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After leaving the salon, Emma and I went shopping for a little while before going back to her house. We bought some groceries, some essentials I forgot when shopping alone, and some clothes. Emma picked out some outfits that made me feel beautiful. I hadn't known that I could look this good in clothes before. I ended up buying a pair of dark green skinny jeans, a denim A-line skirt with buttons all the way down the front, a loose baseball shirt, a black and white striped top, and an oversized turqoise t-shirt with a little pocket. Emma wanted to pay for my things, but I insisted that I chipped in. The prices in this town all seemed to be low, but I still wanted to show that I could support myself. I was so excited to wear my new things, and Emma said she had some clothes my size that might look good with some of the things I bought. I really hoped this big sister / mom / best friend role Emma was filling wouldn't just for a couple of days. I was the happiest I had been in years, but my happiness couldn't distract me from the picture I had seen in Emma's purse. It was hard to concentrate when all I wanted to do was ask a billion questions.

Once we arrived back at Emma's house after our girly afternoon, Henry was already home. I found him sprawled on his bed reading through a Fairytale book. I smiled, because I now knew I wasn't the only teenager who still loved a classic princess story.

"Hey." Henry said once he had noticed I was there.

"Hey." I replied. "I have to talk to you."

Henry knew what I meant. I closed the door and sat next to him on his bed.

"Why does Emma have the exact same picture that I have of me and my birth mother?" I whisper-shouted. Henry's plan was to not let Emma know about our discussions, so I was respecting his decisions.

"It's all evidence for my theory." Henry replied calmly. "I think you're ready."

"What am I ready for?" I was curious.

"What would you do if I told you magic existed?" Henry asked after a small pause.

"I'd say let's go and fly to Hawaii." I answered.

"Well, magic does exist, but it's not as simple as just jumping and hoping to fly." Henry began to explain.

"Is this a joke?" I asked.

"No." He replied.

The next half hour was spent with Henry explaining his book to me. He told me about how everyone in the town was part of the story and that everyone here was originally from another realm. I can't say I understood everything he said, but I listened contentedly. It was a crazy idea, but part of me believed it. Henry spoke so passionately about it. I could usually tell when a person was lying, and Henry definitely wasn't. He definitely believed it was the truth, but I wasn't sure if I could believe it with him.

"So you're saying your mom is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming?" I questioned Henry.

"And my other mom, Regina, was the evil queen. She's good now, though." Henry added.

"So, who's Snow White and Prince Charming?" I asked.

"Mary Margaret and David." Henry answered.

"I thought Mary Margaret was Emma's sister." I was definitely confused.

"If Emma had introduced Mary Margaret to you as her mother, you would have thought she was crazy and ran a mile." Henry explained.

"What if I don't believe you?" I asked yet another question. It was beginning to sound like an interview.

"If you don't believe yet, you will." Henry said, confidently. I wanted to believe it, but it sounded like pure gobbledygook.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now