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I'm probably only going to have this one chapter with Killian's POV, but I hope you like it.

- Killian's Point Of View -

"Do you think Mom will get up today?" Henry asked, doubtfully. He wasn't asking it towards anyone in particular, just voicing his thoughts to Phoebe and I.

I was the only one who had left the house since Friday, and that was only to purchase some milk. I was home almost an hour before our drowsy teenagers emerged from upstairs. Emma, however, was more indolent than either both Phoebe and Henry put together.

On Saturday, she only left the bedroom to make herself a cup of coffee or to use the bathroom. I made sure to check on my wife throughout the day, but she was asleep most of the times I looked in. Phoebe and Henry spend their day sat in front of the television watching Netflix, which was something I had recently been introduced to.

I thought Emma might be a little less lethargic on the Sunday, but that wasn't the case. The day was very similar to the day before with the junk food and Netflix. Emma sat on the arm of the sofa to drink one of her coffees, which was progress from the day before. She didn't talk, though. She just sat and watched The Simpsons along with Phoebe and Henry.

I wasn't concentrating on the four-fingered yellow people, though. The concept of yellow cartoons had always confused me. Instead, I sat and watched Emma sip her drink. She was so beautiful. I missed her smile and her voice. There was nothing I wanted more than for everything to be okay, for her to be happy, and for me to wrap my arms around her. I knew that when Emma got into a state like this she didn't want to talk about her feelings or hug it out. The walls I had spent so long helping to knock down had risen back up, but I knew it wouldn't last. We had both changed and it would take a lot more for us to morph back into our previous selves.

It was now Monday morning and I was playing the role of the organised dad. Yes, I was the dad. Organised? No.

"I keep stabbing the bloody sandwich with my hook!" I sighed, shaking the bread from my hand's replacement. I was attempting to make lunch for Henry and Phoebe, but I was clearly no expert when it came to preparing food.

"It's okay, I'll help." Phoebe offered, walking over to join me by the counter.

"I just wanted to prove that just because I wear leather and have a hook for a hand, I can still be a good dad." I sighed. "It seems like I can't function without Emma's help."

"I hope she gets better soon." Henry muttered. It hurt me seeing Henry worried. At one stage, Emma was all he had. I liked to think the boy included him in his mental family photo.

"We all do." I agreed. Emma was in a similar state to when the latest curse broke. When we woke to realise our daughter was gone and there was nothing we could do about it. For the first day, Emma cried non-stop. I sat with her, making sure she was hydrated while shedding so many tears. The next week or so were similar to now, only now is less severe.

I waited as late as possible before reminding the kids they were going to be late for school. Henry was getting increasingly bothered by Emma's lack of activity.

"You're going to have to leave for school now." I said, not making direct eye contact with anybody.

"I know." Henry admitted. Phoebe gave me a quick side hug before passing Henry the lunch we had made him. She then disappeared to find her bag. "Will you try and help her, Killian?"

"I'll try my very best." I nodded. Henry wasn't biologically my son, but we were both worriers when we had to be.

To my surprise, Henry quickly wrapped his arms around me. "She loves you. She'll listen." Henry believed in me. He had seen the best in my before anyone else in his family had, even though his grandparents prided themselves in being optimistic.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now