𝟐𝟓 || 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Two weeks later.
I wake up to a nightmare of what Jeremy did to me.

I gasp shaking and sit up, But at least i could sit now.. Right?

My shot wound i barely feel now, Probably because of all the other pains Jeremy caused me. But now i could sort of walk, I could but still be in pain.

"Want me to-" Damien says, "No.. no i can do it." I stand up and give him a smile walking to the kitchen

Everyone looks at me, They still don't know what happened so they just stare.

I poor myself a orange juice and Damien is sitting down next to me not leaving my side.

"Seriously.. When are you going to tell us what happened??" Tana asks curiously.

Damien looks mad and his eyes widen, "Don't fucking talk about it."

"Okay okay.. Sorry." Tana said as she ate her bowl of cereal.


I wanted Jeremy to die in pain for what he did to Cassie. That's why i have him starving to death in a cell.

I hope he feels pain, Just like she will have to the rest of her life.

"Damien i think i'm going to have a shower." Cassie said as she ran the water.

"I'll be back soon Cassie." I say placing a kiss on her forehead.


I arrive to Jeremy's cell and some how the bitch is fucking alive, "What are you? Some immortal asshole." I scoffed.

He didn't speak back, He was too exhausted.
"If you're expecting me to put you out of you're pain.. I'm not." I laughed.

"I actually came here to torture you." I say grabbing out my sharp knife.

Jeremy closes his eyes shut and rocks himself like a baby.

I scrape it against his back watching it draw blood, Then i bang his head against the wall, Give him a black eye, Torture him. Giving him bruises like he did to Cassie.

"Now you're going to die slowly and painfully, That's what you get for being a rapist." I shake my head disgusted.

"Did you say Cassie and rape?? Did he rape Cassie??" She said as she was listening as she is in cell next to his.

I roll my eyes, "Ariene, Don't fucking speak to me unless you don't want a meal today."

Ariene doesn't speak but lays down and cries.
As she deserves.

Cassie didn't know her sister was still alive, But i don't plan on telling her. Because she'll be dead soon anyway.

Ariene survived getting shot, We made it seem like she died but no, She's alive. Unfortunately.

Tana comes down to the cells, "What the fuck you doing here?" I ask her.

"Im the one giving Ariene her meals, I have been for months, You know this Damien stop acting like a dickhead." Tana said to me rolling her eyes and passing the food to Ariene.

"Not even a thank you?" Tana asks letting out a laugh then walking away.

"Like i said don't fucking tell Cassie." I demand.

"Trust me i won't.. She wouldn't understand." Tana said giving me a unsure smile.

I let out a deep breathe and leave with Tana then head my way home.

I get intuit he car and Kyle and Cassie were there waiting, The only time i'll leave her alone is when i'm with her "dead" sister.

"Where did you both go??" Kyle asks, Damn you Kyle.
I look at him as a warning, "Ok ok." He said sitting back in his seat.

We get home and my phone is being spammed by one of the guards.

Ariene is acting crazy again.

Shut her up. Tell her she won't get dead fed if she doesn't stop.

"Soo who are you texting..?" Cassie asked as she sat down next to me with a frown.

"Oh it's nobody." I turn off my phone and pay all my attention to her, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm in a little pain nut i'm feeling a lot better."  She smiled, I loved the way she smiled.

She lays down in bed and looks upset, "What's wrong?" I ask knowing something is bothering her.

"I don't know.. Just the phone texts and you're acting suspicious." She said grabbing onto that blanket and fiddling with it.

"They're from my guards." I tell her, Not lying because the texts are from my Guards who guard the cells.

She blushed, "Sorry."

"Don't apologise." I hate when she apologises over nothing. She's so innocent and good.

"Im ready." Cassie said moving closer towards me as we are laying down in bed.

"Are you sure?" I ask her as i'm brushing her hair out of her face.

"I want to be with you.. I feel safe with you so yes i'm sure." She smiled nervously and i felt panic.
She wanted to be with me.. Felt safe with me.. All the things my father said would make me weak.

"Actually let's give you some rest." By that i meat us some rest, I need to get my mind off the words my father would tell me. It's driving me insane.

"Oh okay." She smiled.

I held her until she fell asleep then i finally fell asleep with her.
His words following me into my nightmares.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter it means so much to me you read it.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Hope you had a good day/night:)

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