True Love

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Sometimes I hate every single word you say. Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face.

Me and Harry were fighting. Over what? Who knows at this point. It started with us talking about how I want to meet Harry's guardians. He told me that he didn't want me to meet them.
I just wanted to slap him, because what's so wrong to me wanting to met his family.

There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down. I know life would suck without you.

We finally stopped fighting when Harry yelled about him because mentally abused by them. I got worried, and he told not to worry about it. I'm your fucking boyfriend of course I'm going to worry.
I got anger and yelled, "Fine, if you don't want me to worry. Then we should break up!" I stormed out of the house after that. But, I know I can't break up with him. I would be in misery from breaking up with him, I love him too much. 

At the same time, I wanna hug you. I wanna wrap my hands around your neck.

After a while I finally came back home to see Harry crying on the phone, trying to rant about how we aren't made for each other, that we are probably toxic.
I want to stop crying, but all the stuff he's saying makes me just want to kill him. I mean, I know we fight but we are made for each other. Who else could possibly be there for Harry when he was nightmare and stays up with him. Everyone else would tell him to get over it.

You're an asshole but I love you. And you make me so mad, I ask myself.

"You know you're an asshole." I say when he hangs but the phone. He looks at me, "I know..." I know there is more he wants to say. To be honest I'm sorry to know what it is.
"Draco... What I told Hermione is what I dead think. Are we made for each other? I love you with my whole body and everything in me. But, are we meant to be?" He looks dead and says this.
I know his scared, so am I. But I'm not questioning it, we are met to be.

Why I'm still here, or where could I go. You're the only love I've ever known. But I hate you, I really hate you.

"I'm not questioning! I'm not going to ask my friends what they think is right! I hate you!" I yell at him before turning around. Harry gets my wrists before I can leave.
"I'm tried of you walking out on me! I love you! I know you love me, too." He tells back and I do love him. He is only person I Have ever loved.
"Harry why are we still here? You're right. We fight non stop, and we fight over little things." I say as I look at him.

So much I think it must be. True love, true love. It must be true love.

"We are still here because we know that love can be hard, but we try. We will always try. That why I love you. Because we know we can always learn and try again from with love, with us." He says, and I can feel my eyes stinging.
"Then, what kind of love are we?" I crock out, I know if I blink tears will go my face. "Hermione said true love, and I have a feeling she is right." He says, and I blink. I can feel all the tears come down.

Nothin' else can break my heart like true love, true love. It must be true love. No one else can break my heart like you

My chest feel so going to bust open. I don't even know why. "Do you truly believe her?" I ask him, he nods his head. "Yes, I do." He says, and I hope he is right.
"I think we should try and talk to someone. See if they can help us? I know it's a long shot, but what do you say?" He said says with a soft smile. Why not? I mean maybe just maybe they can actually help us.

Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings. Just once please try no to be so mean.

Here we are Draco and me, sitting in front of a relationship counselor. "Harry, if you mess thuis up so help me!" He quietly yells at me. I shake my head, this is how it is everytime we do something.
I am told by him to not to mess up. It reminds me of my uncle. Because of it sounding like my uncle, I shut up and get quite.
"Can try not to do mean..." I say under my breath, as I look down. I glance at him to see him confused for a second. But thankfully the relationship counselor walked in.

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