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I groaned as I opened my eyes to a thin beam of sunlight managing to make its way through my closed curtains. It was Monday morning, which meant back to school.

Robin had been sleeping on an inflatable mattress on my floor for the past couple of nights. She still wasn't fully comfortable with the Mills' family past, and definitely wasn't ready to move back into the home she lived in as an infant. Emma was easygoing and made sure Robin knew she was welcome to stay for as long as she needed.

"Morning." Robin smiled sleepily up from the floor. I was still getting used to calling her Robin instead of Ellie.

"I'm not feeling school." I sighed.

"If Regina is my stepmother, does that make your grandmother my step-sister?" Robin asked, which didn't link to anything.

"How does your brain function this early in the morning?" I asked.

"There's just a lot to think about." Robin answered. It was true. The day before, Emma and I had found a huge piece of paper and attempted to draw out a family tree. We colour coded what the different lines meant in relation to each person, but we soon ran out of colours and space.

"We're practically cousins." I added.

"Among other things." Robin agreed. My brother was her cousin and, as Robin reminded me, she was my step-great aunt.

"Guess who's going to sit at home all day watching Netflix?" Emma asked, popping her head around the door.

"Me?" I asked hopefully, knowing the answer was obviously not me.

"Haha, no. You have school," Emma chanted. "LOL!"

"Please don't say 'LOL', mom." Henry pleaded, joining Emma in the doorway.

"OMG, Henry. I can say whatever I want. I'm an independent woman." Emma answered back, snapping her fingers.

"Please stop." I cringed at Emma, who now has her hands on her hips in a very non-Emma like pose.

"I'm just joking with you. Who do you think I am, Mary Margaret?" Emma laughed before turning to go downstairs.

A few minutes later the scent of warm, buttery toast wafted it's way into my room. The food was my only incentive to get out of bed and get ready for school.

I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a white top. It was windy outside, so I took down my leather jacket that was hanging on the back of my door.

Ellie hadn't brought too much stuff with her, so she borrowed a pair of my jeans to go with her green plaid shirt and black vest top.

We did our makeup together, battling for mirror space, before going downstairs. We were the last to enter the kitchen, so pulled up a chair around the table with Emma, Killian and Henry.

"I like your jacket." Emma commented.

"Aye, I approve." Killian nodded. The couple were no stranger to leather jackets, and were happy that at least one of their children carried on with the tradition. Henry was partial to a striped scarf.

"So Henry, how's Violet?" Killian asked while we were all seated. Everyone except Robin had a piece of toast smothered in Nutella. Robin claimed she wasn't hungry and would eat during break. Her lack of eating didn't spark a new conversation, much to Henry's disappointment, but Emma and I exchanged concerned glances.

"Let's not talk about me and Violet for once, okay?" Henry huffed, biting into his toast. It was hard to take him seriously with a brown, chocolate moustache making itself at home above his top lip.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now