Extras: The newlywed mansion

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After two weeks Kiyotaka propose marriage to Kei


Today I go to the mansions shop to see the mansions I come here because today I came here to choose the newlywed mansion. Kiyotaka said he will come here late. After that, I came here first to choose our newlywed mansion and Kiyotaka said he will buy the mansions for me too. Even Kiyotaka buys the mansions to give me to live. Of course, Kiyotaka is the best every time he buys the best things for me and does not look like other rich people will get have an affair with sb. Well, Kiyotaka of course does not look like them because we see them in high school to know each other. I love Kiyotaka Even people said I am because Kiyotaka is so rich after that I go beside him. Kiyotaka knows me isn't that type of person. At 1:45, Kiyotaka drove to the mansion store. Well, Kiyotaka bought houses for each of Ryuuen kun, Ishizaki kun, and Yamada kun. Then I go into the mansions shop.

"Hi, Karuizawa sama today you want to buy what type of mansions?" one shop clerk asks me.

"Hi, today I want to buy the newlywed mansion."

"I see please come here to see." then the shop clerk led me to go inside.

Then she led me to the shop the most inside mansions.

"Here is the most luxurious newlywed mansion area. Please come to sit here I will give the picture of the mansions to give you and what you want to eat or drink??"

"I want to drink XXXXXXXXX shop caramel milkshake and XXXXXXXXXXXX shop caramel cake. Remember to buy two caramel milkshakes and caramel cake."

"Ok, and another one is given Ayanokouji sama right?"

"yes, Kiyotaka will come here later."

"Ok I will order people to help to buy those drinks and food and I will go to take the picture to give you to see."

"Ok." then she leaves away.

Then she gives me six pictures of the mansions to choose which one to do the newlywed mansion.

Which one is best to do the newlywed mansion??"

"Karuizawa?" I hear one voice I know and make me scared.

I see one boy and one girl hug his right arm. I know them because they are my junior high school classmates which means they are bullying me, people.

The boy name is Oukou Oobayashi and the girl name is Tsubame Osaragi. They are still dating they are dating in the year three of junior high school.

"Hi Oobayashi kun and Osaragi san..."

"Are you choosing the house too?" Oobayashi kun ask me.


"You cannot buy your own it means you do the rich person's mistress?" Osaragi san said to me.

"Of course not. I am not any person's mistress. I only love him and I will get married to him."

"Then how can you come here. Here the house is very expensive how can you buy it."

"Are you want to in the house has your name?"

"Of course."

"You don't pay any money how can the house can your name."

"Yeah, your boyfriend doesn't look like Oukou's salary is very high."

"Yeah, I am in the XXXXXX company human resource manager."

XXXXXX company why I remember I heard this company name one time. Look like is...

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