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- Phoebe's point of view -

I woke up at around 11am to the the sound of Sofia Vergara's voice downstairs Tv. I wasn't a particularly light sleeper and the sound of music or quiet chattering usually would go unnoticed, but the volume was unbelievably high. The sound of the Colombian actress' voice was followed by a more familiar voice.

"Woah, woah. I didn't even press the bloody sound button!" Killian shouted, obviously getting annoyed by the remote control for the second time this week.

I reluctantly pulled off my warm covered, grabbed a fluffy grey robe that had been hanging at the foot of my bed, and went downstairs to join my clueless father.

"Are you okay?" I asked, lookikg over at Killian.

"Aye, never been better." He replied, though I could barely hear him above the sound.

"Pass it here." I ordered, snatching the remote from his hand and pressing hold on the button to lower the volume. "You know, I'm surprised you even managed to turn the TV on."

"You're as cruel as your mother."  Killian insisted, falling back into the sofa. I took a seat next to him, ignoring his comment. It was supposed to be an insult, but I personally took it as a compliment. I loved being compared to my family.

"So, how does your Hook- why a hook?" I asked, picking up the metal that replaced my dad's hand and analysing it. I was worried I was making him feel uncomfortable, as I was picking up his makeshift hand and was leaning into him, but the expression on his face persuaded me otherwise. He looked happy to be so close to me. He was my dad, after all.

"It was many moons ago when the dark one, runplestiltskin, sliced off my hand. We're civil now, but back then it was a lot different." Killian began. I could tell by the look in his eyes that there were parts he was leaving out, but I didn'nt ask further questions. "We were onboard the ship when Smee and I fashioned some old armour - something we had stolen with no use for - and a spare hook into this." He gestured to his hook. "And is had it ever since."

"Have you ever hurt anyone with it?" I asked. I didn't mean to ask any questions that would offend him, I was just curious. Luckily, Killian was happy to explain.

"On purpose, no. Not that I can recall, anyway. There was a time my hook was enchanted to rip out a heart, but the plan never went through. If I were to fight, I would rather be a man and draw a sword." He answered. "Accidentally, yes. I've scratched a few people, luckily nothing major. I always take it off before ... being with Emma, and I take it off before going to sleep each night. In the beginning, before I knew what I was doing, I'd remove my hook when nursing you when you were a baby."

"So, there's just a little stump underneath?" I questioned.

"Aye, look." Killian twisted the hook, and the equipment made a clicking sound before coming off. I don't know what I had expected to see. His wrist was still in tact, but there was a smooth bump where his hand would have once been. After showing me what was left, he slotted the hook back onto his arm. "You know, I once had my hand back for a day."

"Proceed." I encouraged him after moment of silence.

"It was mine and your mother's first proper date. I had been in love with her for over a year, but obviously Emma wasn't going to fall for a one-handed pirate so easily. I made a deal with Rumplestiltskin that involved me getting my hand back. If it came to it, I wanted to be able to hold Emma with both hands." Killian retold the story. I knew that even after years of marriage he still flirted with Emma like he was trying to win her heart, but I hadn't realise he was such a hopeless romantic. He cared about Emma so much.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ