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"Phoebe, how are you okay with all of this?" Ellie asked after a few minutes of sitting on the front steps. It wasn't cold, but a sharp breeze had brought out goosebumps on my bare arms.

"Well, there's not much I can argue with." I replied honestly, "It's not like I can just deny what's right infront of me."

"I've just never believed in magic. Not even when I was little. Not Santa clause, not the tooth fairy, not anything. How can I wrap my head around this?" Ellie quizzed me.

"You haven't heard the most of it." I smiled. My voice my have had a trace of amusement, which endives further questioning.

"There's worse?" Ellie asked.

"Come back inside so we can confuse you some more." I offered, standing up from the floor.

"Can't you just tell me here?" Ellie pleaded, grabbing my hand.

"There is no way I'm explaining all the crazy to you." I smiled, pulling my hand away. Our semi-normal conversation seemed to have calmed her.

"We're back." I sang as I entered the living room with Ellie, "I think now would be a good time to reference Henry's book." I sat back in the sofa smirking at the adults' faces. I knew I wouldn't be made to do any explaining, so I didn't need to panic like they did.

"What book?" Ellie asked quickly.

"So you've accepted the whole magic thing?" Emma asked.

"I guess." Ellie shrugged, confirming Emma's presumptions.

"Well Henry has this book," Emma began. "And Regina's going to tell you about it.

Regina learn forward to glare at Emma. Regina was sat on the left side of the sofa, Zelena was sat in the middle, and Emma was on the right.

"Henry has a Storybrooke which isn't filled with the usual fairytales. Every one of the stories are true, most being about people who live in this town." Regina explained. Her clarity very obviously calmed Ellie. I couldn't blame Emma and Zelena from wanting Regina to do all of the talking.

"So it's just a book about people from here?" Ellie asked, not quite putting the pieces together. Regina didn't huff or roll her eyes, instead she simply carried on with her explaination.

"Think more Disney." Regina hinted.

"So you mean Snow White and her family live in this town, or something?" Ellie joked.

"Guilty." Emma raised her hand.

"Wait, what?" Ellie's face screwed in confusion.

Regina looked away for a moment before flicking her wrists. In a puff of dark plum smoke, Henry's battered book appeared in Regina's hands. She held the book out to me at arms length and I leant forward to reach it. After opening the front cover, I placed it on Ellie's lap.

She flicked through the pages, passing past tales of my dad, my grandma, my grandpa.

"Princess Leia?" Ellie looked up.

"Guilty again." Emma confessed, lifting her hand up for the second time.

"You don't have the space buns." Ellie commented.

"I'm not actually Princess Leia, I just needed an alias and Princess Leia was the first name I thought of." Emma explained. "Killian was Prince Charles."

"As if Hook could ever be royalty." Zelena scoffed.

"Hook?" Ellie's questioning continued.

"Killian." I corrected.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang