Chapter 18: Always Present

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The group woke up the next day, they all ate and decided to train a bit more.

Fidi: That fight yesterday was good, but you all still have potential.

Lykos: Actually, I have a question. What happened to Thor all of a sudden that he started to disappear?

Lykos went to hit Fidi with his axe but Fidi jumped back and dodged it.

Fidi: Wait, you didn't know?

Lykos: I was tired man, I just wanted sleep.

Fidi threw his spear at Lykos, but he blocked it with his axe.

Volk: I can answer that question. Whenever a Telum breaks, its user starts to disappear. That's why you gotta take care of your Telum in a battle.

Lykos: Oh, but like...why?

Volk threw his shield at Okami, he knocked it back with his scythe.

Fidi: Your Telum is a part of you. If that breaks then so will you.

Lykos: That makes more sense.

Lykos jumped up and threw his axe at Fidi, he blocked it with the spear.

Fidi: Just make sure that never happens to you, there won't be an afterlife for you.

Lykos: And how do you know this?

Fidi: ...I have my sources...

Okami: Those being?

Fidi: I've met some afterlife gods...Hel included.

Volk: You serious? How?

Fidi: Once again, Accalia was built different.

Sobaka walked outside with an orb in his hand.

Sobaka: Yo, anyone gonna use this? Thor dropped it yesterday and I forgot to ask.

Lykos, Okami, Volk, and Fidi looked at each other, the four said no.

Sobaka: Alright then, I'll use it if you all don't mind.

He used it immediately after, electricity shot from his hand and hit Volk.

Sobaka: Why did I expect it to be anything else?

Volk let out smoke from his mouth.

Volk: You're lucky that hit me you cunt.

Sobaka: It's not my fault it just burst out.

Lykos: Can we have a break? We're already talking so might as well sit down with the rest of the group.

Fidi: Sure.

The five of them sat down outside and started talking, eventually Skylos, Alepou, and Kitsune joined them.

Skylos: Hey V, you've never talked about how growing up in Russia was like. Anything in particular happened?

Sobaka: I could answer that question too you know.

Skylos: Well sure, let's hear both your sides of the story.

Sobaka: Bet, who goes first?

Volk and Sobaka played rock, paper, scissors to see who would start, Volk won 2-0.

Sobaka: Hold on, did you use your future seeing power to win?

Volk: Why would I use it for this?

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