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- Phoebe's point of view -

We spend the night watching Disney movies at Mary Margaret and David's before going to sleep. Mary Margaret thought it was hilarious to watch Snow White make fun of the cartoon version of herself. After the movie has ended, she put on Shrek the Third and skipped to the part with Snow White.

"That's more like it. Sassy Snow White." Mary Margaret smiled.

"I wouldn't go as far as calling my wife sassy." David commented.

"Really, David? Really?" She sounded genuinely offended. "You didn't think I was sassy when I kicked your ass? Multiple times. Or when I saved your life?."

"Okay, what part of the story am I missing?" I was confused with what was coming out of Mary Margaret's mouth.

"Your grandmother was a theif!" David blurted out before Mary Margaret could say anything.

"Let me tell the real story..." Mary Margaret put her hand over David's face, as if it was a normal thing to do, and began to tell me the stories of before Emma was born. Henry didn't bother listening, as he had probably heard that a million times.

"Aw, you were beaten up by a girl. How cute." Mary Margaret and I were both picking on David while Henry watched, not taking a side.

"And then I fell in love and married the girl." David said, trying to make us feel guilty about winding him up.

"You know I love you really." Mary Margaret smiled leant into her husband. She then learnt closer and gave her prince a kiss.

"I'm sitting right here." Henry interrupted.

"Violet." Was all I needed to say for him to go bright red and stop with his complaining.

"You better not follow in your father's footsteps with Violet.." David muttered under his breathe, but we all heard him.

"Grandpa!" Henry exclaimed, embarrassed by what David was implying.

"I'm just saying that people in this realm..." Mary Margaret hit her husband's arm, but I couldn't help but smirk.

"Right, I think it's time for bed." Mary Margaret announced, standing up from her chair. "Emma, will you help me set up a bed?"

"Emma?" I repeated.

"Did I say Emma? I meant Phoebe. I sound like a proper grandma now, mixing up names." Mary Margeret laughed uneasily and started to head up the stairs. I followed.

"What was it like having to give up Emma?" I asked.

There was a pause before Mary Margaret answered. "It was really hard. Heartbreaking, but we didn't have a choice. I like to think that everything happens for a reason and that good always wins. If we didn't give Emma up, we would have been curesed for eternity, you and Henry wouldn't have been born. We wouldn't have been happy. It hurts me knowing my only daughter had a depressing childhood and ended up knocked up and in prison at eighteen, but that's something I have to live with."

"I understand why Emma's been so down now." I took a seat on the edge of the bed next to Mary Margaret. She put her arm around my back and pulled me in for a side hug.

"Let's think about the positives. We're together now. That's good, right?" Mary Margaret always seemed to be optimistic.

"That's good." I agreed.

We sat for a minute. I was thinking about Emma, and I was sure Mary Margaret was doing the same. I hadn't told any of my newly found family members that I loved them yet, but I was beginning to feel that way. I instantly felt connected with everybody I met in this town. I had always presumed I was a city girl, but now I knew that Storybrooke was where I belonged.

My grandmother abruptly stood up from the bed and held her arms out towards me. "Come one."

I held onto her open hands and she pulled me up.

"There's a spare mattress under this bed that we can drag out." Mary Margaret and I crouched to that we were low enough to drag it out. Ten minutes later, we had fully arranged my makeshift bed. Mary Margaret had nearly made it with colourful throws and pillows, and I honestly could not wait to sleep.

"Phoebe, you know when I called you Emma earlier today..." Mary Margaret started while she finished plumping the pillows.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I think I lied about why I called you Emma." Mary Margaret started to explain. "I should probably be in my seventies right now, but my memory is still in tact. David's the forgetful one, not me. I think the reason I called you Emma is because you remind me a lot of your mother. When I'm around you it feels like I'm with a teenage version of Emma. I missed out on her teenage years, and I don't want to miss out on yours." She let out a sigh, obviously glad that she had opened up.

"I'm flattered that you think I'm like Emma." I said.

"If Emma had brown hair, blue eyes, thicker eyebrows, and a longer face you'd be almost identical. You've got our chin." Mary Margeret pointed out. "You also have similar mannerisms. Yours are more similar to your father's but there's still a lot of Emma in your. You walk he same, you talk the same, you pull the same moody faces."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I smiled.

"You should." Mary Margaret returned the smile with one twice as wide. Her optimistic and happy personality was always shown through her facial expressions. After had pointing out my moody face, I realised my pessimistic and sarcastic personality must be shown on mine.

"Hey, roomie." Henry appeared from the top of the stairs.

"Oh great, I have to share a room with you." I said in the most obviously sarcastic voice I could.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Henry snapped back, also sarcastically.

"These are the times I wish that Emma and Neal were closer in age." Mary Margaret smiled and out her hands over her heart. "It's so adorable watching you fight."

"Are you okay, grandma?" Henry asked as he bounced back onto his bed.

"I'm fine, Henry. I'm absolutely fine." She answered, still smiling. "Goodnight." She kissed the top of Henry's head and have me a hug before going back downstairs.

"Who's turning the light off?" I asked.

"I'm already in bed and you're closer." Henry almost shouted.

"Fine." I sighed, standing up from my soft floor bed. "I need to get changed anyway."

I picked up my bag and went into the little en suite that was connected to the large room me and Henry were sharing. The room was so small that if didn't even have room for a shower; only a toilet and sink.

I pulled out a pair of leggings and one of the oversized t-shirts Emma has leant me to sleep in. I changed into them, brushed my teeth, removed my makeup, and went back into the bedroom.

"Night." I said as I flicked the switch.

"Night." Henry repeated. I managed to feel my way to my nearby bed through the dark and managed to fall asleep quickly.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now