Loving Is Hard

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I knew loving someone was hard since I was young. I knew that sometimes love doesn't work the way you intend for it to. I know loving is hard.
My name is Harry Potter, I'm a single father of 3. My ex-wife, Ginny Weasley, cheated on me after being married for 6 years. Within those 6 years we had two boys, and one girl. The oldest boy is 6, the next boy is 4, and the girl is now 2.
I found out, right after our daughter was born Ginny started to see someone. It broke me, not only did Ginny cheat but she got pregnant with his baby. And made me think it was mine for 4 months.
It doesn't help that Hermione, and Ron are living in Australia to help Hermione's parents. So, I'm having to deal with this alone.
Now, I'm crying in a bathroom of a one room flat, while my 3 kids are sound asleep in the only bed. It's so hard, my daughter is begging to be with her mum. Then my son, are crying for me to stay home with them.
I wipe my tears, and stand up. I check the time, an hour before I drop James, my oldest son, off at school for learning wizards and witches.
Then, I will go and drop off Albus and Lily off at Ginny and Nott's house. Yeah, Theodore Nott is who she was cheating on me with.
I don't even bother to look at myself. The last time I did, I questioned if that was even me.
I go into the room, and start waking up the 3 little ones. "Come on, let's get up." I say to James, and Albus. I picked up Lily, and started to pat her butt. "Today you are heading over to you mum's!" I say with a smile.
They love it over there, and I don't blame them. James, and Albus instantly get up. I put Lily down in her crib, then helped James get dressed.
After that I fed Lily, who was crying. "Hey, bud can you get your backpack from the couch?" I asks James, he smiles and nods his head. He goes and gets his backpack, and Lily finished her bottle.
I put her down, and got her dressed. Then, I helped Albus get dressed. I got them packed for the weekend at Ginny's.
Before long, I got us all at the door. I put Lily in the car, then helped James and Albus in their booster seats and buckled them up. I then got myself in the car, and drove to the school.
When, we got there I got James out and made sure he had his backpack. I gave him to his teacher, "Hello Harry!" Luna Lovegood says. Luna is James' teacher thankfully, and she knows what's been happening.
"Hi Luna. Here is bag, and today is going to Ginny's." I say with a weak smile. "Harry you don't have to keep a smile, I know you are hurting. I mean have you looked at yourself." Luna says, and I shake my head.
"I think the last time I did, I hated what was in the mirror." I say while looking at the ground. "Potter?" I hear, I take a deep breath.
I turn around expecting anyone, but him. And who is him, Draco Malfoy. I gave his a weak smile.
"You look like sh-" He stops himself and looks at the classroom full of young wizards and witches. "Poop." He says instead of what he was going to say. I nod my head, "I know." I say and I look down.
"Hi Hawwy." Draco's son says. I have met him before, his name is Scorpius. "Hello, Scorpius." I say with a weak smile. "You better get in class, you don't want to be late now do you?" I ask him while raising an eyebrow, and he shook his head.
He waved bye, then went into the class room. "If you wish to talk to me more, Malfoy. I have two more kids in the car, I need to get to Ginny's; so you can either walk with me or we can part our ways." I say and start to walk off.
He quickly catches up to me, "What do mean? I thought you and Weasley were married." He says.
I can't help my shoulders fall, "She chested on me after she had Lily. With Theodore Nott. She has a son with him, who is now I think 7 months old." I say while feeling bitter and sadness.
"Oh..." He says, and I can see he felt sorry. "They're about to go over to Ginny's right now. And I haven't seen you since the death of Astoria, I wanted to say sorry." I says with my head low. "Don't be sorry." He says.
I look at him confused, "I only married her, so I could betray the family tradition of marrying someone with wealth because the greengrasses weren't that wealthy. She loved me with all her heart I didn't really love her. Trust me I think she realized it when we had to make Scorpius, I made it quick and snappy." He says.
I nod my head. "Talk sometime I really do need to get the kids to Ginny's before, she calls me getting angry I don't need that today." I say. "Yeah." He says, and I walk off.
I got Albus, and Lily at Ginny's before Nott woke up. She wasn't mad, thankfully. So, I headed off the work after saying goodbye to Albus and Lily. I am sitting at my desk now.
It's lunch break, and I'm still working. This is how it will be until Monday. I will barely move, only to get coffee or paperwork.
I lucky have my own office, and everyone knows not to bother me. Oh, I forgot to tell you I'm an auror. I was writing when the door gets brusts down.
The next thing I heard, actually killed me. They kept replaying in my head.
"Mr. Potter, you ex-wife took your kids! She pulled James out of school at 10. Ms. Lovegood didn't seem anything wrong except that Ginny had luggage. We followed Ginny to see her get on a train with Nott and the 4 kids and leave. We learned that they are leaving for America."
I had shouting at me!
That's why she wasn't mad, she had been planning this. Everything seem to go numb when I heard that. I didn't even realize where I was until I felt a cold breeze. I was on the room of the auror building, looking down.
No! I shout out at myself, and walk to the stairwell. I decided not to jump, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to kill myself. I walked back to my office...

Draco pov

I was waiting for Scorpius. I see him coming to me looking gloomy. I pick him up, "Hey, baby what's wrong?" I asks him with maturing voice. "James is gone." He says simple.
I thought he meant he left early, and Scorpius didn't know. "I'm sorry." I say, hugging him.
I walked to the car, with him in my arms. I got to the car, and took care of Scorpius. Then, I got myself in the car. Scorpius didn't talk once, and I was worried.
I decided that mother could watch him for me, I need a good night to myself after talking to Harry Potter, my crush, without insulting him.
I feel asleep around 11, and woke up at 8. I got out of bed, and walked down to the kitchen.
There I see an elf reading the daily prophet. "What is the news today?" I asks as I sit down in an chair. The elf looks at me, scared, sad, and worried. He puts the paper down in front of me, and I read the headlines.
Harry Potter Found Dead!
I felt color disappear from my face, I read to fine out why.
When, I finished the paragraph about it. I was stunned. I couldn't stop thinking about what Ginny did or the fact Harry is now really dead...
"Master, you have a phone call." An elf says, and I take a phone.
"Draco, did you read the daily prophet?" Someone asks me, and I know that voice it was Pansy. "Yeah, is he... Really dead?" I asked still stunned. "Yes." Is all she says.
"We are already planning his funeral." Pansy says, and this leeds me to where I am now.
Standing in front of a dead Harry Potter, who is an casket. His skin is white and cold. I couldn't help to cry, everyone in this room either was a friend of Harry's or be came one. I couldn't let Scorpius face this.
He was already upset about James, I'm not telling him about Harry yet. I couldn't stop crying.
"W-why Harry?!" Is all I could think of to say. It came as a whisper, I feel in love with Harry when we were only 13 years old.
Now, my first love is gone. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see Ron Weasley. "It's gonna be okay." Weasley says, and he hugs me.
I cried on his shoulder, for what seemed like hours which was only 5 minutes. "Malfoy, here is Harry's will. And Harry added this note to it." Weasley softly says to me.
I take the will and nod my head. And I read what the note says.

I know loving is hard. I say this because I have been mentally abused, sometimes it get gets physical, by my uncle Vernon. I say this because I have fallen in love with my enemy, Draco Malfoy.
The way his hair shines when the light hits it just right, the way his grey eyes seem like there is always a storm in them.
He is perfect, and I am nothing. As I write this, I have to remember. I am engaged to Ginny Weasley. Do I even know why? To be honest, no. I think it's where I'm scared Ron will hate me, if I broke up with her again.
So, I will put this letter with my will. Meaning if you read this, you must be Draco Malfoy. And I want to say that I feel in love with you, and you were my only love.
Everything that was once mine, now belongs to you. You, Ron, and Hermione are the guardians of my kids (if I have any). Please take care them.
And please tell them stories of me, of I die young.

I went home with that letter, and Harry's will in my hand. With 3 words stuck in my head.

Loving is hard

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