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I rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed Killian's wrist, being careful not to cause a huge scene. The restaurant wasn't incredibly busy, but the majority of tables were either taken or reserved. There were probably people Emma and Killian knew eating at the restraunt.

"Emma needs you." I didn't go into detail, not that I really had details, but Killian knew from my eyes that something was very wrong. He pushed back his seat and hurried towards the ladies bathroom. He didn't think twice about entering a room for the opposite gender.

Henry, the only one still sat at the table, shot me a confused glance. I shook my head, not having anything to say on the matter. I then turned to investigate what was going on in the bathroom.

"Emma? Killian?" I called in a hurried tone as I pushed the heavy door open. "Can I do anything to help?"

"Could you tell Henry to pay for the meal. There's one of those cards Emma's handbag." Killian asked. "And can you collect our belongings, then open the car so we can get out quickly."

"Sure." The door hadn't fully closed yet, so I slipped out and joined Henry.

"Phoebe, what's wrong?" Henry asked after paying the bill. He hadn't a clue what was going on, but did whatever I said anyway.

"I don't know, okay?" I snapped before breaking down. I could win a gold medal for worrying, so it was hard for me to stay put together when there were hundreds of questions whizzing though my mind.

Henry didn't say anything, but he pulled me in for a hug. We were in the middle of a restraunt and were already getting some questioning looks, but I didn't care if I had an audience.

"Thank you." I said.

"What are big brothers for?" Henry smiled, despite the slight fear in his eyes.

"Can you get everyone's stuff and I'll meet you at the car?" I asked, knowing Henry would agree.

I ran out of the restraunt and unlocked the yellow car. Leaving the door open, I ran back inside to get Emma. It was Storybrooke, so I didn't need to panic about the car being stolen.

"I've done everything." I told Killian, who had his arm around Emma. He didn't speak, but nodded appreciatively.

Killian had his hooked arm around Emma so that his remaining hand was free to open doors. This didn't matter, as I walked ahead and held the doors open anyway.

The restraunt fell almost silent. People glanced over at us, cautiously trying not to stare. Whispers and quiet voices could be heard, but not distinguished. A lot of this was paranoia, but it was a fact that some people will have been intrigued.

Emma went to open the door to the driver's seat when Killian grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "You're in no state to drive, love."

"I'm fine." Emma lied, looking up to wipe her bottom eyelid. "You can't drive anyway."

"You gave me a few lessons not too long ago, and I can steer a ship very well." Killian argues. "I may not be the best, but you can't drive."

Emma didn't bother putting up a fight, but reluctantly climbed into the passenger seat.

"Sit on these." I leant into the front and put the coats onto Emma's chair. Clothes could be replaced if they got ruined, but Emma had an attachment to this old yellow car."

"Thanks." Emma tried to smile, but was obviously still in pain.

Except for the sound of the engine, the car journey to the hospital was quiet. During the first minute or so, you could hear Henry nervously cracking his knuckles.

"Mom..." Henry began, but sounded like he regretted opening his mouth before saying the first word. He wanted to know what was wrong, but was also scared.

"I'm probably having a miscarriage." Emma said, confirming my suspicions. She had stopped sobbing, but still looked more upset than I had ever seen her. The car went back to being silent.

• • •

"You are suffering from a miscarriage." The doctor, who I believe was called Dr Whale, informed Emma and Killian. We had been at the hospital for a few hours while Emma went through some tests, so it was getting late. "up to two-thirds of early miscarriages are associated with chromosome abnormalities, and we think that's why you are miscarrying."

Henry and I weren't supposed to be listening, but the walls were unusually thin. Emma and Killian were asked to sit in the room next door while Henry and I sat on a couple of plastic chairs inches away.

"So, what's next?" I heard Emma's voice ask.

"We're going to discharge you and reccomend staying in bed for the next day, at least." Doctor Whale answered. "Once again, I am very sorry for your loss."

I knew Henry had been listening in, too. We heard the sound of chairs moving before the door opened. When Killian and Emma emerged from the room Henry and I stood up from our chairs. We'd been listening, so we knew it was time to go.

"I'm going to call for a taxi. I don't trust myself to drive in the dark." Killian announced. Emma simply nodded before her husband stood aside to make the call.

Emma stood still, mascara still smudged under her eyes. I didn't have any idea what to say or do. I was still coming to terms with what it was like to be part of a family, and hadn't reached the comforting

"You can speak, you know?" Emma broke the silence. Henry was the same as me, not quite knowing what to say. "We're going to be fine."

"Are you still hurting?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"I'm going to be fine, Phoebe." Emma took a drop forward and put am a around me. She then beckoned Henry over before putting her spare a around him. "Let's just hope bad luck isn't genetic."

"The cab is here." Killian announced, hanging up on the phone. I didn't expect Storybrooke's taxi service to be in high demand.

Killian sat in the front seat and made polite conversation with the driver. Emma, henry, and I squashed into the backseat. I sat in the middle, sandwiched between my mother and my brother. Emma rested her head on my shoulder throughout the short journey. The care slowed outside Emma's house about five minutes later where Killian payed the driver.

We were all glad to be home. A lot has happened in the last couple of hours, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we were all exhausted. When we got inside, Emma went straight up to bed without brushing her teeth, getting changed, or saying a word to anyone.

"I'll sleep on the sofa." Killian said, going to the cupboard where the blankets were kept.

"Night, Killian." Henry waved before disappearing upstairs. I decided to get a drink of water from the kitchen before heading to bed.

Once I'd had a few sips of water I poured the rest down the sink. When I stepped out of the kitchen I saw Killian leant against a wall, lightly biting his nails from his remaining hand. He looked partly worried, partly scared.

"I thought you were going straight to sleep." I said, catching his eye.

"I was just waiting to say goodnight to you." Killian met me and gave me a tight hug, conveying his emotions into force. He kissed the top of my head before we made our seperate ways. I was a zombie while brushing my teeth and getting into my pyjamas, and I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें