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"Where're you going, Phoebe?" Emma asked after watching me head to the door with a backpack.

"I have to do that photography project." I reminded her.

"Oh, yeah." Emma nodded. "I'll be here binge watching Grey's Anatomy if you need me."

"Bye, Emma." I called before slamming the door behind me.

I was strangely nervous going out for an hour or so taking pictures of vaguely photogenic scenes, which wasn't something a person would usually become nervous about. I was beginning to admit to myself that at least part of my nervousness may be due to the fact that my partner was Luke.

"So, what's your surname? Swan? Jones? Mills? Charming?" Luke asked, skipping the greeting part of the conversation.

"It's Jones officially, but I think I go by Swan-Jones." I answered.

"You think?" Luke repeated.

"I'm not 100% sure I'm all of the details, okay?" I argued. "What do you need my surname for, anyway?"

"It's for your phone contact." He answered. "Smile!"

"What was that?" I asked.

"I needed a contact photo, too." Luke smiled.

"Let's have a look at that." I said, attempting to peer over his shoulder. "That looks more like a mugshot."

"I can't argue with that." Luke laughed. I lightly hit his arm before we made our way towards to beach to take some pictures.

We spent a while taking pictures of the waves, the sand, the sky, the shells. We hardly stopped talking throughout our little photoshoot. We talked about our mutual friends, Luke sharing some old, embarrassing stories about them. We talked about our families. We had an in depth discussion about what we'd do if we were trapped alone on a desert island. We only realised how late it was after taking photos of the deep sunset.

"Do you want to swap cameras and look through each other's pictures?" Luke suggested, which I agreed to.

"Why am I in this one?" I asked, pointing at a picture of my profile with the sea in the background.

"You said to take photos of everything that looked photogenic or pretty." Luke reminded me in a 'duh' tone. I didn't know how to respond, so I carried on flicking through the photos.

"You know, I think we'll get a good grade for this if we present it all well." I said journeyed home from the beach.

"Aren't you related to every teacher in the school anyway? Your grandma is hardly going to fail you." Luke mocked.

"Oh, shut up." I laughed.

"Before I completely shut up, an I ask one question?" Luke asked.

"Proceed." I encouraged.

"Could- would you like to go and see a movie or something with me sometime?" Luke asked.

"Like a-" I began.

"Like a date." Luke finished my sentence.

"I'd love to." I smiled.

"Violet gave me your number a few days ago, so I'll text you, okay?" Luke smiled.

"So, I'll see you." I said, realising we were outside of my house."

"I'll see you soon." Luke gave me a half-hearted side hug before slowly walking backwards, making sure he could wave to me as I went inside. Our hug was pretty awkward, but it still made me smile.

I thought about Luke saying that Violet gave him my number. He could have asked her for it, which would have been cute, but my guess was that Violet had insisted on him having it and she had planned on setting us up when I was still in the womb.

I recently had my own key cut for the house, so I got it from my bag and unlocked the front door. I was glad to get out of the autumn breeze now that the sun had set.

I was greeted to the sight of my parents making out on the sofa, arms tightly around each other. They obviously hadn't heard me enter, as I could only imagine how embarrassed Killian would be when he found out I had seen him like that.

"If you go upstairs and take the first left you'll find your bedroom." I said, causing Emma and Killian to jump apart from each other.

"Phoebe!" Emma snapped, both at my comment and the realisation of my presence. The shade of Killian's face was very similar to the colour of Regina's red apples. Emma couldn't help but smirk at her tomato of a husband.

"I'll be upstairs." I informed them, making my way toward the steps.

"Wait, Phoebe." Emma called behind me, getting up to jog towards the steps. "You do know we'd never actually do anything out in the open while you were-"

"I know." I smiled.

"I'll come up and see you soon." Emma told me. I smiled before we both turned and went separate ways.

My hair desperately needed washing and I was embarrassed that Luke saw me with my hair looking so dead. I had a long, hot shower, probably using a lot more water than the government wanted me too.

"Do you look like a prune?" Emma's voice greeted me as I walked into my room with towels wrapped around my body and head.

"What?" I retorted, confused by the question and the fact my mother was sat at my dressing table for what seemed like no reason.

"You were in the shower for so long that I'm guessing your fingers are wrinkly. Am I wrong?" Emma rephrased.

"You're not wrong." I sighed, realising that I'd have to physically type my phone's password instead of using the finger recognition. "Why were you creepily waiting for me?"

"I wanted to ask you about you're boyfriend." Emma answered, smiling in an intimidating way.

"There's no boyfriend." I answered, apparently not very convincingly.

"Oh, come on. I tell you everything, and I'm not usually a very open person, so the least you can do it tell me a little, little, little-"

"His name is Luke." I interrupted her.

"Yeah, well, I know that." Emma rolled her eyes.

"I like him and he seems to like me. Not a lot has happened, but ... I don't really know what to say." I told Emma.

"You've got a crush, kid." Emma cooed as if I was a baby as she walked over to my bed to put her arm around me.

"Well, I gathered that much." I scoffed.

"Your phone rumbled a few times while you were in the shower, so you should probably check up on your boyfriend. I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'm going to get to sleep. Goodnight, kid. I love you." Emma planted a kiss in my hair before heading for the door.

"Night, mom." I smiled after her.

"Henry, I'm coming in, so hide the inappropriate magazines." I heard Emma joke from the other side of the hall. It made me smile knowing that I'd found my place within a bunch of sarcastic fairytale characters.

I checked my phone and I had thirty-three texts. One from Luke and thirty-two from the group chat with the girls. I replied to Luke's 'hey, it's Luke' message, confirming it was me and I replied to the group chat, which had been a discussion about my possible love life, with a sarcastic eye-rolling gif before reading a little bit and turning in for the night.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now