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"What's her name?" Ellie asked, referring to who Emma said her mother was.

"Zelena." Emma answered. Ellie was in the middle back seat while Emma and I sat in the front. I was sat backwards on my chair cross-legged so I could see my friend.

"Zelena." Ellie repeated, seeing how it felt on her tongue. We'd all heard of the name Selena, but Zelena wasn lot more unusual.

"How do you know Zelena exactly?" Ellie asked. Emma has insisted that Ellie should ask her any questions she wanted, so she was doing.

"Well that's a bit complicated," Emma laughed uneasily before attempting to explain. "We're family. Not blood relatives, but family."

Ellie frowned, obviously looking for a clearer answer.

"My son was adopted by Zelena's sister, and now I'm back in his life. There's more to it, but I'd hate to completely confuse you this early." Emma tried her best. Any more explaining would trigger more questions about ages, which would ultimately lead to having to explain that magic existed.

"Okay." Ella nodded, "Whatns Zelena like?"

"Well, she always has a lot to say," Emma smiled, thinking about her friend, "She pretends not to care, but secretly does. A lot. She wasn't a good person in the past, but that all changed when you came along."

"She's also funny. I get on with her really, really well, so you will too." I added.

Ellie was smiling, slightly uneasily. We had sprung a lot of information on her in less than ten minutes, and unlike me, Ellie thought things through. I was an irrational worrier, but I didn't take long to process information once I had it like Ellie did.

"So, Ellie. We're setting off head back home. What do you want to do?" Emma asked, not wanting to be too forward by inviting her to come home with us.

"Do you live near Zelena?" Ellie asked in a quiet voice. Growing up, she had been the big sister I looked up to. I had always admired her confidence, and it was strange seeing her so vulnerable.

"Really close." Emma nodded.

"Would I be able to come with you?" Ellie asked nervously:

"Of course." Emma smiled. She then turned in her seat to face the steering wheel, "do you have your seat belts on?"

"One sec..." I climbed up from the seat and squashed through the small gap between the drivers seat and the passenger seat. I could feel Emma rolling her eyes as I got my show temporarily stuck in the cup holder. In 3 short months already felt so familiar with Emma, to the point where I could climb all over her car without feeling guilty. "We need to catch up, Ell."

Ellie and I talked for hours squashed together in the back seat. I knew Emma was smiling as she listened into our conversations. I told Ellie all about my new school and my new friends. I sensed a tinge of jealousy, so I assured her none of my new friends came close.

Ellie told me about her last foster home in Boston and how the people were okay personality-wise, but wore Crocs, which is a crime in itself. She then went on to tell me about how she lost weight. I personally thought she lost a little too much weight, but I didn't want to mention it at this point.

"Phoebe, can you call your dad and tell him what's happening?" Emma asked from there front seat.

"Sure." I answered, unlocking my iPhone.

"You got a mom and a dad at once? Lucky." Ellie smiled her Zelena-like smile.

I smiled back. Emma had sat me down and tried to scribble out the family tree one evening, so I knew that Ellie's dad, Robin, was dead. I was told about what a selfless, loving man he was and even though he died before I was born, I still felt sad. I didn't want to be the one to break this news to Ellie.

"Hello?" Killian bellowed down the phone. Despite having been in this world for years, he still hadn't got to grips with making a simple phone call. He had insisted on having me make a 'Phoebe Button' on his phone to make it easier for him.

"Hey, dad, it's Phoebe." I spoke clearly. I glanced to my right and Ellie was mouthing out what I had said, imitating. I inherited the eye-rolling gene from my mother, so rolling my eyes is exactly what I did.

"When are you coming home? We can't cook." Killian asked desperately. The image of him and Henry trying to serve a meal was enough to make anyone laugh. It wasn't rate to wake up to the smell of Killian burning toast, and the only think I had ever known Henry to cook was pancakes. The two boys would starve without Emma and Granny in their lives.

"We're on our way back now." I answered, "oh, and guess what."

"What?" Killian repeated impatiently.

"Robin is here." I said.

"Robin as I'm Zelena's daughter?" Killian checked.

"Yeah." I confirmed.

"I'd like an explaination, love." Killian demanded, so I told him about everything that had happened since I last saw him.

"You sounded crackly for a part of that, but I got the gist of it." Killian told me.

"Okay, well I'm going to go before my battery goes. I'll see you soon." I spoke into my phone.

"Love you." Killian said.

"I suppose I can cope with you." I smirked. It was always fun to wind him up.

"You love me." Killian insisted.

"I do." I admitted before pressing the red button and hanging up.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα