelling reminds him about his uncle. Draco thinks as he makes circles on Harry's back.
A few minutes pass by, Draco looks at Harry. "Well, do you want to come out to the school? Cuz if so we can talk to McGonagall ask if she could not tell your uncle." Draco says while still staring at Harry's eyes.
Harry nods his head, while looking at Draco eyes. "Draco... I know this is not the best... Moment, but..." Harry starts as he looks away from Draco getting a little flustered. Draco sees that Harry is getting a little flustered, and starts to blush himself.
"I like you..." Harry says as he looks at Draco straight in the eyes. Draco is shocked, Harry likes him. "I like you too..." Draco says with a smile. Harry kisses Draco and Draco didn't hesitate to kiss back. Harry pulls away after a few seconds. Harry puts his forehead on Draco's forehead. Harry smiles at Draco, and they both laugh.

"That's story of you and mama?!" James asks while shocked.
Harry and Draco graduated Hogwarts, got married, and started their own family. They had 3 kids already (2 girl 1 boy), and Draco was pregnant with a their third baby.
James Sirius Potter is their oldest, he is 3. Lily Narcissa Potter was their second born, she is 2 now. And the baby for right now is Aurora Luna Potter who is going on to 1.
"Yeah. Then your dad and me went and headmistress McGonagall. After that we told everyone else." Draco says as he smiles at Harry. Harry smiles at his kids, even the one to come. "And eventually it lead to us having you 4." Harry says as before kissing James, Lily's, and Aurora's head. Then, kissing Draco's belly.
James, and the girl giggle at their dad kissing their foreheads. James slides off of Harry and Draco's bed. Lily follows him, and Aurora starts to reach for her siblings. So Harry puts her in her baby walker. All three of them head off to the new room/nursery for the baby.
"James is till hoping it's a boy you know." Draco says with smirk. Harry looks back at his handsome husband. Harry leans to Draco, and kisses him. Draco kissed back, and holds Harry's cheeks.
Harry breaks apart, and looks at Draco's swollen belly. Harry kisses it again, and starts to rub Draco's belly. Draco smiles at Harry, he has done this with all their kids and now their like drugs for Harry. They love their father and is addicted to him, they what is their daddy with them.
Harry doesn't mind, either does Draco. Harry looks back at Draco. "Thank you..." Harry says a wide smile. Draco looks at him confused. "For being there that day... Thank you for leaving and listening..." Harry says as he put his forehead on Draco's forehead. "Thank you for not pushing me away..." Draco says to Harry as he looks at him I'm his eyes.

I'm so happy this is the story of our being. All I have to do is wait to see how this story ends, sadly.

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