A Short Story (2/8)

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"My name is Harvey Deck." I said while looking at him. "No, hand out?" He asked while he looked me up and down with a upset face. "I figured you wouldn't be able to shake it, since you are getting suited for your uniform." I said with a smirk.
He looked surprised, then looked down. "I guess you are right." He said while looking looking to the side, no where in particular.
"You look like someone I heard about, but you have a different name." He said, I nodded my head and chuckled. "Yeah, my real name is Harry Potter. I was adopted by my mum and dad after my parents died." I said, I shrugged my shoulders.
"Oh. You are him! And I'm sorry about your parents." He said while looking at me amazed. "I didn't know I had a name here." I said, well more liked mumbled.
"You do, well your parents left one for you. We all know the love story of the Potter's. Lily Evans Potter hated James Potter, she didn't realize she was in love with him until it was almost too late." He said while looking at me, I guessed he was looking at my eyes or scanning my face.
"You look a lot like you father, but-" "I have my mother's eyes." I finish for him, he didn't need to say it. I already knew. I have a picture of them.
He nodded my head, smiling at me. "You have a very handsome smile." I stated, I saw his cheeks turn pink. I couldn't help, but chuckle.
He looked away, and a lady had came and got me. It was my turn to be suited for my uniform. I look at the boy once more time, trying to get a mental picture of his face. I smiled at him before the curtain around the area was put in between us.
After that day, I kept spotting him. Everytime I he spoke, I heard a symphony. I had told mum and dad, they are excited for me. Excited that I meant have found the one, like my parents.
It was lonely world, until I hear his voice. That's all I think when I'm around him. That's all I think when I see him, when I hear him, when I hear his name.
Today is the actually day we get on the train, I hope I can find the one with Draco in it. I started to look around, standing on my tippy toes. "Harvey." My dad chuckled, I immediately stopped. I looked at him, and put a grin on.
I saw a red-headed family, coming our way. I had guessed they were about to put there stuff in the undercarriage of the train.
We moved out of the way, but on accident I hit one of the red-headed boys. "I'm sorry!" I said quickly, he looked back at me and smiled. "It's fine, my name is Ron Weasley." He said and he smiled.
"Harvey Deck." I said, I held out my hand. He put his stuff down, the shook my hand. After a second we let go, we look our different ways.
I started to walk back to my parents, when I saw him. "Mum, I will be Draco!" I yelled to my mum, she gave me a thumbs up with a wink. I go over to him, he sees me and his ears turned a little pink at the tip.
"Hi, Draco." I said with a smile, if I had a tail it would be wagging and wouldn't stop anytime soon. "Bonjour." He said, then was about to say hello in English. "Ça me fait plaisir de te voir." I said, the bed part about being in foster care is I learned different languages.
"Oh, you know French?" He asked, I nodded my head. After that we started talking in French. I leaned that it was his first language, English was his second.
When we ahd to get on the train we got a compartment together. Ron had walked by, when everyone decided to get on. I quickly got up, and called him in.
He joined us, Draco and Ron introduced themselves. Ron told us about his family, Draco talked about his. I had learned that uncle Sirius is his cousin because of his mum.
When we got to Hogwarts, music was playing. Or was it Draco talking? Either one, it was a beautiful sound.
We were told to wait at the steps of the school, we did so. Some people were talking about me, I only know because people kept pointing at me.
"Well, if isn't Harry Potter." Someone said, they had light brown hair, tan skin, bright grey.
"That is Cedric Diggory." Draco had said in my ear. "It's Harvey Deck, actually." I said with a smirk. I watched as he looked me up and down, trying to see if he got the right person.
"I was adopted." I simply said because I couldn't stand it, I was Harry Potter. I am now Harvey Deck.
"Well, I'm glad we have established your name Mr. Deck." I turned around to see a Professor in the door. I learn that her name is Professor McGonagall, she gave us a speech that I can't remember.
We then put into groups, one group was a Slytherin which Diggory was put in. A other was Ravenclaw, which a girl named Cho was put in. Then there was Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor which Ron, Draco, a girl named Hermione Granger, and me.
We sat down, and ate. We met Hermione, stats when we all started to talk. But, everytime Draco talked all I heard was a song. I song I couldn't put together yet. But, I know one day I will be able to.
Everytime he smiled, it added a beat to the song that he was singing. Everytime he rolled eyes was adding background singers. But, you can hear his voice over them.
I couldn't help to smile, "Draco," He looked at me, "Your voice is a symphony." I said, I watched the blush creep on his face. I couldn't help, but smile at that.
I used to make a simple song, that was until he came along. Now it's palace is something new. I hear when I hear and look at him.

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