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Here I am doing something I would thought I would be doing. Me, Draco Malfoy, is about to go snowboarding for the first time.
I am getting tutored by a guy, I have no idea it is. All I know is that I have 4 hours or less that I have of trying to learning how to snowboard. I'm going to die.
I am waiting right now for the tutor. "Draco?" Someone asks, and I look up to see a old frenemy. "Harry?" I say, did I also have a little crush on him. Very much.
"It's so good to see you." I say, I stand up. "You, too. You look like you were waiting for someone, who is it?" He asks. "I am waiting for someone. I am going snowboarding for the first time, and I have a tutor to show what to do and what not to do." I say while nodding my head.
"Well, then you are in lucky. You got one of the best people on the slops." He says and I nod my head. "How do you know who it is?" I ask, and he laughs. "You don't know, do you?" I asks after a minute.
"No, no I do know why. It's just funny that you didn't even look at the name of the tutor, and you are were the boy that always read the fine print." He says and I nod my head, now understanding. "Anyways, turn around he's in front of you. And your hair is messed up." He says.
I quickly turn around and fix my hair. I can't meet someone with my hair messed up. "He's here." Harry says, and I turn around to only see him. It took me a second, but I realized he was my tutor.
"So, you are my tutor." I say while nodding my head. He laughs, and nods his head.
I can't help but to look at him. He has grown up since we were in school. He used to be skinny, messy hair all over the place, acted scared of everything, and looked like if you would have touch him he would shatter.
Now he has to some weight on him, muscler, fit, all his messy hair is gone on the sides, only leaving his messy hair on the top of his head, and looks like if you touch him he would kill you. His eyes haven't changed at all, the are the emerald green I remember.
I remember I fell in love with him because of his personality and then his eyes. I fell deeply in love with his eyes. "We better start snowboarding now. After all the weather forecast calls for rain, and rain on snow is shit." He says, snapping out my thoughts. I nod my head, I could tell he had a little bit of pink tint on his ears and checks.
We start to walk to bunny slops, it hard for me while it looked easy for Harry, he had one foot on the snowboard and another pushing him.
When we got there he taught me how to get in the snowboard, and first I almost fell so he had to hold me. That made me fluster.
Now he is actually teaching me how to snowboard. "You got this." He says as he snowboards down the peak a little. I glup, and try what he did.
I fall as soon as I started to get it. "Hey, it's okay. I fell more times than I can count when I first snowboarded." Harry says who is a little in front of me. I roll me eyes, he laughs.
"Okay, come on you need to get up." He says, and gets on the ground. "Watch me." He says, and I nod my head. "Okay, so what you want to do is put on hand in the ground push yourself up." He says as he does, "Then balance yourself." He balance himself on the board while squatting.
"If you need to put your arms out." He says, and I try it and fail. So, I did it again while putting my hands out. I put my hands out, and this time a actually balance.
"Now try to stand up, and if you start going down; I will catch you." Harry says, and I nod my head. He stands up and gets in front of me, I try to stand up. I successful stand up, but then I started to go down.
Harry caught me like he said he would, when I was falling. He caught me and when I looked up at him he was smiling. I push back making me fall into him even more, if that was in even possible.
"Sorry, sorry." I quickly say. "It's fine, after all I got told you I would catch you." He said, and I get flustered. He laughs a little, while I want to hide and die.
After a while we finally made it to the bottom of the bunny slops. I most likely look like a tomato and Harry has a little bit pink tint to his skin.
Why you asks? Because I bloody fell and we almost KISSED! And I was a kid ask why I so bad, and her dad said and I quote, "Because he is not moving his body." EXCUSE ME! I was moving my body!
Anyways, Harry was able to get me on the lift. I still am to embraced to look at him.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better. It's only been 20 minutes and you only fell 6 times. Usually people fall more." Harry says, making me look at him. "Truthfully?" I ask him cause I think he is making this up to completely honest. "Truthfully." He says.
That made me feel all the encouragement I needed to go again. This time I fell only twice. After that we went in.
I was so happy to be inside the ski resort. My face, my hands, my toes, and even my eyes were cold. I sat down at a table, and Harry went to go get something. When, he came back he had two hot chocolates.
"Thanks." I say as I take the one he was handing me. He nods his head, and sits down. "You did a really good job." He says with a smile, I still remember that smile from when we are younger. "Harry, why did you start teaching people how to snowboard?" I ask being curious.
He chuckles, and looks around. When he finshed chucking he looked at me. "When I was little I learned how to snowboard. I would use snowboarding as a way to get out of my problems. So when I had learned that this ski resort had a opening job for a teacher for snowboarding I had to take it. But I am a officer so this is just a side job." He says as he looks at some pictures. I try to get a good look on the persons face that Harry was looking at.
When, Harry noticed I was having hard time he said something. "It's my dad and his best friends. My dad loved to snowboard. That's actually how he met my mom was by teaching her how to snowboard. At first my mom thought he was annoying and she learned to love him. My dad's picture up is because he was the first ever person to step up and be a teacher to someone." Harry said with a quiet voice, but still loud enough to hear.
I know that must be hard to say, after all his parents had died in a car crash on their way to a mountain. I see Harry shake his head.
"Anyways, to be honest I was surprised you were trying to snowboard. After high School I thought I would never see you again. And then I see you again and it's... Like everything that I had to through high school again came back to me." He says the last little bit in mumble. But, I still could understand. "What?" I asks.
"When I found out you were teaching me everything from high school came back to me." I say shocked that we had the same reaction. He looks at me shocked, "I don't think we had the same thing happened to us; not the same emotion at least. Unless you like me?" He asks, his face turning a bit pink. "I do like you." I mumble.
Next thing I know I was being kissed by him, I guess he likes me too. I kiss back melt into it.

3rd pov

Harry and Draco sat there kissing for a second before pulling away. They both realize that they are the ones they were meant for.
Their lips met once again. They were lips made for each others. As they stand there they both know that this is not a one time thing or soon they will break up. They know they will be together for a long time.
They can thank snowboarding for bringing them together again.

A/N: Sorry, I haven't posted much I just have a lot of stuff going on for school, clubs, friends, and so much more. So, thank you for being patient. And I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

One Shots ·· Drarryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن