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This chapter is going to be from Emma's point of view. I hope you like it.

Apart from to eat, Henry and Phoebe didn't come downstairs all evening. When they did come down, they didn't sit and chat. They hardly gave their throats time to swallow their food before having another mouthful. I knew Henry had some sort of science project that he should have been working on for a few weeks, but he was a procrastinator when it came to schoolwork and left it all until the very last moment. I knew what Henry was up to, but not Phoebe.

"What are you crying about?" I had gone upstairs, curious to find out what was occupying Phoebe's time, to find her sitting on the floor with tears on her cheeks.

"Nothing." Phoebe put on a fake smile. It was cute how she thought she could trick me. I'm Emma Swan and I can read people like books.

"Whatever." I shrugged. Just before I left her doorway I saw pieces of colourful material resting on her legs. I knew that material anywhere. The dreamcatcher she had was probably mine at one point, anyway. I didn't mention the dreamcatcher to her. If she wanted to talk to me about it she would.

I woke up the next morning to the sun trying to blind me. I hadn't fully closed my curtains and a beam of sunlight was shining through the small gap and directly onto my face.

I moved away from the light, found my glasses on my nightstand, and went downstairs. Henry and Phoebe were already downstairs getting ready for school.

"Good morning." I smiled, joining them in the kitchen.

"We have matching glasses!" Phoebe said enthusiastically.

"So we do." I laughed at her excitement. I hadn't seen Phoebe with her glasses on a lot, but it looked like she was wearing them instead of contacts today.

"Has anyone seen my knitting needles?" Henry asked as he searched the kitchen.

"I have birth to an old lady." I leant back into my chair and sighed.

"They're for my science project thing." Henry insisted. He continued to lift up magazines. "Found them."

We all sat and talked for another ten minutes or so before the kids were off to school. The two teenagers brightened my day and somehow put my mind off my problems and worries. I didn't get to enjoy my teenage years, so I felt like my inner teenager came out while I was with Henry and Phoebe.

I didn't know what I was going to do today. I would probably stop by at my parents' house, maybe go and see Killian. David had insisted that I wasn't emotionally ready to go back to work. He was probably right, but it meant that I had nothing productive to do. Being lazy and moping around the house just gave me more time to think about how nobody can remember the last fifteen years and that my daughter missed out on being raised by her loving parents. Killian and I had both been excited for our life together raising our daughter, but that was taken away from us. I thought the second time around would be different and that I would be there whenever my daughter needed me.

I went upstairs and stood in the doorway of Phoebe's room, exactly where I had stood the night before. I saw threads from the dreamcatcher poking out from under the unused crib. Having nothing better to do, I leant down and picked up the dreamcatcher.

"Show me my wedding day."

The dreamcatcher showed me what I asked. It wasn't the wedding ceremony, but the after party. All of my family and close friends were aboard the Jolly Roger. There was music, drinks, and some unfortunate dad dancing from David.

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