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"Are you sure you're better now? I'm still convinced you're getting rid of us to you can spend the whole day crying." I quizzed Emma. She was the parent, but we had an equal relationship. Some may say we were unlikely friends before realising we were family. I, however, would say our friendship was inevitable. We may have had a nineteen year age gap, but we had similar personalities and had similar upbringings.

"I promise I'm okay." Emma laughed at my concern as she helped stick my bird decals onto the newly painted wall. I was planning on decorating my walls with pictures over time, but it was looking perfect.

"So you're sending us to Regina's for the night because I'm annoying?" I asked, knowing Emma would retaliate.

"No!" She insisted. "It's just that we've spent the last few weeks as a family, which I've loved, but Killian and I haven't had any time alone-."

"Say no more." I interrupted, putting my hands beside my head in defeat.

"Not like that!" Emma snapped. I couldn't take her seriously when she pretended to be strict, so I naturally broke into a smile. "We just haven't gone out on a date or anything like that."

"I get it." I nodded, continuing to pack my overnight bag. This time, I wouldn't have to borrow Zelena's clothes. "Just make sure you don't bump into Henry."

"What?" Emma clearly didn't know about Henry and Violet's date, so I told her about Henry's not-so-secret plans to take his girlfriend out to see a movie after dinner at Granny's.

"He won't do anything stupid, will he?" Emma asked me, as if I had the answer to every question.

"How would I know?" I shrugged, "he's your son."

"He's only young, and he has a brain. I have nothing to worry about." Emma told herself before getting back to decorating my wall.

"He's only two years younger than you were when you had him." I sang under my breath as I zipped up my full bag.

"I heard that." Emma spoke with a slightly worried tone, "I'm going to ask Killian to talk to him." Emma quickly finished sticking the floral print sticker into the wall before hurrying to find her husband.

• • •

"I'm leaving, mom." Henry shouted. Emma had been saying she would 'just be two minutes' for the past half hour, and Henry had finally lost his patience.

"Wait!" Emma hurried downstairs, but the door slammed before Henry saw her. "Make good choices..."

I was curled up on the sofa, giggling to myself about Emma's reaction to Henry's date. Killian and Emma didn't get a chance to speak to Henry before he left.

"Are you ready Killian?" Emma asked, reapplying her red lipstick in the hallway. There was a small mirror near the door that she was looking into.

"Aye." Killian nodded before turning to me, "Are you ready, love." He asked me.

"Aye." I mocked his accent and curled my index finger to mimic a hook.

"You look like that creature from that movie Emma made me watch, only your finger isn't glowing." Killian laughed.

"Are you saying our beautiful daughter looks like ET?" Emma asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Woah, thanks dad!" I said sarcastically.

Killian stopped laughing and instead smiled the widest smile humanly possible.

"You just called me dad!" Killian pointed out.

"I've been calling you dad in my head for weeks." I shrugged. The moment wasn't as big of a deal as when I called Emma mom for the first time. Back then, we hadn't been a proper family. Now, we were family-holiday-brochure worthy. Well, except from the hunk of metal replacing Killian's hand.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now