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I lay awake in my makeshift bed until the early hours of the morning. When Emma and I had made our way upstairs to go to sleep it must have been 10pm. It had been a long day, and I would have been sleeping like a log by 22:01 if it wasn't for what had happened five minutes before bedtime. For the first hour or so, the room was pitch black. During the second and third hour I law awake, my eyes started to adjust to the dark and I could see the shaped of the crib, some other pieces of furniture and some bold decorations around the room. If I looked closely, I could see my name written above the crib.

However hard I tried, I couldn't take my mind off the fact that Emma's long-lost daughter's name is Phoebe Jones. There could have only been a brick wall and a few blankets separating me and my mother at that moment.

On the other hand, there could be another Phoebe Jones. The dates and ages of me and the son Emma said she had didn't make sense: Emma had mentioned having a teenage son and then being a considerable amount of time before having her daughter. I would probably have to be a toddler still to be part of the Swan family.

There was hundreds of different scenarios and stories, many of which I juggled in my head while I was supposed to be sound asleep. It must have been past 3am before my body finally gave up and I went to sleep.

When I woke up the room was light again. The curtains were not very thick, so beams of light could easily fill the nursery. I was still tired, so it took my eyes a while to adjust. I was still squinting when I felt around the floor beside be to pick up my phone. I checked the time. It was 9:30. I was surprised I didn't sleep in longer, but my brain was probably too busy to let me have a lie in.

I decided I needed some air. That, and some clothes. I regretted not packing more when I ran away from my foster home.

I unzipped my rucksack to check if my money had tried from the day before. Luckily, all the notes were completely dry and hadn't been completely ruined like I feared the may have been. Next, I found the pile of dried clothes I had worn yesterday. I changed into my shorts, put on my top, pulled my converse over my feet without undoing the laces, and put my jacket on. My hair looked like a birds nest and I had no brush, so I used my hands to twist my hair into a messy bun. The only makeup I had brought with me was a half empty mascara and a nude lipstick, so I went bare faced. I grabbed my bag and I was ready to go.

When I exited the bedroom I noticed  Emma's door was still closed. No lights were on and I couldn't hear any noises. I quietly stepped down the stairs, careful not to make a noise. I wasn't trying to sneak away and escape, I just didn't want to wake Emma. If her night was anything like mine, she'd want to sleep long enough to be the next sleeping beauty.

I found a piece of scrap paper and a blue biro in one of the kitchen drawers. I wrote a note to Emma for  in case she thought I had ran away.

I've just gone out to get some air and maybe buy some things. Thank you for letting me stay last night.
- Phoebe xx

I folded the note and stood it up on the table where it would easily be spotted. Before leaving, I quickly gulped down a glass of water. I was about to go for the door when I saw a packet of gum laying on the counter. Remembering that I didn't have a toothbrush, I took a piece. I didn't want to go from the mysterious, new girl to the girl with breath like a horse.

I closed the front door and walked away from the house. I couldn't remember which way to turn to save my life. Luckily for me, I could see buildings in the distance, so I knew to turn left. As I walked, I crossed paths with a brown haired teenager. I recognised him, but couldn't put my finger on where from.

"What were you doing coming out of my Mom's house?" The boy asked. He didn't ask in a rude way, he was just curious. It suddenly clicked in my head that he was the boy from the photographs, Emma's son.

"I didn't have anywhere to sleep last night, so Emma offered to let me stay over." I explained.

"Oh, that's cool." He shrugged. "Are you staying in Storybrooke tonight?"

"That's the plan, but my night will probably be spent sleeping beside a bush." I said, half jokingly, but half seriously. I had no idea what the near future had in store for me.

"I'm pretty sure our house will be slightly more appealing than a bush." Henry said with a plain expression. He seemed to have the same sarcasm and sense of humour as I had, which I liked.

"I don't want to be that weird girl who never leaves, but if anyone was to give me a place to stay I would agree right away. I'm surprised I haven't been kidnapped." I replied. I tried to make it obvious that I did want to stay, but without looking desperate. I liked Emma a lot, and I needed to find out more about her daughter.

I said goodbye to Henry and carried on walking towards the main town. Storybrooke appeared to be small, so it didn't take me long before I was walking through the cute little Main Street again.

The first shop I went to was a drugstore. I bought a toothbrush, toothpaste, some little shampoo and shower gel bottles, some face wipes, a hair brush, and some Bobby pins. I picked up some foundation, concealer, some eyebrow gel, eyeliner, and a tinted lip balm from the makeup section. I did need to save my money, but I would rather splash a little bit of cash than look like a troll.

The second shop I went to was a little clothes shop. I bought a pair of dark grey ripped jeans, a handful of different coloured vest tops, sock and underwear as essentials. I also picked up an oversized burgundy cardigan. I knew that it sometimes got breezy near the coast and didn't want to be left shivering in a sleeveless outfit.

The last shop I went to was a tiny bakery. All I bought from there was a warm bread roll, which I ate right away. I hadn't eaten since the night before.

I had finished shopping, and once again, had no plans on what to do next. I told myself the beach was not the best option, but I found myself walking towards the see, anyway. It sounds weird, but I felt like a belonged near the sea. Who knows, maybe I had saltwater in my blood.

I reached the little port, and the huge ship I saw the day before looked even more beautiful than the last time. The sun was shining down onto the deck and a flag was flapping in the wind from the top of the flagpole. I just stood, staring at the boat.

"I see you're a fan of my boat, love." An Irish voice appeared from nowhere. I jumped, not knowing there was anyone else around. I looked up to see a man standing on the deck. He was on the opposite side of the ship to where I had been admiring, which will have been the reason I didn't notice him. He had dark hair, dark clothes, and looked like he was in need of a shave. What stood out the most to me was his eyes. His eyes were the exact same turqoisey-blue as mine.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now