Chapter 11: Answers

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Sobaka: Whoa, whoa...what happened?

Volk: We lost Inu and Kitsune lost an arm...

Sobaka: Oh...I uhh-

Volk: Don't say a word...let's go check on Okami and Kit.

Sobaka: Right...

Volk: Lykos, you coming with?

Lykos: I gotta check on Ale, I'll go after.

Volk: Alright.

Volk made his armor disappear and started walking to where Okami went, Lykos ran over to Alepou and Skylos.

Lykos: How is she?

Skylos: Well, she's breathing...

Lykos: Let's head inside, I'll carry her.

Skylos: Sure.

Lykos grabbed Alepou up and carried her to the bedroom and sat down next to her. He grabbed her hand and held it tight. He started thinking about the nightmare again, he thought about how to change the future. "So, can you give me a chance at having some sort of life now?" said Argos in his head.

Lykos: Now's not the time, once we get out of this situation I'll think about it.

Lykos remembered that Hildur had mentioned Accalia back before the fight. He thought "What the hell did she mean 'Children of Accalia'? What the hell was dad up to...? "

"He could be referring to these two, after all, they were the only other ones in the dark room." Argos spoke out in Lykos' head.

"UGH! Whatever, that old bastard never came back." Lykos yelled out, kicking the door frame as he walked into the room.

In the other house, Okami was sitting next to Kitsune who had passed out. Volk and Sobaka stood by them just in case they needed anything.

Okami: Hey Volk, why'd you stand still when Thor was using lightning against you?

Volk: Oh that...I'm immune to electricity, but I can't move when I get hit by it. That smoke you saw coming out of my mouth was also an after effect of that, I had to let out the harmful energy of that blast somehow.

Sobaka: You should've seen him back at the academy, the man got struck by lightning and kept walking like it was nothing.

Okami: What the hell? How do you find out that you're immune to electricity?

Volk: Well...the first time I ever got hit by it was when I was a kid, I got struck by lightning three times. The second was when I was still in school, I was walking home from a long day at school and a man out of nowhere threw a fucking eel at me.

Okami: What the fuck? How does a man just throw a fucking eel at you?

Volk: Beats me, it just happened. But that's not all, the third time was when I was working with a car battery and out of curiosity I decided to shock myself to see if I could live.

Okami: Why? What in heaven's name made you think that was a good idea?

Volk: I was testing out the theory that I was immune to it. I mean at this point I think I'm immortal until something proves me otherwise.

Sobaka: This man fought a bear once, no weapon, no armor, just fist to claws. He won.

Okami: What the fuck is wrong with you?

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