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- Emma's point of view -

Robin has been staying in my house with Phoebe for almost two weeks now. It was no trouble for me, but it obviously bothers Zelena. Robin and Phoebe join Henry whenever he goes to his other mom's house, so Zelena and Robin do see a lot of each other, but it's not exactly how a mother and her teenage daughter typically live.

"She's opening up more, but it just doesn't feel like home to her yet. I know the feeling." I told Regina. I was currently sat with my feet up on Regina's clean sofa. Regina was one of my very best friends, so I didn't need to worry about my muddy boots getting dirt on her cushions. It might annoy me, but what could she do? she's only the evil queen.

"I get its like to feel different, left out," Regina nodded in agreement as she lifted her large coffee mug towards her face to take a sip. "Was there a moment where your family started to feel like family?"

"Well, there was no denying Henry and I were family, because of DNA, but I think it once I started protecting him I first felt like a proper mother." I explained. "He...he wasn't the happiest-"

"Because I was a complete bitch." Regina put an end to my stuttering and finished my sentence for me.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"When did you first feel part of the..." Regina paused to come up with the right word. "The Nolan-Blanchard-Mills-Swan family?"

I couldn't help but laugh at how Regina worded her question. She said it in a typical serious Regina tone.

"I think it was probably when Mary Margaret and I were ok the enchanted forest. There's just something about being away from everything, but with the same people. It was like I knew that they were the people who would always be there, which wasn't like anyone I'd had in the past." I opened up to Regina. I used to be such an enclosed person, but now, to the right person, I could ramble about my feelings for hours.

"So a trip?" Regina enquired.

"A family trip." I added.

"A family vacation," Regina finalised. That was it. It was exactly what we needed to being everyone together. Phoebe had adjusted well, but I still thought the time away with her family would dismiss any worries or doubts she has stuffed into the back corners of her brain. "And by family I mean everyone. You, Hook, Pheebs, Henry, me, Zelena, Pheobe, Mary Margaret, Neal. The works."

On the topic of adjustment, I couldn't help but smile in a Mary Margaret 'I'm a mom and I'm proud of you inhaling oxygen' smiles. When I met Regina she was a horrible woman. Selfish, ruthless, obnoxious, intimidating. Now, she cares. She had a family who she loved and she loved them. Yes, she may still be a little intimidating when she wears red lipstick, a posh outfit, and a pair of loud heels, but not scarily intimidating. More like Intimidating with being an accomplished woman who could wear heels for over twelve hours with nothing more than a red mark on her pinkie toe.

"Where to?" I asked.

"I don't know. You're the one who's traveled, Emma. The only time I've left this town was when we went to New York and when you and Henry forced me to go and buy Oreos from some store in the middle of nowhere." Regina replied.

"In my defence, the whole town had ran our of Oreos," I argued "and the store wasn't in the middle of nowhere, we are. Have you seen how long the road to get to Storybrooke is?"

"Yes, twice," Regina answered. "We've already established that."

"Back to the vacation, though," I changed the subject. "Should we bring it up tonight?"

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now