A Short Story (1/8)

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A/N: I wanted to let you know that is going different songs added up together making this story because of this it's going to take many 'oneshots' to make this story. I will put the video above to show what that story is going to be like. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy 'A Short Story'.

I was felt like I was underground, never could get out. My mum says because I haven't meet the love of my left yet. I hope she is right, because I want to able to see what it is like above. I can only hope.
I look at the window on the car, it's raining- pouring almost. "Honey I think we to pull over at a hotel and stay the night." My mum said, my dad noded. I guess I'm staying here.
After a little, dad pulls into a parking lot of a hotel. I could tell it was a cheap hotel and I personal don't care, I just want out of this storm.
I had lost my actual parents to storm, I was only one. They were driving home, and got in a wreck. Both died that night, my mum lived to call the police and tell them what happened. The cops got there to late...
My mum now is the person who adopted me after my uncle (my mum's sister husband) told my aunt to get rid of me. Well as you tell, she did.
Their names are Cheryl Deck, and Osmond Deck. I was five when they adopted me, I couldn't ask my better parents.
They changed my name from Harry Potter to Harvey Deck. Harvey means battle-worthy, that's what mum told me. On my actual parents birthdays, mum and dad take me to see their graves. On mother's and father's day they take me there, too.
I even met my god father, Sirius Black, he calls me pups. I spend the summer with him, well not the full summer but majority of the it.
I snap back to reality when mum had said, "Thank you." I looked around to see that we are in the lobby of a hotel. There was some chairs, and a coffee table but not anything more. To be honest it was quite simple.
"Har, come on we got a room." Dad said as mum and him walk off. I quickly catch up to them, my 11th birthday is tomorrow. That is day I get my acceptance letter to Hogwarts. I can't wait, mum tells me that is where she met dad and that's where my real parents met.
I watch as mum unlockes the door, and goes in. Me and dad followed her, she went into the bathroom. I looked around the room, dad had layed on a bed.
The floor was carpet, the carpet was a light brown, the walls were a white, there was two beds, a TV in front of the beds, the remote was on the coffee table below the TV.
"Harvey, dear, remember you are getting your acceptance letter." Mum said as she came out of the bathroom. I nodded my head, I didn't like to talk much.
Hogwarts is a school for kids through 11-18. It's a boarding school, I will have to wear a uniform and everything else. I am a little worried that I won't be good enough. Dad says I don't have to worry about that because I will always be good enough.
"So, you should get some sleep." Dad said, I walk over to bed that doesn't have my dad in it. I lay down and before I know it I was a sleep.
"Harvey, time to get up." Mum said, I turn over. I groan, and put the blanket over my head. "No, no, no." Mum said as she started to tickle me.
"O-okay!" I yelled after a few minutes. "Good morning, my lion." She said and I just smiled back. "Come on, we need to get home, change, then go get Har ready for school." Dad says with a smile.
I get up, and we all get ready. We head home, on the way there you can tell where some flooding is. We got home, and Uncle Sirius was there.
"Pup!" Uncle Sirius yelled after I got of the car. I run to him, and hug him. "Where is uncle Remus?" I ask, Remus is Sirius' husband.
"I'm right here, bud." He says with a smile, he comes out around their car. "Look what we have!" Mum yells as she holds a envelope.
Mum gave me the envelope, and I couldn't stop smiling. I opened it to see that I have been accepted. I hold it, I did a quick dance when mum took it.
After a few minutes of everyone went inside, I changed into a navy shirt and some black pants.
I looked at myself in the mirror, I had medium tan skin, green emerald eyes, messy black hair, a wear rounderd glasses. My glasses are perfect round, but they are circler.
My mum had light brown skin, brown wood eyes, soft and fluffy black hair. My dad has light skin, hazel cloudy eyes, slick brown hair.
Mum is pregnant, but she isn't showing yet. I can't wait to have a sibling, I have always wanted siblings...my own blood siblings. But beggers can't be choosers, I'm just happy to have sibling.
I then remember the one thing I have from when I was in foster care, before I got to mum and dad. I was staying with a family of 4, the only wanted me so they could use me for money. The kids hated me, even though I didn't do anything to them.
I was four, at the time. I remember going down stairs, I was heading to the backyard which had all the toys that I could play with was at... "You!" Miss Lorelei yelled at me, she was the mum of the Allen family I am staying with.
Her husbands name was Mister Dennis, I'm not allowed to call them mum and dad like the rest of kids do.
"Yes?" I say with a small smile, we've though they don't treat me the same. I still am thankful they are at least keeping me.
"Here take this out." She scoff at me, she tossed the garbage bag at me. Thankful it was small so I could catch it. I nodded my head, and headed for the door.
The garbage bin was in the backyard, so I wasn't mad about doing it. The bin is on the other side, closer to the woods they live next to.
When I got there I was about to throw the bag away, until I heard a twig snap. I knew it was the other kids playing some prank on me.
I quickly put the bag in the bin, then quickly walked away. But, they were waiting for me.
"Hello, Harry." The oldest says, Nate. "Hello!" I say happy, happy that they actually notices and talk to me. "Oh, don't get to happy freak!" Sally, the second oldest says. My smiles drops, I look around to see the one person who helps me out of this is no where to be seen.
"Are you looking for Lincoln?" Nate asks, Lincoln is the youngest. He is two years older than me, but he is one who is tells them to stop. Even though he doesn't like me. I know the reason Lincoln stands up for me, is so they can keep getting money.
The middle child, Cara, is on Nates right side. I could tell that they did something to keep his business.
Before I could say something, Nate pulls a knife out. Cara and Sally grab my arms, Nate starts to walk my way. He puts the knife up to my throat, I could feel the blade.
I am to feeble to do anything, all I could do is trying to scream or move around. I couldn't even get the chance, Nate pushed the knife into my throat making me bleed.
I moved quickly, making the knife leave some type of scar. The knife fell from Nate's hand to the ground when I moved, Cara and Sally backed away. All three of them were looking at the scar, I was confused before I touched it.
It was bleeding horribly badly, all of stunning I felt dizzy and I couldn't breath...
Eventually Lincoln came out, found me passed out. Mister Allen came to find me, and took me to hospital. Mister Allen liked me, almost loved me. After the hospital visit, I was tooken from there house and then got put in mum and dad's house.
I still have the scar on my neck, it is tiny but still visible. I thought it made me cool.
"Harry!" I heard mum yell for me, I quickly run to living room. Mum was wearing a nice floral print shirt, with some 'mum' jeans. Dad was wearing a white tee-shirt with black jeans.
"Look at our baby!" Mum said as she run to give me a hug. I rolled my eyes, and tried to push her away. But, she kept saying no.
She let go after a few, after that we got in the car and left for 'Hogsmeade' for my stuff for Hogwarts.
On the way there, we listened to music and played games like home many red cars drive by in a minute. Or eye (I) spy. This is how it is normal.
When we got there, mum wanted me to get suited for uniform firsts while went shopping for somethings.
When I walked in, I saw a platinum blonde hair, pointy nose, and he was looking at me with those stromy blue eyes.
"Hello I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. And you are?" His voice, oh my God. It hit me like a bus after I realized that this might be the person that will help me out from underground.

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