Extras: Kei and Kiyotaka

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After Kei and her friends part 2 . When Kanon and Koyoi are three years old.


Today is Kiyotaka with me dating day. Today Koyoi and Kanon go to the mother of law there. After that I can have a date with Kiyotaka. I am in the Ginza to wait Kiyotaka. I tidy my face and don't have any dirty things. After five min I see Kiyotaka is walk here.

"Hi Kiyotaka~~"

"Hi Kei." then I hug he and he hug me too.

"Where do you want to go??" Kiyotaka ask me.

"I want to eat a aftermoon tea with you~~" then I hug his right arm.

"Ok then let go now." then we start go to eat aftermoon tea there.

Go back Kei is still waiting Kiyotaka 

Third Person POV

One group is walking the Ginza. They are Kei Karuizawa high school bullying her people and has three boys who are there too. Those people are Non Tsukikawa of the leader. Yui Taiyo, Michiru Nijiiro, Hanana Michiru, Nanami Ehime and Aira Kizaki of all girls and Miyuki Shinomiya of boy leader. Saburou Ishigami and Shindou Kazamatsuri. And Shinomiya is the one those people bullying Kei people order her to confession love to.

"Where do you go now?" Tsukikawa hugging Shinomiya right arm.

"Well just go to shopping."

"Ok~~" then they walk and Shinomyia see someone he know.

"Hey are that one is Karuizawa?" he points out Kei.

"Really?" then they look at her.

"Really is her. But her dress and jewelry are very famous shop products." Kazamatsuri said.

"Yes hey you guys are not like bullying her right then why don't you guys go there to bully her?" Ishigami ask those girls.

"We want but we can't."Tsukikawa said.


"because she is the one Mrs. the richest man in the world."  Taiyo said.

"What? That guy?!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes the news is showing she is Mrs. the richest man in the world." then Michiru take her phone to show those news show she is Mrs. the richest man in the world.

"Really.... "

"You guys cannot believe it? We can't believe it too but that richest person in world bodyguards said to us if we want to live a normal life don't do it to her anymore. If she tells that person about you guys things he can't be sure he will not do anything to us." Nijiiro said.

"But maybe she likes money only."Kazamatsuri said.

"But the news is saying they are meeting in high school to know each other and now that person of the richest person in the world that time he is not the richest person in the world. He is just a normal man only and he starts rich isn't his father. It is because he did the company after that he became a rich person. When they are still students they are already dating."Taiyo said.

"You mean Karuizawa isn't like his money is real like he."Shinomyia ask her.



"But maybe she is cheating." Kazamatsuri said.

"Impossible she is Mrs. the richest man in the world now if she is really cheating she will not that aboveboard cheating." Tsukikawa said.



"Wait she is hugging someone." Shinomyia said.

They see Kei is hugging Kiyotaka that scene but becuase has a wall after that can't see Kiyotaka.

"Who she hugging?"

"Who knows." then they see Kei is walk.

"Are we following her?" Shinomyia ask.

"Of course no."


" If she tells her future husband we can't get a normal life and maybe we can't have a job anymore in this world!!"Tsukikawa said.

"But even is the richest person in the world can't do that too right?"Ishigami said.

"That person is the richest person in the world!! Everyone need to respect he too!!"Tsukikawa said.

"Yes after that we don't go to find her anymore. This is the only way good of us only."Nijiiro said to them.

Then they walk away.

Kiyotaka POV

When Kei and I finish eating afternoon tea we go to another shop. When we are in the dress shop I see Kei's face so scared. I see in front have nine people are walking here.

"Why are they here..." I heard Kei use lower voice to said.

I can see she is scared them I think those people are those bullying her people.

"Karuizawa?" I see is the boy said to her.

"Hi Kazamatsuri kun...." that boy is call Kazamatsuri.

"Hey is that guy your husband??" Other boy said to her.

"Yes have any questions??" then Kei use more power to hug my right arm.

"Hey I am Karuizawa high school The same classmates are nice to meet you. I am Shinomiya."


"Hey do you know her past??" has someone hug my shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know? Karuizawa you need to tell your husband. Ok I will tell you about her past." then that guy in my ear said to me. Well those thing I already know when I did in first grade ship exam.

"Then you don't want to with her anymore right?"

"No and you guys just want to said bad thing of Kei and want me don't with her anymore after that can make you guys bullying her again right??"

They can't said anythings because I am right what I said.

"Hey don't think you are the richest person in the world after that you can do anything!!!" has another boy said to me and want to beat me.

But I stop he.

"Look like you guys don't know the result of if you offend the richest person in the world." then I take my phone to the Ginza store manager.

"Is me."

"Yes Ayanokouji sama."

"I want nine people don't come here anymore."

"if who??"

"You see the camera to see where I am after that you can see is who."

"Ok." then I finish the call and put back my bag.

After 2 min has ten bodyguards are here.

"I am sorry but you guys cannot stay here anymore." has one bodyguard.


"Because you guys offend the most can't offend person."

"What do you mean?? Don't tell me because you!!!" Shinomiya said to me.

"I don't know anything. Let go Kei."

"Mmm ok." then she hug me right arm to walk away.

"Kiyotaka you really..."



Then we go to the jewelry shop to buy Kanon and Koyoi presents.

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