Extras: Typhoon part 3

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I has achieved a prominent position in the girl group, coupled with his strong momentum, he has achieved his wish and ushered in a new beginning.

Promoted to Class A? Hirata kun is probably more concerned about this issue, as well as Horikita-san, who is not very popular. It's better to stay in Class D all the time, as long as time goes by slowly, the previous wound will always heal smoothly.

However, I was wrong, no matter how many times I stood in front of the mirror, the scary scar was always disgusting. A burst of dizziness, it seems to fall into the dark again.No one to talk to, but that's okay, at least no one knows my secrets either.

"You've been bullied, haven't you, Karuizawa."

The most unpleasant situation happened on the cruise ship, and everything was witnessed by the boys in the same class.

"What do you want to do to me?"

Ayanokouji, the most inconspicuous student in the class, showed a completely opposite side to usual. Knowing that he was trying to be brave, he was still reluctant to give in easily.

Really coveting my body? When the cold hand touched the skin, I couldn't help shivering, can I only sink forever?

But he still surprised me in the end, maybe he was too stupid to understand Ayanokouji's intentions, until recently. There was a bit of twisted loss in his heart, he really had no interest in that matter, why was he unwilling to do so!

Of course, Ayanokouji kun did not give up easily. Under his coercion, he became a veritable tool person, and inquiring about all kinds of information was my main job. Although he was in control, he was the one who couldn't get rid of his dependence. After all, he was surrounded by marginal figures in the class! It might sound weird to say it, but I got a little comfort.

"Say that name, and you and I will both have a lot less trouble."

Silence is right, at a certain moment, the consciousness has been prepared.

That's right, that guy is really annoying. Every contact will only send a bunch of troubles, a look of unknown reasons, and occasionally he likes to make fun of me. To protect such a person is really hopeless. But, being the only one who really knew me, he did heal that scar, albeit in a bad way. Escape is useless after all, the only way to solve it is to face it directly.

"Kiyotaka." The breath on the snuggled body always makes people feel at ease. "Sorry, me."

He gave me a look of restraint, and I don't know when, the small communication outside of words has become a habit.

"It's okay."

The ponytail was undone, and the scattered blonde hair enjoyed being stroked.

"It's embarrassing, I, I still can't forget those."

"It's okay." repeated.

"Perfunctory?" A little dissatisfied, he broke free.

"No." There was a strange look in his eyes, "It's not just Megumi who can't escape from the past."

The white room, as Kiyotaka called that place, was where he lived until he came to Yoyo.

She is very secretive about her past, but as a girlfriend, she can always feel from Kiyotaka, and feel the similarities between the two of us.

"Anyway, Kei is starting to be brave." He pulled me into his arms again. "It's very different from a year ago."

"Hmm." He replied softly.

"It may take a long time to overcome with Hui's ability, right?"Huh?

"However, until then, I will be with Megumin by my side."

"I mean, is Kiyotaka going to leave me one day?" He pursued a satisfactory answer relentlessly.

"I'll always be with you, Kei."

small theater

"By the way, it's very late."

"Why, you want to drive me away!"

"The thunder has also stopped, so Hui is perfectly fine by himself."

"Maybe it will come again, thunderstorm."

With a helpless sigh, Kiyotaka can't do anything in the face of my coquetry!

"It's not good to stay alone in a boy's room." He made his last resistance.

Ignoring him, he walked to the bathroom on his own.

"I'm going to take a shower, don't think about it!"

"Hey, this is my room!"

Having said that, I easily gained access to the room.

"Are you lying on the bed talking to yourself?" Kiyotaka showed a helpless expression, hesitated for a while, and lay down beside me.

"What are you doing!" He tried to distance himself, but there was absolutely no room to retreat.


How can you be so arrogant! "Okay, I know! I'll sleep on the floor, it's alright!"

"Well, would love to agree to the proposal, but I don't have another mattress ready."Instead, he was caught in a dilemma.

"No strange thoughts!" He turned his back to the past, trying to reassure himself.

"Then, turn off the lights."

Total darkness.

"Good night." Lie down casually.

"Night, good night."

The surroundings gradually became quiet, and Kiyotaka's gentle breathing could be heard.

Are you asleep? Shouldn't you be tossing and turning in excitement! First time with a girl. It was clearly full of worries just now, but now it has turned into depression.

Why am I the one who is expecting it! Thinking of that first dream again, my heartbeat involuntarily quickened, and my cheeks began to heat slightly.

So close, Kiyotaka wouldn't notice, would he?

"Kiyotaka." He called tentatively, but there was no response.

He breathed a sigh of relief, if he found out, he would definitely be teased. But he couldn't calm down, staring blankly at the darkness in front of him, but not a bit sleepy. It seemed that he was going to spend a very long night.

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