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A.N. // I'm writing this chapter hours before captain swan's last ever episode and I'm an emotional wreck. I've never been so invested in a ship so much that it hurts. I'm going to miss Emma an unbelievable amount. She means so much to me and this sounds so dramatic but I don't know how I'm going to cope without any new Emma scenes in my life.

Separate to me crying my eyes out over a fictional character, I've changed my username from MozzarellaPlane to Rebeccamaders to match my new instagram account.//

"Do you think Katy Perry's boyfriend would mind if she kissed a girl? I mean, does it count as cheating if you're straight and a girl?" Mary Margaret asked, drunkenly. Robin and I were sat very nearby, trying not to laugh at what was coming out of my grandmother's mouth and exchanging texts about the adults. Killian joked that soon we'd be texting each other instead of using speech, but we were outside so it doesn't count. "What would you do if I told you I'd kissed a girl, Charming?"

"I'd probably laugh, because I wouldn't believe you." David smiled.

"I'll have you know that one of my best friends is a bisexual! I could have kissed her!" Mary Margaret argued. "A bisexual wolf. A bisexuwolf!"

Killian sniggered at the pun and I could tell he would definitely be bringing it up again.

"I don't know what you're laughing at, mister." Snow pointed her finger accusingly at my dad. "What would you do if your wife kissed a girl."

I looked over to Emma, who just rolled her eyes.

"I think you can drop the 'if', Snow." Regina laughed, clearly in on a secret not many others knew.

"Regina!" Emma gasped before downing the remaining wine in her glass. She refused to make eye contact with me, but knew I was looking in her direction.

"Ooh, scandalous." Zelena laughed, clapping her hands together as she leaned back into her chair.

"What are you implying about my daughter, Regina?" David enquired.

"It's nothing, dad, really." Emma said, looking at David but not directly into his eyes, she then turned to Killian. "Nothing. I'm not an adulterous whore."

"Regina, do tell." Snow leaned towards her step-mother. Zelena agreed, wanting in on any gossip or drama possible.

"Well, Emma and I had gone out for a few drinks when a couple of younger men started to make ... some suggestive comments about my attire-" Regina began.

"They were hitting on her. Some kids were hitting on her." Emma interrupted, encouraging Regina to get to her point.

"Like I said." Regina nodded, picking up where she left off. "They wouldn't leave Emma and I alone so Emma pretended to be my girlfriend by kissing me. They left pretty soon after that."

"Hey, Henry, did you hear that? Your mothers have been having some secret streamy make out sessions!" Zelena called over to where we were sat close by.

"Hm, I heard." Henry nodded, avoiding the topic.

Knowing Regina and my mom had kissed didn't make me feel as uncomfortable as it did to Henry. I found it funny, and expected my dad would too. They were so in love that he knew nobody was a threat to their relationship, not even a bossy ex-queen. I imagined Killian and I would bring this kiss up regularly, making Emma blush and tell us to shut up. The two of us were always winding her and Henry up while they retaliated with pathetic comebacks. From Emma, some were cleaner than others.

"Do you hate me?" Emma pouted, gazing over at Killian.

"No, of course not love," He smiled. "I think it's quite funny. I'm sure you'll be embarrassed in the morning, that's if you even remember any of this."

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now