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- Phoebe's point of view -

I felt almost tearful knowing we'd be traveling back to Maine after such a perfect time in the sun. It was good enough to make up for my entire childhood spend without a family day at the beach. David and Killian tried making up for lost time by teaching my how to do front crawl and breast stroke instead of the doggy paddle I'd taught myself growing up.

For the first time in forever, I was the first one up. I'd packed the night before so I could spend whatever time I had left outside in the sun, so I weaved my way through Robin's mess without tripping over and left our room without the door creaking too much.

"You're up?" David sounded surprised. I nodded. "How does a morning walk sound?"

"It sounds great, I'll just go and get dressed." I answered, turning back towards my door.

"I'll get some fruit and a drink or something so we can have breakfast on the go." David nodded, and we parted ways. I put on a comfy black and white striped dress I'd left out for out for traveling, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and went downstairs to get my flip flops.

"Gosh, you do look like your mother when you wear your hair like that." David smiled, handing me a smoothie in a vintage looking jar Snow had become obsessed with over the trip. He also gave me some sort of oat based cereal bar tasted better than it sounded.

"Thank you." I blushed. I still wasn't used to daily compliments I got from my parents, parents, and aunts.

We walked along the beach, taking deep breaths of deep air as of I couldn't see the ocean from my window back home in Storybrooke. We walked slowly for a while, in no hurry, just discussing little things like our favourite characters on brooklyn nine-nine. Emma and I had discovered the sitcom months earlier and soon got Killian and David on board once they realised it was about cops.

"Can you cartwheel?" David asked once there was a lull in our conversation.

"Of course I can," I lied. "Can you? or are your bones, like, 80? how does your ageing work?"

"Respect your elders." David tutted, before pulling a tongue and cartwheeling across the sand. It was a wonder my goofy grandfather and embodiment-of-disney grandmother somehow created a sarcastic, leather jacket wearing daughter.

"Not bad." I admitted.

It wasn't long before we had walked back to the beach house. It was still relatively quiet, with just Zelena and Regina drinking what looked to be kale smoothies.

"I don't care if it's green, i'm not drinking that vile beverage, Regina." the sisters were bickering as we walked through the back door, which was no surprise to anyone.

"You know you don't have to drink blended salads when you're on vacation, right?" I reminded my aunt Regina, who was somehow drinking her thick smoothie without a green smoothie moustache forming on her top lip.

"It's not a salad, plus i used sweetened almond milk instead of unsweetened almond milk." Regina responded, as if it was something to congratulate her on.

"You lead a sad life, my dear." Zelena sighed, making herself, me and David a cup of coffee instead.

Within the hour, everyone had come downstairs with their suit cases and had a piece of toast before our final trip to the beach. we had to return the mini van by midday and then catch our flights at 2pm, but we tried to forget that while having a final swim.

Later on the plane I was sat between Mary Margaret and Robin. There was a mix up with seating and we were sat a few rows ahead of everyone else, but Roland was crying with a headache and Zelena was in a mood where she was snapping at anyone who breathed in her direction, so the mixup was a blessing in disguise.

"So, how was your first family vacation? It wasn't too much, was it? I just want you both to feel happy and safe and loved," Snow asked, grasping one of mine and one of Robin's hands in each of hers. "I know you're not technically my grandchild, Robin, but I see you as one of my own and I hope you always feel comfortable coming to me with anything."

"But not anything too important, she's a gossip." I smiled at my best friend, earning a disappointed huff from my grandma, but she couldn't really argue against it.

"None is this feels real to me, still." Robin admitted. I nodded in agreement.

"Well believe it. We're all here for you."

After a quarter of an hour trying to wait the weather out, we sent Killian with the keys to run from the porch while trying not to get extremely drenched, with the three of us cheering from the yellow car. We would all inevitably have to sprint through the rain, but Killian, the supposedly tough ex-pirate, didn't try to hide how victimised he felt.

All but Henry had unpacked - Henry insisting his laundry could wait due to laze - when there was a distinguished knock at the door. It reminded me of the knock from frozen a little, but a lot less jolly.

"I'll get it." Emma sighed, swinging her legs off the couch and passing her popcorn bowl to Killian. I paused the episode of friends for her, even though she had seen it enough times to have it memorised.

"Hey," Emma greeted Mr Gold. "come in, it's pouring outside."

"Thank you."

"Hey, grandpa." Henry waved from the Armchair. Due to the layout of the house, you could practically see the tv from the front door.

"Hello, Henry. How was your trip?" The older seemed genuinely interested in the Florida vacation that we just returned from, but there was a hint of something else in his voice. Emma and I locked eyes, he'd obviously sensing something too.

"I feel like maybe that can wait." Emma hinted.

"Well, you're right, I didn't leave the house in the middle of a storm for beach recommendations," He began, leaning his cane beside the umbrella stand. "although I will circle back to that."

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"I'm not certain, but I think we're working towards another magic related problem." Mr Gold announces, not making direct contact with anyone in the room.

Emma and I both instinctively folded our arms, something I had realised we both did when we were nervous.

"Magic problem as in someone tried to use fairy dust to wax their legs again and they ended up hairier, or magic problem as in dad curse where we all get brutally murdered." Emma quizzed. We possibly had bigger problems and circling back to vacation discussing was still on the table, but I personally wanted to circle back to the first leg waxing disaster story.

"Again, it could be nothing," Gold started hesitantly. "but most likely the latter.".


i haven't updated this since before ouat ended. i doubt many people will read this, which is probably a good thing seeing as it's been almost a year and i doubt anything makes sense in relation to old chapters but oh well!! i'm still so sad at ouat ending but since then i went to another convention and hugged bex and lana winked at me and blew a kiss in my direction I DIED !!! it was magical!! ANYWAY MORE TO THE POINT i love fanfiction and i hate when i'm reading something and it just stops with no ending, so i want to leave this with at least something, even if it's terrible and anticlimactic.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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