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Harry, Draco

Draco's phone
Contact The Best Boyfriend

01:01 am
I can't sleep
So, gimme me a call

01:08 am
No, I always feel bad
Why are you up?
Because I have my phone on buzz
But you don't need to feel bad ever, babe
I would love you hear your voice anytime
you woke up just from that small buzz
From my text?
Well, I had my ringer on so it was a ring
Why did you have your ringer on
In case you call
Call me, I will talk to you until you go to sleep
The best boyfriend is calling
12:34 pm
What are 5 things you like about me?
Your eyes, smile, personality, heart, and your attitude
What are 4 things I like?
Clothes, me, your pets, and anything the color green
What are 3 things I look good in?
Suits, sweats, and my arms
What are 2 things I say a lot?
Hobo and stupid
What is 1 thing you change about me
Your last name
Today 11:45 am
Depression is back.
Is it bad?
It's dark today
Today 1:20 pm
You okay?
Not at all
It's bad
You want to go for a drive
Windows down, music up
Ok, I will at your house in 10
Thank you
Np, love

Draco pov

Harry picked me up, and instantly felt a little happy. Harry comes the door, front the inside. I get in, and closes the door. I buckle up, and take a deep breath.
I love the smell of his car. It smells like his cologne, and it still has the new car smell.
"Any road? Or is there a certain road?" Harry asks with a smile. I shrug my shoulders, "Take me away Romeo." I say as a joke.
He smiles and plays 'Love Story' by a muggle named Taylor Swift. I look out the window, and travel to a different world.
My hand in Harry's, while we are driving down a country road with 'Love Story' playing. Some would say it sounds like a good bye. But, if it was our goodbye. We would be crying, and we are both smiling. Know as long as we have which other, we are both okay and everything will be fine.
The song changes to 'This Town' by another muggle named Niall Horan. This was on a playlist Harry had made when I first started telling him, about my depression and what helped.
We had learned that some songs help me. And 'Love Story' and 'This Town' do help me.
I look at Harry, we are only 18 but I love him. He has always been there for me, even after everything. He was the first person to accept me as the new me. Even, if I was clingy or annoying at some points.
'Can't Blame a Girl For Trying' comes on. I can't help but sing along. "Cause I'm young and I'm dumb. I do stupid things when it comes to love. And even if I always end up crying. Well, you can't blame a girl for trying." I sang and Harry joined me at the end.
"We never can blame a girl for trying." Harry says with a smile. He glances at me, with a soft smile. I smile at him, he used to not know any of these songs. And now he is singing them with me. Sometimes we would dance or make faces at each other.
I take a deep breath, I look around. We are surrounded by empty fields, and it's just us. We have been down this road to many times.
I roll down the window, and put my hand outside the car. I hold it in the air. I nod my head to the music. Harry is laughing at me. This is a moment you could only dream of.
After a few hours, Harry brings me back home. I get out, and wave bye to him.
I get inside, and he leaves. I head up to my room, and get on my phone. I decided to text Pansy and Blaise.

Blaise, Pansy, Draco

My besties
Today 7:45pm
Hey guys
Hey, Dray
Hey, Draco
I saw you and Harry riding the car today.
Everything okay or was today dark?
Today was dark, but Harry knows what to do you make me feel better
That's good. Dray, you got yourself a good one.
I know
So, where is Harry now?
Harry dropped me off
You are waiting for him to get home to text him

Harry Potter as sent message
Looks like he home

The best boyfriend
Can I come spend the night?
What's wrong
Uncle is back from trip
Oh, okay. Pack some clothes and get over here
Okay, thank you
Of course, love

I feel bad for Harry, when his uncle comes home. After we started dating, and I told my parents. He started sleeping over, when his uncle comes home or is home.
It wasn't long until, I heard the door bell ring. I walk downstairs to see my father opening the door for Harry. Yeah, Dad was able to stay out of Azkaban. Only if he promised to meet someone every Thursday, and would all go grocery shopping.
When Harry walked on, he thanked my father. He looked at me, and I saw that his right cheek was bright red.
"He slapped you again?" I asks while touching it. He nods his head. I quickly hug him, and father gives me sorry eyes.
My father nods his head to take him to my room. I walk Harry up to my room, and as soon as we got in my room. He cuddled close to me, like he was scared to lose me.
"What did he say this time?" I ask, cause everything that bloody part of uncle says something to Harry. "He said that you only loved me because of me being Harry Potter. And that you will soon fall out of love with me." Harry says, I start to rub his back.
"And I yelled at him, that you loved me for me. And then he slapped me. That's then I left and texted you." Harry finishes. I know Harry probably is trying not cry in front of me, but I know the subject of me not loving him hurts. Cause when we first got together, that's what everyone believed.
Before I could say a word, Harry breaks. He just start crying into my shoulder. I hold him tight, I whisper loving things in his ear.
Eventually he fell asleep, and I soon fall asleep as well. I'm so glad to have this phone. And I think you can read why. And if you think you can, then let me start over.

01:01 am
I can't sleep
So, gimme me a call

A/n so, when I originally created this Draco was underlined when he was texting. But over time, I guess where I kept on getting back on typing something getting back off it didn't underline some of the words he texted. And I am too lazy right now to go back and underline them, any other day I would. But not today.

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