Chapter 2: New class

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After the bell rang, Chabishara entered the classroom but emitted a different aura, one of happiness, I suppose she is happy to reach class B.

"Good morning, I congratulate you for your hard work" they began to applaud "as you can see now we are class B, now more than ever you must work hard the gap with class A is not as wide if you try hard as before the 3rd year we will already be class A "

Everyone was happy as the last exam was a key factor, class A lost a lot of points that made our class close now.

"I also wanted to inform you that as of this second year a new" continuous "system was implemented, this System concluded as OAA shows your statistics as well as your year and information"

We all pay attention to what Chabishara was saying, it is rare that he implements this new system, hopefully they will tell us why they introduced this system.

"I know that everyone has questions but I will answer them, this system is implemented in their new cell phones, in this brochure is the new information"

I give the students in the front an envelope, each one comes with our name, once I got to my place I opened it finding my new cell phone and a brochure about the system.

"As they can, they must start the application to have access, there they will be shown the name of all the students as well as their statistics, this profile is public so, anyone can check your grades as well as your skills"

"It's not fair we don't want them to see our grades"

"why do that?"

"I don't want them to see my notes"

There were several comments, one of them from my girlfriend I guess she is not happy that others see her notes.

"Calm down this system is implemented so that each student can see your senpai, as well as your kouahi"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Kushida was moving her phone, I guess she is interested in the early years if one is not from her old school.

"Well this would be it, let's start the classes"

When class ended, the bell rang indicating lunchtime, a lot of questions were coming.

I guess I have no choice but to answer them, when my classmates were going to surround me and kei.At that moment Chabishara sensei opened the door.

In the classroom it came from a heavy atmosphere, the cause? Well it would be the teacher since she has a worried look, will it be a new exam? We were all attentive to a possible notice of an exam, although that vanished when the teacher who was going to give us the lesson was outside the room.

"Ayanokouji I take you to come with me the director is waiting for you in the office" releasing those words everyone turned to see me.

"Sensei, why did you do something wrong?" It was Yousuke, a question that everyone had in mind, including my neighbor and my ex-neighbor, they looked at me intimidated.

"It's nothing like that, calm down, they were just talking to him about school-related matters, that's all"

"Well let's go" I got up before they ask incessant questions after all I already created a fourth for when I return.

with that we both left the room and the teacher started his class.

I was on my way with Chabishara although no one spoke on the way, I decided to remove this heavy atmosphere.

"Do you know if it's the same as the same thing again?"

"I'm sorry to tell you that yes, the president is waiting for you along with your father"

It seems that he was right, "that" man returned even though he said he would not return. I couldn't help but be nervous, since the reason is quite obvious, if he came again is that it is to take me, I guess he did it again.

"I see" leaving that comment we get to the director's office.

knock knock

"Come in" a man told us through the door, the president to be precise.

"Here I bring you Ayanokouji kun"

"Thanks you can go"

"If you'll excuse me" with that he closed the door and walked away.

Looking forward "that" man was sitting with his right hand supporting his chin, although there is something different, his eyes do not show hostility .....

Looking forward "that" man was sitting with his right hand supporting his chin, although there is something different, his eyes do not show hostility

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"sit down Kiyotaka"

"If we will talk about the same thing, I can't find the reason why I should stay a long time" with my comment we both looked at each other, glaring.

"Okay Ayanokouji kun , Ayanokouji Sensei organized something and I spoke to you because we wanted to hear if you agree" the director Sakayanagi spoke removing the atmosphere.

With his comment I sat down since he interested me that he organized that man, I just hope it is not my expulsion .......

"Well let's get started Ayanokouji Sensei had something to tell you" with that I directed my gaze to "that" man.

"Well Kiyotaka I already understood that you do not want to leave, so I will give you your freedom for these 3 years" with that I opened my eyes, I never expected him to say something like that.

"But there is a condition, Sakayanagi agreed to create a special class for students of the White room, I want you to join it"

"Why do you want to include me in that class?"

"It is simple I do not want you to lower your performance so they will have a special training, their study plan will be an advanced one but they will be equal, exams will be the same for you as others, it will only change their course"

"I see"

"If you accept, I will give you freedom for these 3 years, also Sakayanagi will explain about the class"

Which would be convenient? The fact that a student in class D goes to a special class will attract a lot of attention.

On the other hand, if I accept, I will not have to worry about whether "that" man attacks me, besides the other students can take care of the problems in which I am involved since it is inevitable that they will not be dragged.

"Well, I accept but first I want to know about the class" I turned to see direction Sakayanagi.

"I'm glad you accepted Kfiyotaka, I was just waiting if you participated or not, I will explain this to you since we will deepen it when we are with your new classmates, the class consists of 5 students including you since they belong to generation 5 so the 4 will be one year younger than you, do not worry they will receive second year rooms because due to their long training they appear older, their class will be called class S, they will have the same equality of receiving 1000 points at thebeginning of the month for being second year will I will explain to you at the beginning how the school works "

5 students only ?, this is interesting

" I see"

"Then let's go Kiyotaka, the others are waiting for you" with that words from my father I followed him along with the president

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