The Full Moon

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Harry pov

It was third year, and I knew what day was coming up. The full moon. I know it was going to be hard on Moony, or Remus.
I remember when I was baby, I remember how much he was in pain. When I around 4, it had been 2 days since The full moon. Padfoot, or Sirius told me that he was sick.
I was only 4, and missed him dearly. So, I what did I do being a kid. I didn't listen to Padfoot, after 2 days.
When, I went in their room. I figured he would still be asleep. Then, when he responded to me. I was so shocked, even excited for Moony to be getting better.
That next day, Moony has still not feeling the best. But, he was moving. I was so happy, when ever he was having a hard time I would try to help. I put his dirty dishes in the sink. I even helped Padfoot clean.
But, back to the present. Moony was teaching at Hogwarts. I was nervous for the full moon. He didn't put any information saying that he was a werewolf. And if he's caught he will be fired.
I was zoned out, it wasn't until someone tapped me on the shoulder I can back to whar was happening.
I look at to my right, where someone tapped my shoulder. I look up, and we it's Moony.
"Mo- professor Lupin, I mean. Sorry, I was thinking." I say and look at him the eyes. "Harry, you thinking the whole class." He says and I look around to see everyone was gone.
"Sorry, Moony." I says with a whisper. "Harry, I have to give you detention." He says, and I nod my head.
"Come here after supper. And make Mr. Malfoy comes as well." Moony says as he starts to walk to the front.
"Why?" I ask, while tilting my head. "Harry, you're tilting your head again. And because he also has detention." Moony says turning around, and chuckling I'm the beginning.
I quickly fix my head, and nod my head. Of course, Malfoy has to get detention! I roll my eyes. I grab my things and leave the room.
"Hey, Mate!" Ron yells as he sees me walking down the hall. "Oh, hey." I say with a faint smile.
"What did professor say?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders. "Just got detention with him, and Malfoy." I say rolling my eyes. Ron also rolls his eyes.
I was reading, yes reading, when Ron came in the Gryffindor boy dorms. "Mate, time for supper." He says, and leaves. I get up and make sures to get my phone (Cause why not). I grab my book, and head down stairs.
Hermione, and Ron were standing at the door, and we went down the dinning hall. I was ready for detention, so I could read more and listen to music.
After supper, I walk over to the Slytherin table to get Malfoy. I walk over the Malfoy. "Malfoy, time for detention." I say, and he turns around. He nods and I get on my way. I hear him say goodbye to his friends, and start to follow me.
I walk to dada, I hear Malfoy behind me. I knock on the door before I go into the classroom.
"If you are Harry, come on in Sirius is on the phone. If you are Mr. Malfoy, actually never mind he doesn't knock." Moony says, I open the door and laugh. "HARRY, MY BABY!" I head Padfoot yell on the phone.
"Hi, Padfoot." I say with a smile. "Okay, Draco Malfoy is on way. I need get off, love." Moony says, and Padfoot makes a whining noise.
"Call me later, and me, you, and Harry will all talk." As Moony says that Malfoy walks in. He hear my name get mentioned.
"Okay. Harry, my sweet lovely child, my mischief little boy, if Uncle Moony is mean to you call me." Padfoot says before hanging up.
"He did not just say!" Moony says as he looks at his phone. "I feel like I should have knocked." Malfoy says and I turn my head.
"Sorry, my husband had accuse me of being mean to Harry." Moony says to Malfoy, and I laugh.
"I should call Padfoot back and say that you're making me have detention." I say with a smirk. He gives me a side look.
"Oh, can I play music and read my book?" I ask, and Moony looks at me. "Only if hug, prongs junior." He says, and I give me a big hug.
"Thank you!" I say as I pull out my phone. "Professor, what do you want me to do?" Malfoy asks still shocked. Moony laughs, and smiles.
"If you brought your phone then you can get it out if you, brought a book you can get it out, or if you have homework you need to catch up on." Moony say as he sits down at his book.
"Oh, and Harry's music it's muggle music and it's different." Moony says as I click on my playlist.
Malfoy nods his head, and pulls his phone out. "Moony, what are you going to do in 2 days?" I asks. "I was planning on taking a leave of absence leave tomorrow and come back next week." He says, and I nod my head. That's good.
I look back book, and press play. 'Hips Don't Lie' by Shakira.
"I never really knew that she could dance like this. She make a man wants to speak Spanish. Cómo se llama? Bonita. Mi casa, su casa." I sing with song.
"We payed to let you have Spanish lessons, and you all use it for songs." Moony says and I could tell he was rolling his eyes.
"Okay, I'm confused. Are you two family?" Malfoy asks, and look at him. "Harry, your fix your head. And yes, me and my husband are his godfathers." Moony says while smiling at Malfoy. I fix my head, when he tells me to. I smile at him.
"Okay, you two behave. I have to go tell Dumbledore about my absence leave." Moony says and we nod are heads. He leaves, and I smile.
"Draco? Do you think my head titling is wired?" I asks Draco, he looks at shocked. "No! It's you, Harry. Anyone who said it was weird, is weird." He says and I smile.
You see me and Draco have secretly been dating. We became friends in 1st year, in secret. The reason why, is because Draco was only supposed to be my friend so how-should-not-be-named could kill me.
We only have been dating a month, but it feels like we going to be together forever.
"Draco, can I tell Moony?" I ask softly, sacred that he is going to get mad. "Sure, he is your family." Draco says with a smile. I smile back at him, and couldn't wait until Remus got back. I was so happy.
Then, Moony got back I told him about me and Draco. And he quickly told us, that he couldn't wait for the wedding. And then we were dismissed.
The next day, I was going to say my good byes to Remus for the week. Before I knock I heard a groan. I stopped, "Put silencing spell on before you guys are caught!" I say and I leave. This was how it is at home, on the night before full moon.
I walked back to the Gryffindor common room. And had a peaceful night.

It's fun how that was 10 years ago. Here I am now, 23 and married to Draco. I remember all that year, and how the last full moon Moony forgot to a take break.
"I remember one detention, where he showed me baby pictures of you." Draco says with a bright smile. I laugh, "Me, too." I say.
I decided to bring up the memories of third year, and we both decided that Moony being there for the both of us was the best part.
"I'm so glad you warned me about what they do the night before the full moon. I almost walk in on it." Draco say with his eyes widen. I laugh, "And you learned your lesson." I say and he nod his head.
"Sometimes the full moon days were the rest though, because I you would hear is pain. Yelling of pain." I say with a sad face. Draco smiles at me, and nods his head in understandment.
That night we layed under the full moon, knowing that Moony was going through pain. And we were with him in the moon.
Me, and Draco cuddle close knowing the yelling at pain. That is probably shouting through the house.
We never understand the pain. But, we do know that it is extremely painful.
That's just the full moon.

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