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"Look at you, all grown up." Emma shook her head, "I blinked and my baby girl can paint nails neater than I can."

Emma and I were sitting in my new bedroom and painting each other's nails. I loved spending time with all of my family, but the moments Emma and I shared just the two of us were special. It's amazing to think about what has happened since Emma poured her heart out to me the first night I stayed here after watching Friends together.

"At least you didn't have to tolerate me during my ugly eyebrow phase." I pointed out. I noticed that Emma was in one of her deep and melancholy moods.

"I doubt you could ever look ugly." Emma rolled her eyes.

"I promise I did-" I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I picked it up from the bed to see who was calling. The name 'Julie' was written across my screen.

"Who's that?" Emma asked.

"The woman who's care I was in before I ran away." I bit my lip, not wanting to answer.

"Put it on loud speaker." Emma ssuggested, assuring me it would be okay with a small sympathetic smile.

"Hello?" I tapped the green button and the call began.

"Phoebe! I'm so glad to hear from you. We've all been worried sick and miss you with all of our hearts!" Julie explained from the other end of the line. I could feel my arteries clotting with how sweet, sickly, and fake her voice was. "Can I have a private word with Pheebsy please?" I put two and two together and realised there were people in the room with her. She was putting on a show with her caring act and her calling me 'Pheebsy'. Who in their right mind would call me 'Pheebsy'? Please stick a fork in my neck.

Emma and I locked eyes as we heard indistinct voices, followed by the sound of footsteps.

"Where are you?" Julie hissed, "Your social worker came over and I had to make up some ridiculous sob-story. If you don't get back here I'll get into trouble, not even to mention losing the money I get for having you."

I looked back at Emma to see her eyes quickly become glass-like. I got it. I was her daughter, and I expected it hurt to see someone you were supposed to be there for be treated like they were worth nothing. According to Julie I was useful for getting extra cash, but I don't think that lifted Emma's mood.

"It's okay." I mouthed to my mother, who was fighting to hold back the tears. I then spoke back to Julie, "I'm not staying with you anymore."

"Well I can see that." She scoffed, "you have to come back, though. If you don't I might end up not being able to foster any more kids."

"This isn't all about you." I replied. I rolled my eyes, not that Julie would know. I felt like such a mini-Emma when I rolled my eyes. "I'm with my family."

"Ooh family." Julie mocked. She wasn't a good carer, but she was never usually this rude. The more stressed she was, the meaner she got. I guessed she was chin-deep in stress.

"I'm being serious." I insisted, "I don't want you to lose your rights or whatever, but I'm not coming back to stay with you."

"Well, you need to sort something out legally, and you need to come and pick up your junk before I throw It out." Julie calmed a little, "and tell your family I say hey."

"Hello to you, too." Emma butted in. There was a silence where Julie realised Emma has heard ever word she had said. Julie wasn't mother material, but she wasn't heartless and she had a conscience. She also bought me a bracelet once. I could imagine her cringing, knowing she had just insulted another woman's daughter with them listening.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara