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A/N: this chapter is kind of confusing. I tried to make it so that story is Phoebe re-telling it to Mary Margaret, but I don't know if it's very clear.

"So, how was it?" Mary Margaret asked as I walked into her apartment with my suitcase. It was the night before our family vacation and Regina had suggested we all have our luggage in one place so we were more organised the next morning.

"How was what?" Rolling my case and stopping it near the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh, come on. You're a Charming, so you don't get to play the fool. I want to hear everything about the date!" Mary Margaret exclaimed, careful not to wake Neal who was fast asleep on the sofa with cushions propped up next to him in the hope of preventing a fall.

"Everything?" I winced, knowing my grandmother would want no less.

"Of course, come over here." She held my wrist lightly and dragged me towards the kitchen. The ex-bandit sat me down at the breakfast bar before sashaying towards where the mugs and hot chocolate was kept. I knew her plan; tempt me with my favourite drink, then pounce. Emma had done the exact same thing the previous evening.

The room was peacefully quiet with the exception of the water boiling and Neal's light snoring. I took this time to mentally prepare myself for my interrogation.

"How was the restaurant? Did you go anywhere after? Was there a goodnight ki-" Mary Margret asked before she even managed to make contact with the stool beside me.

"Should I start from the beginning or will your questions be enough." I asked.

"Start from the beginning!" She smiled. "You're much easier than Emma."

I rolled my eyes, choosing to ignore her comment. I didn't quite know what she meant, but my guesses would suffice.

I began "Okay, so..."

• • •

I answered the door almost immediately after the knock, knowing Emma would take joy in answering it first and humiliating me.

"Hello, Luke!" Emma called from halfway down the stairs, starting conversation before I had the chance to greet my date.

"Hello, Miss Jones." Luke smiled nervously cracking his knuckles.

"Oh, Emma's fine." Emma exhaled before shouting Killian in from the next room.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir." Luke greeted Killian. Emma and I shared a sarcastic glance. Luke had supposedly spent most of his life in Camelot, so of course he was going to be very official when meeting my dad.

"The pleasure is mine." Killian replied with a friendly nod. "So, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Killian!" Emma interrupted as Luke's gave appeared more nervous by the millisecond.

"Don't worry, lad, I'm not the enemy. It's just something I've always wanted to be able to say." Killian confessed.

"Well, my only intentions are to get to know your daughter and make her happy." Luke replied. Emma raised her eyebrows, but I ignored her.

"Good intentions are all I'm looking for, but make sure you don't hurt her. Phoebe is an amazing girl and I don't think purple would compliment your eyes." Killian said in a surprisingly non-threatening manor.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang