Chapter 69: Start the Cultural Festival

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Although the cooperation plan was questioned by some students, everyone expressed their approval after understanding the benefits. Just in case, the leaders of the five classes have been discussing on their mobile phones since then. Soon, the cultural festival will be tomorrow. I am also looking forward to the first cultural festival I participated in in my life. I will treasure the memories of a lifetime.

There is no special opening ceremony, the school's cultural festival just kicked off, and there are many people outside the school who are invited to come here.My parents still haven't come yet. My mother said they will 10:00 to come.After that those time I can with Kei walk together.

After an early breakfast, Kei and I met in the mansions.Matsuo said his son and his son friend will come too after that he go to find them.

Kei's working hour is scheduled at 10:00 after that she go with me in this hour and after her working finish.I remember she saying she wanted me to wear that couple necklace she gave me.After that I wear that necklace too.I wear my mother give me that watch.It can be seen that Kei is really looking forward to this cultural festival.

We first came to the teaching building area, starting from the first grade classroom, the three ABC classes are a haunted house, crepes and muffin stall, okonomiyaki and fried rice noodle stall. Since we just had breakfast and there is not much time, and we still have a second grade battle plan, we didn't stop there.We talk when we are hungry we will go to buy to eat.

Then we are go to the class D.

Class D the class activity is a set of dolls, with 100 individual points for one circle, and 400 individual points for 5 individual points. Kei seemed to have seen something interesting, and his eyes sparkled.

"Kiyotaka, can you give me those two dolls?" Kei looked at me with pity and pointed at a panda and bear doll about 50 centimeters tall. 200 points is also okay, so I asked the kohai who was in charge of selling the ring. Bought two circles.

"Are two circles really okay?"has one kouchai.

"Is fine."That kouchai is a little worried, after all, the doll is a little far from the specified line, and the difficulty of the set is not low, but...

I gently threw the loop in my hand and landed it on the panda doll's head accurately. Although the loop was not big enough to fit it. But it really counts as me. Some other participants exclaimed, and that girls in the couple seemed to be coquettish with her boyfriends and wanted to. I ignored it, with Kei leave class d classroom.

Because we know that the second grade classes are not in the teaching building, Kei class, Arisu, and Honami's class all have a joint maid restaurant in the gymnasium, and the Ryuuen class is performing plays in the auditorium.Kei was holding the panda and bear dolls that I just put on, and she jumped up and down like a child along the way. It seemed that she liked it very much.

"Kiyotaka, you are too good. Although I believe that you will be able to catch it, I didn't expect you to succeed in one shot. Did you often play the circle before?" ' Kei asked me in a cheerful tone.

"Well, almost. "The actual situation is that in the white room, I have been trained in throwing darts like this kind of ring, the purpose is to. . I without thinking about that, Kei and I continued to walk.

"Kiyotaka kun!!"

"Sen~pai~~"I hear Hime and Ichiki voice then Kei and I I turn back.I see their hand has a food and things of class d class activity dolls and things.

"Are you guys just go to the Class D there?"I ask them.

"yeah there are many things that make us want~~"then Hime holds one doll she get.

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