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I looked up at the ceiling in my work. "Draco?" I hear someone say, and I wipe away my tears and look at the door. "Yes?" I say as I take a deep breath.
I watch as Hermione Granger-Weasley walks in. "Hermione, is there a reason why you came to my work?" I ask, she looks sad.
"Draco... Another 6 months..." She says, and I know couldn't help feel my heart shatter. She was talking about one person.
Harry Potter. My husband, my love, my soldier.
He was fighting right now, and he hasn't been home in a year. Right now I need him home more than ever. "I'm trying not to cry." I say as I look at the ceiling, again.
Two weeks after Harry left, I had found out that I was pregnant. I went through the whole pregnancy, and birth of our baby boy alone. I couldn't contact Harry and tell him. Hermione and Ron were there for me though. But, it wasn't the same.
But our baby boy is now two mouth old. He looks just like Harry. His eyes, his hair, his smile, everything. Everytime I look at our baby, I can't help but see Harry.
"Oh, Draco." Hermione says, and she runs over to me. I couldn't hold it together anymore. When Harry comes back out son will eight months or even more.
Hermione left after two hours, and I went home right after she left. When I got home I saw Luna cleaning up. I am so thankful that Luna came to me when she did.
I walk in the house, and Luna looks at me. "Draco, have been crying?" She asks as I walk closer to her. "Yeah. Hermione came in today and told be it will be another 6 months." I say in a horse voice. Luna looked me a sorry look, and I wanted to cry again.
"I don't mean to rude. I'm going to go to bed; otherwise I'm just going to be crying in front of you. I'm done crying for the night already I cried four times today. Goodnight Luna." I say with a smile. She nod her head.
Right now she and Ginny are living with me, they needed to get out of the burrow and I needed someone to watch my baby boy. So they bunked here until they find a house.
I walk up to the nursery, I open the door to see my baby boy in his crib. In the crib had his named engraved in it. It read 'James Sirius Potter' I decided to name him after James cause that's where Harry got his looks from. And Sirius only felt right for the middle name.
James was sound asleep, and so adorable. Only if Harry could see you. He would love you. I walked off to my bedroom. I get changed, and get in my bed. I cry a little more before going to sleep.
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It's been two months, and James is four months old. Every day is getting more of Harry's hair.
Luna and Ginny have found a house, and are going to start to move out. I was glad for them, just really worried for James. I mean who would watch him.
I am working on a paper, when I hear a knock. "Come in!" I holler, Hermione comes in with a smile. "If it is about Harry just tell." I say while trying not to imagine how long Harry will be gone this time.
"No, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go the park?" She asks with soft smile. I look at my paper, and I was almost done. "Yeah, just let me finish this paper." I say, Hermione nods her head and leaves.
I got finished with the paper, and went to met Hermione outside the room. Me and Hermione stopped to get some drinks and something to eat. Then we went to the park.
"How's work?" Hermione asks me as we were walking around the park. "Good. Just miss the days when I didn't want to go to work and Harry would pick me up mid-day." I say as I remember the memory, and all the times he used to do it.
"You really miss Harry?" Hermione says, and I nod my head. "I miss him with my whole heart." I say as I look up at the sky.
She changed the subject, and we talked about anything to everything. We were walking back when we pasted a gazebo. I had to stop and look at it.
"Hermione, wait." I say and I walk over to the gazebo. Hermione walks behind me. "Why did you want to come in here?" She asks and I can feel her footsteps behind me. "This is where Harry asked me to be boyfriend, and my husband." I says while trying not to try cry.
"Who could forget those days." Someone says behind me. I know that voice, but no he wouldn't. Would he? No.
I can't help to turn around, there is the only person I have wanted to see. My husband, my love, my soldier. Harry Potter.
"H-Harry?" I asks as a tear came down. "The one and only." Harry says, and I look at him. He was in his army uniform.
I run to him, and he picked me up. I kiss him, I need to know if this was real or just a dream. He kisses back, I knew right then; It wasn't a dream.
We broke apart, and I couldn't stop crying. Harry was kissing them all away. "Harry, I thought..." I was cut off by hiccup.
"I know, I was supposed to stay for another four months or even more. But, Ron told me about our baby. And I knew I needed to come home." Harry says while tearing up himself.
"Why? Why didn't you call the base? I would have been home before he was one mouth or even born yet." Harry says with weak smile.
"I don't know." I say while sill crying. Harry held me and rub my back. I overjoyed that Harry was back. I didn't anyone else, just him.
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It's been three years, James is now two years old. I am pregnant, again. This time with a little girl. Harry is coming home today.
We had decided that Harry would still be in the military. But, he would be closer to us. So, he could stay on the camps for days. But, during his free time he could come home.
Last week though Harry had to travel somewhere else. Harry already knew I was pregnant, he was been there are for during this whole pregnancy.
Me and James are waiting for Harry to get off the plane, now. "Da-daddy!" James yells as he points with the hand I'm not holding. I look to see Harry coming down the escalators.
I walk to meet Harry at the end of them. Harry smiles, and drops his bag. James runs to him, and jumps on him (well, at least trys to). Harry picks James up, and his bag then walks over to me.
"Welcome home, Potter." I say with a smile. Harry puts his hand with his bag on his arm, on my belly. "It's good to be home." Harry says before kissing me. I knew, we both knew that this is what home is like.

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