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-Phoebe's Point Of View-

Henry and I were flipping pancakes in the kitchen when Killian arrived. Emma had offered to make us pancakes, but the first glimpse of sibling rivalry was seen when Henry challenged me to a pancake flipping competition. Emma let us get on with our aggressive breakfast making and took a seat at the breakfast table, flicking through the pages of an IKEA catalogue.

It was a Tuesday morning, but there was some sort of meeting being held at the school, so we only had to go in at half past eleven. It was a nice change being able to wake up a little bit later and not have to rush.

"I never thought I'd be happiest living on land." Killian joined us in the kitchen and dropped his cardboard box of belongings on the floor near the doorway. The ex-pirate then slid into a chair next to Emma.

"We're glad you're back." Emma closed the catalogue and leant her head on her husband's shoulder.

"I've been outnumbered by girls. It's been horrible." Henry complained, earning a small laugh from Killian.

"Well, I'm back and I'm never leaving again." Killian chirped, which was very Mary Margaret of him. You didn't expect a rugged, leather wearing, eyeliner wearing man to chirp.

"This time you're stuck with me." I added.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Killian slowly stood up, careful not to drop Emma's head. He came and gave me a big hug, picking me up. "You've grown a bit since the last time I carried you, love."

I couldn't help but laugh. Never in a million years did I imagine being part of a happy, loving family. From the stories I've heard, I don't think anyone else in the room did, either. Emma grew up like I had been, Henry was adopted by a strict, single parent, and Killian sailed the seven seas. We were an unlikely, but possibly a perfect family.

"You're both excellent cooks." Killian exclaimed, tucking into the breakfast Henry and I cooked.

"Thank you." We said together.

We spent the duration of the meal talking more than eating. Our pancakes were cold by the time we made it to our last few mouthfuls, but I didn't mind at all. I wasn't used to family meals yet, but they were definitely something I would like to get used to. A few years ago I tried to tell myself that family was overrated, but that obviously was not true.

"We better get going, Pheebs." Henry said, carrying his clear plate and slotting it into the dishwasher.

"When you get home we'll have some of those magical black and white photos of Emma's uterus." Killian said excitedly. He going with Emma for her ultrasound today.

"If only school didn't exist. I'd rather stay here." I sighed dramatically.

"If you didn't have school you'd be an idiot. You're not dropping out of school at sixteen like I did, so don't be late." Emma shooed us with her hands, but was smiling.

"Love you too." I smiled. My school had was handing from the back of the chair, so I lifted it up and put the strap over my shoulder.

"I'll just get my backpack." Henry ran out of the room, returning seconds later with his bag. "Bye Mom, bye Killian."

"Bye, kid." Emma lazily blew a kiss. "Oh, and we're going out for dinner at seven, so he home before six."

"We will do." Henry assured her.

• • •

School was only on for about four hours, so it was fine. During last period Henry invited me to join him and his friends at Granny's after school. Henry, Violet, and a boy called Luke we're going to get milkshakes at the diner after school. I agreed to come and invited my new friend, Melody.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now