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- Phoebe's point of view -

"You're up early," Emma observed as she walked into the kitchen. It was 6:30am and I hadnt expected either of my parents to be downstairs anytime before 9am on a Sunday. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, really. I just had a bit of a headache, so I came to find some painkillers." I answered. I had swallowed the tablet before Emma walked into the room, so now I was pouring the leftover water down the sink.

"You should go back to bed and get some rest." Emma told me, a hint of worry in her voice.

"I'm honestly fine, but I'm going back to bed anyway. It's not even light outside yet." Nobody bothered to close the blinds in the kitchen, so I could clearly see that the sun hadn't properly risen yet. "Why are you up and dressed at this time?"

"I woke up a few hours ago and couldn't get back to sleep, so I'm going to go and get some work done. Saviour's work is never over." Emma replied. "Do you want to meet later at granny's? We can get some breakfast, or lunch, or brunch -we can get some food."

"That sounds great." I smiled. We exchanged a sad excuse of a hug as a brushed past Emma to go back upstairs. Within ten minutes I was asleep again.

It was a few hours later when I finally woke up and my headache had completely gone. I didn't know whether it was the painkillers still in action or the extra hours of rest, but I was glad, whatever the reason was.

I changed out of my plaid pyjamas into a pair of blue skinny jeans and a dark grey turtleneck. I did my makeup, incorporating winged eyeliner and a deep red lipstick Mary Margaret had given me a few weeks ago. I pulled my hair into an acceptable ponytail before pulling on my black boots, not bothering to fully undo the laces.

"You look lovely this morning." Killian smiled once I had arrived downstairs for the second time this morning. He was stood infront of the large window that overlooked the sea with a mug of what looked like coffee in his only functioning hand.

"Thank you." I shrugged, not knowing how to accept a compliment without acting like an awkward mess.

"So, Emma sent me a letter on the talking phone about something she calls 'brunch'." Killian mentioned.

"Her and billions of other people around the world." I muttered.

"What was that?" Killian enquirered.

"It's nothing." I laughed lightly to myself.

"Is it okay with you if we set off in a quarter of an hour?" Killian asked.

"Perfect." I agreed. It gave me enough time to grab a little shoulder bag, brush my teeth and put in my contact lensesstill leaving me some time to waste on my phone.

"Do you need any help?" I looked up from my phone, realising that Killian was struggling with the shoelaces on his boots.

"Aye, please," Killian smiled, thankfully. "Tying laces with a metal hook isn't the easiest of jobs."

"I'll take you're word for it." I said. I had two functioning hands, so my dad's second lace was tied in seconds. He has managed to tie the first on his own.

We set off for the local diner, leaving us enough time to walk at a leisurely pace. I was usually a fast walker and had been known to become increasingly impatient when stood behind a slow walker, but having a pretty view and salty sea air made me want to slow down and appreciate my surroundings. That wasn't something a person would want to do when on the side of a busy road, seeing as the salty sea air would be replaced for car fumes and barely edible street food smells.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now