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-Emma's point of view-

"Emma! Are you okay? I've been so worried." Regina welcomed me inside. The truth? I wasn't okay. I was supposed to be 'the saviour', yet master villains had happier than I would end up with. Nothing in my life had gone to plan. I grew up without parents, missed out on both of my kids' childhoods, witnessed the death of every one of my romantic partners. A lot of this wasn't my fault, but I blamed myself. I was known for putting up a wall and seeming emotionless when things got hard, but the buildup of negativity and problems had pushed past. I was standing at one of my best friends' door with tears streaming down my cheeks in the early hours of the morning.

Regina guided me into her neat livingroom with an arm still around my shoulder. She then say me down on the sofa.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I could never lie to her.

"What's right?" I answered her with another question.

"What's right? Well, you have a family that loves you, your true love, your newly returned daughter, a gorgeous house overlooking the sea, and really good hair." Regina replied, trying to cheer me up. "But now you have to answer my original question; what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you about my day..." I sighed and began.

After dropping off Phoebe at Regina's I walked to my parents' house. They lived very close to the centre of town, so it took me less than ten minutes to walk there.

"Dad?" I called as I entered the apartment. I still had my old key from when I used to live here. Things for crowded once my little family multiplied.

"I'll just be a second, Emma." David called back upstairs. Moments later I heard footsteps. "Are you okay? You look pale."

"I always look pale." I reminded him. I had inherited the pale skin my mother, Snow White, was famous for having.

We both walked towards a couple of chairs in the corner and took a seat.

"I need to tell you something, even though mom has probably already told you." I told him.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant again." David said.

"No! We both know what a bad mother I am." I began to mutter towards the end of the sentence.

"Emma, you're an excellent mother to Henry. I know that, given the chance, you would have raised Phoebe amazingly, too." My dad insisted.

"That's kind of what we have to talk about." I began. "Well, you know the girl I let stay at my place?"

"Zoe?" David asked.

"Yeah, kind of. That's not her real name. Her real name is Phoebe." I hadn't realised how far behind he was. He must have either completely ignored everything his wife had said or Mary Margaret had managed to stay quiet did once in her life.

David was speechless. I could see that he thought he knew where my explanation was going, but wasn't completely sure.

"Her name is Phoebe Jones and I'm pretty sure that she's my daughter." I blurted out. "Wait, no. I'm more than pretty sure. I am 99% sure that my daughter is in Storybrooke as we speak."

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now