Over the Years

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Draco pov

1st year

I getting fitted for my rodes. Soon, I would be heading to Hogwarts. I was ready, but also nervous for school.
I had to be perfect at school, I had to carry the Malfoy name on. "Have you heard?" I hear one of people that shopping say. And I was just a 11 year-old boy, so I am going to eavesdrop.
"Heard what?" The other person asks, and I am also very curious. "Harry Potter is going here, and is going to Hogwarts this year." I hear the person say.
Did I just hear what I think I heard! The Harry Potter coming to Hogwarts! And the same year as me!
I wanted to jump and yell. My whole life, I just wanted to be friends with him. I was so excited.
I look in the mirror as the door chimes. I see no other than Harry Potter. I wanted to run over to him, now. But, I see that he looks at me and is analyzing me. So, I make sure I stand up straight and my head is high.
But, I was also analyzing him. He had dark brown hair, green emerald eyes, and round glass. I wanted to stare at eyes forever, and I don't even know why.
But as quick as the encounter happened it ended. "Draco?" I hear someone say, and I know that voice. "Father." I say while looking at him. He shoos the fitting person way, and then smiles at me.
"I see the way you looked at Harry Potter. Do you like him, son?" Father says, and I instantly shake my head. No, that's wrong! I yell in my head.
"It's okay, if you do." Father says before nodding his head. I nod my head at him. I don't like Harry Potter.

2nd year

Me, and Father were walking through Knockturn Alley. Father was keeping a close eye on me, cause 'their was many people he did not like there'. Father's words not mine.
"Draco, go look at that shop. I will right there. And don't touch anything." My father's voice was stern and strong. It's voice he only uses, when he is extremely serious.
"Yes, father." I say, and watch as he goes into a store. I walk down, when I come to a shop. I look inside to see Harry Potter. My new enemy, and a new found cursh.
He sees me, and I see that he is struggling. So, I try to think of something. I came to the conclusion to help him.
I hurried inside to see that his not be held by the hand anymore. I look around to see him no where, I look to see something interesting. I forget what Father told me, and I touched it.
My father's crane startled me. "Don't touch anything, Draco." Father says in his stern voice. I knew I was in trouble.
"Yes, father." I say as take deep breaths from being startled. I look him up and down.
I look back at thing, and then see father move. I move with him, looking at everything. He walks up to the front, and I continue to look around.
I hear someone talking, then I hear "Young Malfoy." I look at the man. He made me uncomfortable.
"Draco." My father says, and I put the box I was holding on the counter. I look at the man, and then moved behind my father. I looked around some more, while my father talked to him.
I walked over to a thing that a mummy would be in. I take a breath, and instantly smile. It probably looked more like a smirk. But, once again I was touching something.
The next I know is that my father's crane, so straight pass my ear. I hear Harry jump. I turn to my father, "What did I say?" He say with his stern voice. I knew I was in big trouble.
"Touch nothing." I say back while looking at him. I noticed how the man had took a coin back.
"Exactly." My father say and I knew I would be yelled at when I get home. "Sorry, father." I say knowing that wouldn't be enough to save me.
He removes his crane. "Come on, we go." My father says staring at me. I was in so much trouble.
I look back at the thing, and give Harry a confused look. The man says something to father, and then we leave. We go to the bookshop, I can't think of the name of the place to save my life.
"Draco, head to bookshop." Father tells me, and I do so.
I go to the bookshop, and walk up the stairs. I don't want to be standing down there with all those people. I think as I reach the top. I go to we're I'm right over Mr. Lockwood.
I see Harry walk in, and join the Weasley's. I see how Harry gets recognized by Lockwood.
I walk down half the steps, I can't stand to get in the photo. I walk down half the stairs, I see a book. I pick it up, and read the first page. I read few more, until I find one that interest me. I wait until the photographer walks off, to rip the page out of the book. I put in my pocket. I look to see Harry walking this way. I hurry down the stairs, so I could stop him.
"Bet you loved that did, Pottah?" I say as get in his way. "Famous Harry Pottah can't even go to a bookshop without making the front page." I say while looking dead into Harry's eyes.
Why, am I so rude to him?! I think as I stare at Harry's eyes. I could get lost in them.
"Leave him alone." A Weasley says, and in look at her. She was the ginger hair, and green eyes. She was actually quite cute.
"Pottah, you've got yourself a girlfriend!" I say and to be honest I was extremely jealous. That's when his friends step up. After that I don't remember anything.






8th year

It's fun all this happened 7 and 8 years ago. But, they are the best memories for me I can think of. That wasn't until me and Harry actually became friends this year. Which eventually lead to us dating, thankfully.
Right now, I'm sitting down at my desk while he is sleeping. I can't help but smile, while writing.
I put the pencil down, I look back at my boyfriend. "Draco if you don't join me on bed, I will you fuck until you're so tried and in pain that you won't be able to walk for a week." Harry says as he sits up.
I look at him, and smirk. "Then do. Or are to scared?" I say while looking him up and down. He looks at our clock, I look at him confused.
"11pm probably won't end until 6am." He says he stands up, and walks over to me. I instantly blush, and he picks me. He throws me on the bed, and the rest you can imagine. All I can is make sure to add a lot of kinkiness.
I wake up, and to our alarm (Aka Ron Weasley) knocking on the door every loudly.
"RON GO AWAY! TELL THE PROFESSORS, WE ARE NOT FEELING WELL!" Harry shots with his eyes still closed. I look at Harry.
"Oh, okay. You guys are both feeling EXTREMELY under the weather." Ron says while shouting 'Extremely'. "Where protection." Ron says before he walks away.
"Who's gonna tell, that we didn't." I say with a smirk. "No one." Harry says as he opens his eyes.
"Tell me, how do you feel?" He asks me with a smirk. I smile, and try to stretch only to find pain.
"Ow." I say, then quickly stop stretching. "Harry, I'm pain." I say hoping he would use the usual spell.
"No. You asked for this love." He says as he turns over and closes his eyes. This prat. Why do I love him? I laugh to myself. I close my eyes, and instantly fall back to sleep.
Time as gone by since I first saw him. Some people have died, some are suffering. But, no time as gone by when I don't look at Harry see love or happiness.
Year can go, year can come. This ia true, over the years everyone will learn happiness. Even if takes longer.

A/n Most of this goes by the movies. Some things come from books (mainly the 'Potter got himself a girlfriend.')
And I always didn't feel like writing for every year.
( '◡‿ゝ◡')

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