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I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. I didn't know what time it was, but I heard voices downstairs; unfamiliar voices. I didn't want people's first impression of me to be of me wearing no makeup, pyjamas, and generally looking like death. I brushed my long brown hair; put on my new pair of shorts and a sweater I had stuffed at the bottom of my bag; applied a thin layer of makeup with my usual winged eyeliner and put on my glasses. I usually wore contact lenses, but I just didn't feel like wearing them today. I looked slighly nerdy in my glasses, but it was a nice change to wear them outside once in a while.

I stepped down one stair before bouncing back. I went into the bathroom and quickley brushed my teeth before going downstairs.

"Hello?" I said.

"I'm in the kitchen." Emma called.

I walked into the kitchen to see that Emma was not alone. Next to her was the scruffy sailed with the sharp jawline who I had met the day before.

"Oh, hello..." I didn't know his name.

"Killian." He replied. I was 99% sure Killian was the name of Emma's husband. According to Henry's logic, he should be my dad. "I didn't catch your name."

"I'm Phoebe." His eyes opened wide. His face had an almost identical expression to Emma's when she first found out my real name. As this was the second time round, I wasn't surprised.

"Does she know?" Killian loudly whispered to Emma. I don't know what he was trying to do, because I was standing right next to him.

Emma nodded. I stood and smiled awkwardly. There was a slighly awkward silence that lasted for approximately 7 seconds.

"So, Killian, you're going to have to leave soon because we're having s girls day." Emma broke the silence.

"What if I'm a girl?" Killian asked sarcastically.

"I can guarantee that you're not a girl." Emma smirked. I took this slighly uncomfortable moment to get a glass of water.

"Aye, I'll be off then." Killian got up from his chair and pushed it back under the table. I noticed he that he only had one hand, which came as quite a shock. I wondered if he had lost it when they lost their daughter, as I still had no idea what had really happened.

"So, I booked a hair appointment and a nail appointment for us both at 11:05." Emma announced, biting into a piece of toast. I had slept in until 10, which was why Henry was already gone.

"I'm really excited." I couldn't hide my smile. I couldn't remember the last time I had felt so special.

"So am I." Emma was also smiling.

Once we had finished our breakfast and finished getting completely ready we set off. Emma and I got into her little yellow car with 10 minutes to spare. Once Emma had driven to the main streets, parked the car, and directed us to the salon, we were right on time.

"Hey Ashley." Emma greeted the blonde lady stood behind the desk.

"Hello Emma and..." She looked at me and waited for me to tell her my name.

"Phoebe." I smiled. Ashley quickley have Emma a questioning look, in which Emma shook her had at. It felt like everyone I met would presume I was Emma's long lost daughter from now on.

"Do you know what you're going to do with your hair?" I asked Emma as a flicked through some style magazines.

"I've always wanted to dye my hair a crazy colour, but I don't think Henry would thank me for that." Emma answered. "I think I'll just get my roots dyed and get some more layers."

"I was going to get some layers, but I don't want to look like a copycat." I said. I had long, wavy, dark brown hair. My hair was very wavy, almost curly, but not frizzy. I was grateful that my hair didn't frizz, because I wasn't the type to put a lot of effort into their hairstyle each morning. I thought layers would give me wavy hair even more volume.

"Let's both get layers." Emma agreed.

An hour later, me and Emma had both had our hair cut. I'm not one to brag, but my hair did look really pretty. I had lots of long layers, as well as some shorter layers that framed my face at the front. Emma's hair was very similar to what she usually had, only her roots were touched up and her hair looked bouncier. We had similar hairstyles due to the fact we both had similar wavy hair.

"I'm so sorry, but I need to go and check on my Alex. I won't be long, and someone else can do your nails." Ashley, the lady who did our hair, said. She seemed to be slighly panicked.

"That's fine, Ashley. Go and see your daughter!" Emma encouraged her.

As Ashley left, another lady walked in. She had short brown hair and seemed to be the first person Emma didn't know.

"Hello, I'm Laura." The young lady said. She didn't look a lot older than me. About 18-years-old, I guessed. She directed me and Emma to a table where she would be doing our nails. The fanciest my nails had ever been was when my friend brought a cheap nail art set into school in middle school and we spent the whole of our lunch break decorating our nails.

Emma decided to get some false nails put on, and I did the same. The deep red nail colour that Emms chose went perfectly with the red leather jacket she wore so often. For myself, I picked out a pale blue colour. They weren't anything too exciting, but that meant they would look pretty with whatever I wore. Plus, blue reminded me of the sea.

"You both look so alike." Laura said, making small talk. "You have an almost identical bone structure to your mom."

Emma and I laughed before Emma corrected her. "We're just friends." Emma told her. It made me happy that someone thought I looked like Emma, though. Emma was so beautiful, and having your face compared to hers would boost anybody's self esteem.

"Well, you both look really alike." Laura repeated herself while doing our nails.

Half an hour later our nails were ready. I thanked Laura for doing them so beautifully and I thanked Emma for taking me out for the day. While Emma payed, I took out my phone and took photos of my new nails on many different angles until I took a picture that was Instagram worthy.

I noticed Emma's little red purse that she took out to pay. It was a similar material to her red jacket. She opened it up to get to her money, and I glanced at the photos she had inside. There were two photos with some discoloured stains and tatty edges. The first was a school photo of Henry; I presumed he was about 11. The second was a picture of Emma carrying a baby girl. They both had flower crowns and looked unbelievebly happy, but that wasn't the only unbelieveble thing. The photo was identical to the photo I had of myself and my birth mother in my locket. The only small difference was Emma's version showed her face as well as mine.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now