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- Phoebe's POV -

"David?" I greeted my grandfather in a confused fashion as I made my way out of school. I had just got out of my only class with both Henry and Phoebe, so we didn't need to go searching for each other before walking home together.

"Your mom asked me to pick you up." David answered to my questioning tone.

"We could have walked." I said, still sounding confused.

"Yeah, and then I wouldn't have to have you three losers sitting in the back of my car." David smiled.

"Hey." Henry argued."

It's the truth and you know it." David retorted, opening the back door to his car and holding it open for Phoebe and I, showing just how much of a gentleman he is. Henry walked walked around and got into the front seat.

"So, what did you to today, grandpa?" Henry asked.

"I took little Rowland on a walk, the two of us a had a nice conversation about swords, then I went to Granny's and had some soup, then Killian arrived and we had a game of darts, then Killian left and I ordered a cup of coffee, then Emma called me and asked me to pick you up, then I picked you up." David listed for us.

"Where was Grandma?" Henry asked.

"I haven't spoken to her." David answered, his usual chirpiness leaving. Except for Phoebe and I muttering to each other about the sleepover we were planning with Melody and Violet, the car was silent for the rest of the journey.

Once we got home the conversation started to build once more with Killian added to the mix. I felt like I had experienced more than my fair share of awkwardly quiet car rides since entering Storybrooke.

"So, was there a reason why Emma wanted us to be home so early?" I asked a few minutes later, curious.

"Emma said she had-" Killian began, before being interrupted.

"I heard my name." As if on cue, Emma unlocked the front door and joined us. The five of us were standing around in the hallway. Once we got talking, we didn't go through the hassle of all fling to find seats. By hassle, I mean the 10 steps walk to a nearby chair, but still.

"Hey mom." Henry called.

"Hey kid," Emma smiled back, but her eyes didn't hold the same happiness as her mouth was showing. "I need to talk to you all. It's about the curse."

Killian, Emma, Phoebe, Henry and I went into the living room and sat down on the sofa and chairs around the room. David, however, hovered around the doorway. It was like a repeat of the journey home where he distanced himself from everyone and didn't say a word. I gathered that this was David's version of being upset or annoyed, but he hadn't specified why he was like this for the second time in the last half hour.

"Don't ask any questions yet, because I just need to put it out there." Emma began. I could tell by her introduction that it was going to be a lengthy explaination, packed with emotion and drama. Now that I had relationships with people in the town, the idea scared me. "Mary Margaret enacted the curse."

In the milliseconds before Emma continues talking so many thoughts rushed to my head. I couldn't imagine the sweet, selfless lady who offered my a place to stay when I had nowhere doing something so evil. She was a grandmother, for god's sake. She baked in her spare time and, though she doesn't shout it from the rooftops, she is an avid knitter and scrapbooker. Before Emma's miscarriage, I caught Mary Margaret with a pair of knitting needles in her hands on more than one occasion.

As the layers of the story were revealed, the denial faded away and I came to terms with the fact Snow White wasn't as pure and light as I thought she had been. I was fixed on my own thoughts and Emma's voice, blocking out the people around me and not bothering to see how they were taking this.

"...and that's all I know." Emma finished. She forcefully closed her eyes, batting away any possible tears. I knew the position she was in, and she didn't want to cry infront of the people she needed to look strong infront of.

"She used Neal's heart?" I turned to see David leaning against a wall beside the doorway. The expression on his face made my heart break into two heavy pieces.

"Apparently." Emma answered, looking to the floor.

"I have to go, Emma. I've not seen your brother since yesterday and after hearing this-" David stuttered, not knowing how to express his feelings.

"I get it, dad." Emma smiled sympathetically. "Give Neal a jug from me."

David replied with a nod before disappearing out of the front door, leaving the five of us alone, not knowing how to string a sentence together.

"I'm so sorry, love." Killian said, wrapping his arm around his wife, who had sat down next to him on he sofa.

"It's not your fault." Emma corrected him. "And anyway, this is just as hard on you. You suffered, too."

"Aye, that is true, but finding out it was somebody you trusted more than anyone else who enacted the curse in the first place." Killian explained.

"We'll get through it. We've all been through so much, and I know it's so soon and it sounds crazy, but I see why my Mom did what she did. She thought it was the right thing to do, and to be fair, she didn't have many options."

"I'm just glad we're all together now, so we can focus on the future." Henry added.

We all agreed and silently enjoyed each other's company for a few moments.

"Emma?" Robin called across the room.

"Yes." Emma replied, looking over at her family member. She wasn't a niece, she wasn't a daughter, nor a sister. Our family was so complicated and it was hard to label a person in some cases.

"I'm going to move in with Regina and Zelena." Robin announced, bringing a hint of a proud smile to Emma's lips.

"Zelena and Regina will love that, Robin." Emma's smile grew. It was a relief to see a smile on her face after everything she had found out today.

Our questions had been answered and although it wasn't the outcome we expected it wanted, from here things could only get better.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora