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The door to Granny's diner swung open, causing the little bell above the door to ring. Mary Margaret, who I had met earlier in the day, looked around before walking over in my direction.

"Emma," Mary Margaret smiled. "I've been looking all over for you."

"Did you find anything?" Emma asked her. All of a sudden, Emma seemed to be impatiently wanting something. Her mood changed so quickly. Moments before she had been smiling a genuine smile, but now she looked very worried.

"David and Henry thought they found a lead, but it went nowhere. I'm sorry, honey." Mary Margaret replied to Emma, wrapping her arms around her neck. I put the pieces together and realised that Mary Margaret and Emma must be sisters. They had both mentioned their family members.

After Emma pulled away from Mary Margaret's hug, she quickly wiped a tear from her eye. She obviously wanted to look strong and put together in public, but anyone could see that something was rolling her apart inside. It's crazy how remembering something can change your mood so quickly, for better or for worse.

"Are you okay?" I whispered. It wasn't supposed to come out so quietly, but it did.

"I'm fine. Just missing someone, that's all." She forced a smile, but she couldn't fool me. I had been fake smiling for as long as I could remember. I desperately wanted to know what had caused her sudden sadness, but didn't feel like I was in the position to ask personal questions. "That's enough of having the attention on me. Zoe, we need to find somewhere for you to stay tonight."

Mary Margaret's eyebrows furrowed for a second, looking very confused for a few moments before realising I had met Emma.

"You could always stay at Granny's bed and breakfast." Mary Margaret suggested. "How old are you."

"I'm 15." I replied. I unintentionally bit my lip, because I didn't know whether they would try and send me back to my foster home or not.

"That's the same age as my son," Emma smiled. "I'm pretty sure you need to be 16 to get a room, though."

I wouldn't have expected Emma to have a 15-year-old son. I quickly did the maths in my head, using an estimate for Emma's age.

"I have a spare room in my apartment since you and Killian got your own place, but I don't know appealing a hotel with a crying baby as a 3am alarm clock would be." Mary Margaret offered. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't care less about loud noises waking me up. I was so grateful that people I had just met would let me stay in their home for a night.

"We have a spare room without a baby." Emma turned to me. "Would you mind if you slept on a pillow, blanket, and bean bag pile instead of a bed? There's a tiny old crib, but I think you'd be a little too tall for that." Emma said. The women seemed to be making a big deal over tiny negatives. It was like they were apologising to me, even though I was the one who was grateful. I would have happily slept in a tent if that was the only option.

"You're both so kind. I don't mind where I stay, as both sound lovely." I tried to show my gratitude with my prettiest smile, but I'm pretty sure I just looked like a cheap version of Barbie doll.

In the end, we decided I'd be staying at Emma's house. She said that it would only be me and her in the house anyway that night, so there would be less chance of being woken up. She mentioned that her son was staying at Regina's, but I didn't know who Regina was. She said that her husband was working late and sleeping on the ship. I was confused on what this meant, but didn't question Emma.

After we had established where I would be spending the night, Emma and Mary Margaret excuses themselves and went to talk in the small corridor that we went through to get to the laundry room. They assured me that we wouldn't be long and promised that they weren't gossiping about me. I presumed they would be talking about what Emma has been upset about earlier.

Sitting alone at the counter, I realised all I had eaten today was a slice of toast and a handful of Oreos. I caught the attention of Ruby behind the bar and ordered some food. A few minutes my tomato soup arrived, along with a bread roll. I paid and thanked Ruby before carrying my hot bowl to a nearby table, hoping I didn't burn my fingers in the pottery.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now