Chapter 44: The Answers

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Volk looked around, regretful. Tori still held Alepou up. Acheron and Nahe walked towards Kenos. Yuzui, Nichi and Elias moved to make sure Volk couldn't do anything. As the fire started getting more intense, Kenos stopped helping Stella up.

Volk: To have so many people care for you...

He sat down on the floor.

Volk: I was lied to, and I dragged her along with me.

He laughed momentarily and once he stopped he punched the ground in anger.

Okami: We all were. Not by Lykos, not by Argos but something worse.

Stella's hair turned brown as Lykos fronted again. He stumbled from a lack of energy and almost fell, but Tori let go of Alepou and grabbed him.

Kenos: So Volk, you might want to start explaining.

Alepou: Accalia is after you two. He wanted us to capture you.

Okami: Capture? He told me to kill.

Alepou: He knew you wouldn't be able to kill him, you just needed to weaken him enough for Volk to capture him.

Everyone in the room looked at her.

Elias: So...he's using you all to kill his son?

Lykos: It sure seems like that.

He grabbed his head, not from physical pain as he couldn't feel anything. He grabbed his head out of anger. Sirens were heard approaching the building as voices were heard outside. Kenos quickly ripped into reality and grabbed a yellow orb which he then threw in between everyone.

As the torn up hotel room began to burn even more, they all shifted away as firefighters kicked open the door.

The group was now in a completely different part of the world. A house sat on top of a hill as the surrounding forest seemed to have lost its leaves. Kenos' arms were emitting smoke. Yuzui ran over to him and touched his head.

Yuzui: Ken, you're hot.

Kenos: Thanks.

He coughed as Yuzui got angry.

Yuzui: You know that's not what I mean.

Elias: Are you okay, Ken?

Kenos: Yeah, don't worry.

He laid down in the grass.

Lykos: Vis Defectus.

Kenos gave a thumbs up as he was still emitting smoke and coughing.

Elias: Oh...that's what it looks like.

Volk and Okami: The what?

Alepou: It's when you push the amount of power you have over its limits.

Tori: you do have limits.

Yuzui: He's not a god, of course he does.

Tori: For a human, his limit is impressive.

Volk: He's not just a human.

Everyone except Alepou looked at him.

Kenos: Do you know something we don't?

Volk pointed at Lykos.

Volk: Lykos is not actually Accalia's son. His father is actually Astraeus, one of the few titans.

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