If I Die Young

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⚠️⚠️ This is talking about suicide, if you are not comfortable reading this please read another story or read another one shot of mine. And it mentions abuse. Please if you go through anything, please reach out to someone⚠️⚠️

Harry pov

When, I was little Uncle Vernon would hit me when he was mad at me when I was little. It still happened when I grew up, not until I threatened him with my wand.
And I thought going to Hogwarts was going to make my life better. But, on real life it made it worse.
I lost so many people, I was abused more. I quickly got tried of life. I still liked my life because of Weasley's. But, after the war and them losing Fred. I blamed myself.
After that I went into depression. I didn't want to talk to Hermione or Ron.
so, I started talking to someone I never thought I would talk to. Draco Malfoy, no Draco Black.
I sent him owl, and we instantly started talking. We moved to phone's, and eventually I started liking him. But, I knew he was pure-blood. No way he would, like me.
I try to imagine our life, which would always be cut off my me remembering all the deaths that happened because of me.
I finally accepted that Draco would never like me back. After that I grew depressed, again. Even worse than last time.
So, here I was smiling while slowly dieing. While 'If I Die Young' is playing on loop in the background, and the sink is running. But, before death could over take me someone broke down my bathroom door.
I didn't see who it was, because my eyes fluttered shut. I felt nothing after that, and I didn't hear anything. I still felt the smile on my face, through all of this.

Draco pov

It was 3 weeks ago, I got a letter from Harry Potter. I was interested in this, after all the time. We still had a whole month until we had to go back to Hogwarts, for our 8th year.
We eventually led to talking on the phone. We talked everyday, and I was falling in love with him.
But, here I am reading a letter that a owl had brought me. I had to keep re-reading it.
It was Harry's suicide note, and the owl was smart enough to bring it to me. I quickly stood up from the chair I was sitting in.
I stood up, and I look down at my hands. They are shaking, I feel my heart in my stomach, I could hear the beating.
After a second, I apparate over to Harry's house. To see that he is no where, I try to calm down to hear anything.
I close my eyes, and listen to everything around me. I finally heard water and music, I knew instantly where he was. I run as fast I could to his room.
I made it to his room to see Harry's bathroom door shut. I knew had locked it, and I realized right then I didn't have my wand. And I couldn't do wand-less magic, yet.
After a second, I broke down the door. I stubble in to see Harry smiling, and his eyes fluttering shut.
"Harry!" I yell as I run over to him. He doesn't respond, I don't even think he can hear me.
I quickly stand up to find Harry's phone. I call 112, "Hello, what can I help you with today?" Some Lady asks me.
"Hello. My friend committed suicide, I don't know what to do. Please send help." I trying not to cry. But more I look at Harry the more I wanted to cry. I answered all her questions, and she told me that the ambulance was on the way.
I then called the Weasley's. "Hello?" Some asked, I couldn't tell what Weasley and I didn't care.
"This is Draco Black. Before you say anything, all I have to tell you is that Harry's suicide and I'm with him right now the ambulance is on their way. I know you guys are the closest people to family he has. Meet us at the hospital." I say with deep breath.
I could whoever it was start to cry. "Okay, thank your calling us." I could them say as they try to calm down. I hang up, when I hear someone shout something.
"Up here!" I yell, and I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. 2 man, and 1 woman come in. The second woman asked for me to leave the bathroom, I did so.
It was long until me and Harry were in ambulance, and I was answering the paramedics questions. The ride over was extremely quick.
When, we got there they told me I would have to stay in the lobby. So, a nurse showed me to the lobby and I sat down.
I could help, but cry. No, no! No, can't be happening! I shouting in my head. I didn't even hear the Weasley's come in. Not until Ron Weasley shouted my name.
I looked at him, and try to stop crying but they kept coming. "Ron, don't." I hear Hermione Granger says to him. She looks at me, and takes a deep breath.
"Just 2 questions." She says as she walks over to me. She quickly sits down next me, and try to sit as far as her as I could. For all I know she could hex me, and I wouldn't blams her.
"Question one. How did you know Harry committed suicide?" She asked me. She sounded so much like a mum. I smile to my myself, when I remember Harry something about her being like a mum.
"Harry started talking to me around 3 weeks ago. Today I was sitting down reading a book when Harry's owl dropped a letter. I knew it was strange because we hadn't talked over a letter since the first time we talked. I read it and I knew instantly it was the note." I stop I felt tears building up. I sallowed the sobs down or least tried.
"I don't know how that owl knew to bring it to me but it did. I didn't know what to do. I don't know why he would have." I voice kept cracking, I couldn't stop it. I just cried, I wasn't going to stop it this time.
I felt arm around me, and instantly tense up. "It's okay, it's just me." I hear Hermione says, and knew what she was thinking.
What has happened to this boy? I couldn't even answer her If I wanted to. I just started to sob, I didn't care if the Weasley's made fun of me. The boy that I have loved since 11 is dying, and I can't do anything.
After a few hours, they finally told us that we could see Harry. And that night I stayed.
I stayed day and night, for the next week. They told us that Harry lost a lot of blood, and that he wasn't going to wake up for a while.
I just wanted to get better, and to wake up. I sitting next to Harry, holding is hand when Mrs. Weasley walked in. I didn't hear her, I was just looking at Harry.
"You really love him, don't you?" She asks and I look at her surprised. "Yeah, I fell in love with him when I first saw him. For me it was love at first sight. I didn't know who he was or anything about him, I just left his eyes and the way his hair fell in front of his face." I stop with a chuckle, remembering how his shirt was on first year.
"Then when Harry didn't accept my friend request, I knew I had no chance with him. So, I was jealous. It also didn't help that, I didn't know how to love. My father would ignore me when I was a child and my mother well she was forced to not pay attention to me. So I thought by being mean and hurting someone, that was how I showed love." I stop as remember those days.
"After the war I was so busy with everything, I didn't have time for love. Then when Harry reached out to me, I knew I loved them again." I says finishing up my speech.
"Oh, Draco." I hear her says, I smile to myself. I felt her hand on my shoulder, and I know instantly why Harry loved this family.
"I see why he loves you guys." I says with a smile. She doesn't say anything, but that's all what needed to be said. Silence filled the room, it wasn't awkward silence; it was silence that was meant to be there.
That day she left, leaving me knowing that Harry had a mum. Another night and day pass. But, before I could close my eyes. I hear something, like a voice. I open my eye widers to look around the room.
"Draco." I heard quietly. I look at Harry to see, his eyes open and a smile on his face. I wanted to jump, and hug him. But, I knew he needed the doctor first. I smile at him, "I'll be right back I need to go get the doctor." I say and I let go of his hand. I go and get the doctor.
I called the Weasley's, they said they would be there tomorrow.
"Okay Mr.Potter you seem to be doing well, I'll leave you be." The doctor says as I come in. The doctor leaves, and I walk over to Harry.
"I don't think you realize I heard everything you said." He says with a smile. I feel my cheeks burn.
"And I love you too." He says with chuckle. I shaked my head, "I do love you. To be honest the reason why I committed suicide was because I thought you would stick to the traditional pureblood ways and get married to a girl who is pretty and could produce children." He says with a faint smile.
"No, I'm gay. I think the last girl I dated was Pansy in fourth year. And I realized after dating her for maybe 3 weeks, I was getting had no interest in women." I say with chuckle. He laughs with me.
"You need some sleep and, before you say well I've been sleeping for a week almost. That my friend was not sleeping that was you being in your different mindset not being able to close your eyes." I say while standing up to tuck him in.
"Cuddle with me." He says with a serious face, and I just shook my head. "Come on, cuddle with me." He says, and I take a deep breath.
"If I say no will you go to sleep?" I ask knowing the answer. He shakes his head, and I roll my eyes.
"Okay, fine." I say and join him in the hospital bed. I got on one side of him, and didn't take us long to both to be asleep.

Hermione pov

Draco called is yesterday night, and told us Harry was wake. Me, and the Weasley's are walk down the hallway right now.
We open Harry's door to see Draco and Harry cuddling, both asleep. "I'm guessing you didn't tell him that Harry could hear everything he said." I say to Mrs. Weasley. She laugh, and nods her head.
Mrs. Weasley came home, and told us all what Draco said. And we knew instantly, that Draco and Harry would be together.
We all smile, and decide to go get some breakfast. We all walk out of the room, and make sure that Harry and Draco are both happy.

Harry pov

I wake up to Draco on my side still, and I couldn't help but cuddle closer to him. My world felt complete now. I didn't question if I hated this life, I didn't question if I wanted to die, I didn't question anything.
I was just happy to have Draco with me. I hoped it would this way, for a long time.
I'm happy that I didn't Die Young. I could imagine if I had.

A/n- I know most people don't feel like this after a failed attempt. I understand that, but I couldn't leave this sad. My original plan was to kill off Harry. But, I just couldn't do.
I do have to say, I did cut for a while after my grandmother's death. But, I finally told my friends. And they through it.
It may not happen like this for everyone but it happened for me like this. So if you go through depression and have thought about committing suicide or hurting yourself in some way please reach out to someone.
Try to let someone in and shows you that you're amazing and everything. I may not know you guys personally, but I can tell you are amazing people. And I wish for none of you guys to have to go through that.
But sometimes it just happens. So, please if you're going through anything please reach out. Even if you have to reach out to your local help line, please do.
And if you don't want to talk to anyone that you know. You can always reach to me. Please do reach out.
Have a good day or night. Thank you for reading.

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